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Pamper day for my girlfriend... suggestions?


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Hi, I'm planning a pamper day for my girlfriend; to show her how much I love her. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could do for her on this day? I'm planning to do this on Saturday.


I can cook and I can massage her. I wondered if anyone could help me out with ideas on what food would make her feel pampered and loved, and what else I might be able to add to this day to make her feel special.


Thanks a lot in advance.

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footbath (look up stuff online....or something cheap at target/somewhere similar. you can massage her neck and shoulders during) champagne and strawberries, chocolate, foot massage after the soak, favorite movies, a good meal, scalp massage. make sure apt.house wherever is all clean before and after!


thats good pampering.


I'd say just make the day really relaxing and quality bonding time. If you want to GO OUT, I'd suggest going to a "bathhouse" type place (hot saunas, cold pools- this wears you out and it's good to snuggle up at home after)


perhaps some exercise to get endorphins going? (bonding!) hiking + picnic?


you're a sweetie!

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I'm going to assume you'd probably rather not break the bank.


Massage sounds wonderful - if you're really looking to pamper, make sure it's an "about her" massage, not one where your hands are roving and where you're trying to get her naked in bed with you. Hopefully you see what I mean. So I'd make it a really proper one where you set up somewhere for her to lie down and commit to a good 1/2 hour, and of course if you break out the massage oil it will feel extra nice!


I'm guessing you two probably don't have a bath tub, but running a bath for her, and setting it up so that she has bubble bath and bath salts available, and the lights are dimmed and there's a candle or two - that's always great.


Food: It really depends what your skills are. Something delicious but not too heavy - while I LOVE chocolate cake and pizza, I'll tend to feel a little bit yucky afterwards if I've pigged out. Chocolate-dipped fruit is a great suggestion, IMO. Maybe a glass of champagne?


Sending her out to do something fun for herself (a haircut? I don't know!), or just getting her out of the apartment, and surprising her with having the place spi c and span would be a great way to start. Then the bath (if possible), massage, dinner, and if it were me I would want to cuddle up together after that!


For some reason I thought this was definitely an evening in, but I love the outdoors suggestions. One of the best days I ever had with a boyfriend was when we went hiking together, barbecued and picnicked in the park area with a glass of wine, and then had a nap in the sun.

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Sometimes I hate that my boyfriend is 4,000 miles away...



Before or after her massage draw her a bubble bath. Get it the temp she likes it, put in bubbles and bath salts, light some candles and shut the lights out, let her soak for a while. You can even give her a pre-massage in the tub (if possible).


Cook her favorite meal, put some relaxing music on in the background while you massage her.

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Give her a massage for sure, I love when my boyfriend gives me massages! Sadly I can never return the favour because my hands are small and I can't apply the same amount of pressure that he can


Make her a meal and if it's nice out, go out for an evening stroll in the park to feed ducks at a pond or something.

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I'd make it a full day of "all about Jen"! Wake her up in the morning with breakfast in bed, either something simple like grapefruit halves and coffee or go full bore with pancakes or french toast with sausage or bacon. When you bring breakfast in, deliver it with a rose and a write up of the 10/25/50/100 "reasons I love you". After breakfast, jump in the shower together and wash her hair for her, dry her off gently and brush out her hair afterwards, maybe burn a nice candle while doing this so things smell nice. Then head out for an adventure somewhere, someplace she would enjoy. Here's some not often thought of options:

Fruit picking - if there are any growers near you, go pick something to savor together later.

Tour a local winery or brewery - These are great fun and you always get samples at the end!

Go to a bookstore - wander the aisles and share your favorite books. If the bookstore has a cafe, enjoy a nice coffee or chai together. Just make sure to flip through the Kama Sutra books before you leave for some ideas for later...

Go test drive the car of her dreams - Get dooded up and head out to the local Mercedes, Hummer, BMW or whatever dealer and take the car of her dreams for a spin.

Take a tour of a chocolate/cookie/whatever factory - Again with the free samples at the end! Yummy!!

Go for a hike to a scenic outlook and have a picnic lunch - Bring a bunch of nice snacks, some fruit, and if you don't mind lugging it, some champagne and glasses and toast to your love from the top of the world!

Go to a zoo or petting zoo - We all know what an animal fanatic Jen is! Go frolic with the animals and act like big kids!

Go get a psychic reading together - Could be enlightening, could be freaky, could just be fun. Joke about the reading results after.

Go roller skating - If you have a rink nearby this is great fun, even moreso if you haven't done it in years!

Go to a playground - Slide on the slides, swing on the swingset, take a spin on the twirly thing, ride the teeter totter, just have fun and let your inner child out.


Later you can either cook her a nice dinner, something she really likes, like her favorite dish. Play 20 questions during dinner and think of things to ask that focus on her or the two of you together. You could also go to a drive in movie (if they are open in your area yet), grab a blanket and snuggle while you watch the movie and eat the movie popcorn. Or if there is a comedy club close, a comedy show is always fun, and laughter is a great aphrodesiac! hehe When you get home for the evening, have your massage, full body massage of course! Get some nice massage oils or scented lotion, burn candles and have some mellow music playing. Fall asleep in each other's arms, hopefully after an awesome round of bumpin' uglies!!!


I think I have waaaay too much time on my hands to come up with all of this... hehe Regardless, I hope you come up with the perfect plan and you both have a WONDERFUL day and evening together. Sounds divine!

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As everyone else said...a lovely dinner and a massage are some of the best things to do!


Some things to make it unique would be to maybe rent/buy a chocolate fondue machine and get a variety of things that you could dip in the chocolate (e.g. fruit, angel food cake, pretzels, cookies, ect.) also you can make a CD (or a playlist if you have an MP3 player) with some of her favorite music or something romantic to play during dinner and massage!

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unfortunately my price range is $0 and 0 cents for things that will be a surprise (as she has all our money), or very cheap otherwise, not going out for a meal or anything I don't think, but I could get food and stuff from the supermarket. It's hard to say how much it should cost though, as it's not a case of how much of my own money am I prepared to spend... it's one of how much of our money are we prepared to spend... and we don't have a lot.


Thanks for all the replies, I'm still working my way through them.

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Well so far things are going relatively well. I left a note for her and was up before her tidying and preparing to cook a lunch of choc-chip pancakes, hash browns and bacon. Unfortunately she's not been too well, so my sausage pasta which I was planning on cooking tonight will wait till tomorrow and we'll call it a pamper weekend. I gave her a hand foot and shoulder massage this morning, and I can give her another later, depending on how she feels. Hopefully she'll be feeling better later. My only other idea for today is to watch one of her favourite romantic movies, Il Postino with her; and then at night I'll nip out and steal her some tulips from the grounds of our apartment complex.

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