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Cant ask my best friend out.

Lonely Wolf

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I got a huge problem here. I accedentilly fell in love with my best friend, who's known me since third grade. The first time I thought it was just a crush, but I think its a bit more than that. We don't meet as much, just at parties and school and whatnot. And yet I treat her like she's something special. I can't find the nerve to ask her out. Every time I get close my mind says "Upp you cant ask her now, your to busy walking or getting a drink." Its real hard to hook up with someone who youve known since your first memory. I need some help on this, her birthdays coming up on the 29th and it might be a great time to ask her then. Shes had a couple boyfriends and still has admirers, and I need to swoop in before others come. Please help.




Lone Wolf

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Why do you like her? Why do you treat her like she's something special? She can probably tell you like her then? So if you ask her out, it's not like you'd be telling her something she doesn't know already, so no reason to be shy, right?

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Well, its hard for me since we've been friends since third grade, and I can't find a good place to go to. I wasn't thinking of a movie since theres nothing we like on, I don't want anything too formal like dinner, but maybe something like a picnic. Possibly bowling. Sorry, I'm freaking out over the simplist things, but I guess love is like that. And god help me I love it.

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What do you two normally do together? Are you looking to ask her out for something completely unique for the two of you, or are you looking to go from friendzone to a couple seemlessly, just with the title and "relationship stuff" for lack of a better term? Do not be afraid to ask her; for most girls, even if the feelings aren't reciprocated, they are a lot more understanding than some guys can be in the same situation. I can understand that it's difficult because of how much you to have been through together and simply knowing her so long. But take a chance. Do something fun, like going hiking or even something like making dinner for her can be sweet, but not put too much pressure on her. Whatever will work best for you; build up some confidence and go for it!

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