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It's been 3 months of NC & things have finally been looking up.


But today is one of those days. I'm in tears, have such low self-esteem, can't stop questioning the breakup, and finding all the things about myself that I don't like....


Has anyone experienced that? Where after the break up you finally hit the point of being okay and then out of the middle of no where the negative feelings come back? How can one person (who isn't in your life anymore) cause so much pain?!

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Me, me, me.


After days of feeling better, I find myself easily sliding back into that long, dark, and painful tunnel of hurt, heartbreak and resentment. Low self esteem follows. I'm there today (after waking up relatively "happy").


No one knows just how bad I really really want him back. And with my NC, I'm not sure he really knows either. To top it off, all the "keeping busy" in the world is not enough to ease my yearning for him. This, after two months of trying.


It's as if this roller coaster is never going to end.

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Me, me, me.


After days of feeling better, I find myself easily sliding back into that long, dark, and painful tunnel of hurt, heartbreak and resentment. Low self esteem follows. I'm there today (after waking up relatively "happy").


No one knows just how bad I really really want him back. And with my NC, I'm not sure he really knows either. To top it off, all the "keeping busy" in the world is not enough to ease my yearning for him. This, after two months of trying.


It's as if this roller coaster is never going to end.


You just said everything the I was wanting to say.


Hopefully with more time, we will BOTH really begin to forget & move on.


I can't wait for that day where I just don't feel anything for my ex anymore.

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I work for the same company as my ex... and it has been rough. This week was really bad, but then I found out today that she may have hooked up with someone in the last few months, a few states away. Of course this is all fifth hand rumor so it is all assumptions... but...


No Contact just got easier. I still pray for her daughter IF this is true, if not well I'm sure it will prepare me for this eventuality. Sorry to hijack..


I sure hope you guys are able to heal and gain strength... I have empathy for your situations, to say the least. Your not alone in your feelings..

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I think that more people than you realize truly understand what you are going through. The recovery process is not a straight line and you will often find yourself going up and down. This is competely normal. It's been 6 months for me and I still feel an ache in my heart even though my brain knows the reality of things. Time will make things better and keeping yourself moving forward and not holding on to the past too tight.

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