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misunderstanding, confusion and how to clear up a muddled situation


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So I liked a girl from last summer until around christmas but she had a boyfriend at the time and in the fall I went to college. Recently it has come to my attention (from a mutual friend) that she still thinks I like her. She recently decided that she is going to be going to the same college this fall but according to the mutual friend she is afraid I am going to pusure her. Down to the issue, I'm not interesed in her (as more then a friend anymore) but she still thinks I do like her as more then a friend, and from what our mutual friend said it seems obviously doesn't like me in that way. While I'm not interested in her anymore, and haven't been for a while, I do want to be friends. Should I talk to her and try to straighten things out? And if I should talk to her how should I approach it / what should i say? The other issue that is related is that the mutual friend has been known to bend the truth in some circumstances to get people to do what she thinks they should do so I'm a little unclear on the exact detail of the situation.

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Don't take too much store into what these people are saying. Who knows if your friend is delivering the right messages (which is sounds like he's not). Anyways, don't say anything, just wait until the fall and see what happens and go with the flow. You'll probably run into her and when you do just be very casual about it - ask her if she wants to grab a coffee. If she accepts then you can talk to her about it then and make it clear that you "JUST" want to be friends.

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Agree, just treat her like a friend if you happen to meet her on campus. I think its dramatic (and pretty high and mighty) to assume that just because someone liked you in the past that they still like you even after a rather long gap of time. It CAN happen but it's one thing to consider it an option and another thing to assume it and be worried about it. Also, to be hesitant to go to the same school JUST because of a crush from last year? Puh-lease, drama queen.

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