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I am so confused, I really need some advice!

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I really need some advice, i started going out with this guy about 6 months ago he was one of my brothers friends. My brother most definatly did not approve yet we have had an extremerly strained relationship for many years. My brother made my relationship with his friend very difficult and it has caused me great grief yet i fell in love with this guy and really just wanted to be happy. My brother did and said some extremerly hurtful and scary things and it caused me and my boyfriend to fight reguarly. About 3 weeks ago i decided to break up with my boyfriend the stress of everything with my brother and the fighting between my boyfriend was causing me so much pain. My boyfriend did not like that i broke up with him and my brother decided it was a good way to really get back at my boyfriend and act like he wanted to mend our relationship (he doesnt). Now after 3 weeks my boyfriend and i started talking again, i was wanting to mend things between us, yet now he has cancelled 3 times to catch up all at the last minute, hardly ever msg's me if i msg him and sometimes just wont call me then when we do talk he acts like everything is ok and he loves me and he misses me! I AM SO CONFUSED!! i dont know whether he is just playing games to try and make me hurt for breaking up with him or whether he is confused? If anyone could give me some outside advice it would be much appreciated!

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Did you tell him you wanted to get back together with him? Did you apologize for dumping him? Is your brother still friends with this guy. Your brother sounds like a jerk and you shouldn't let him influence who you date and how your relationship with your boyfriend is going. Back off from your boyfriend and see what happens.

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To me, it sounds like your ex is moving on, and wants to just keep you on the side to hang out with when he doesn't have something better to do. Telling you he loves and misses you is the way he keeps you waiting on him. The thing to do now is get busy yourself and do what he doesn't want you to do, move on as well.

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