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Signs that YOU ARE NOT over your ex yet?

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I often find myself reading stories of people getting back together and holding out hope that it might happen for me too. I guess that's the downfall. On one hand you find people who have gone through something similar and can provide support, then there are those stories that make it hard for you to completely let go of hope. The hardest part for me is completely letting go of all hope.

sometimes people do get back together, sometimes it works out and other times it just prolongs the pain. You need to find out if its definitely over. You need closure before you can let go and move on mentally. If your ex is not giving you closure, then you need to get it for yourself....I don't know your circumstances but if they did want to get back with you do YOU want them back, could you trust them again, put YOU first now.


I am personally finding it hard to let go and move on but I did let go of all hope of getting back together, because when I looked at things objectively...I could not have a person in my life who could do such a thing to me, hurt me so much and treat me so badly....so I knew there was no going back. Still hard to move on though.

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LOL...This is a good one. I started the one with signs you are healing but what are the signs you are still not healed. Here are mines:


I still come on ENA for daily support..I cant live without yall.


I still have those up and down moments


I still think about him alot but not as bad.


I still love him and want to talk to him...even tho its kinda good we dont.


I still think something is lingering between us...big issue for me.


I still need me time to stop the pain and get a grip.


I still talk about him.


It still hurts!!!!!!! ugh!!](*,)


All the above and the fact I have seen her twice this past week and my feelings for her still run deep. On Saturday, I saw this woman turning from the road I was about to turn on, onto the road I was on. I was like damn she's hot, turned out to be my ex driving her parents car. Is that messed up or what? She went by me looking at me as I was her and she looked as sad as I felt. I have seen her not hold back and go off on her ex husband in the middle of the courthouse. She didn't yell anything out the window(we both had them open) she didn't even give me the one finger salute. She is still single as am I. I just keep hoping she'll wake up and smell the coffee and finally start dealing with the issues that split us in the first place. (a boy can dream can't he?)

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being sad that everything in my life right now are things we had planned on happening...only he is no longer with me. all of the traditions we had throughout the year...and going through those dates and not having him around to celebrate that time again....it's hard when i have moved on, when life has moved on, but nothing and everything has changed all at once. if that makes any sense. i am no longer the same person he was with, and i no longer look at him the same way, but i still feel him at home. i still can't find it in me to sit at our dining table and eat dinner alone.

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For now it's definitely over. It was such a short relationship (2.5 months and it's been 2.5 months since this all happened) but everything seemed to be going so well as as he was introducing to me to all his family/friends as his gf...hanging out all the time, taking me out for Valentine's Day, etc. His parents were even inviting me to go on weekend trips with them. Well suddenly, he decided that he didn't want a gf anymore. I asked him why and he said he liked me but he wasn't obsessed/he liked me but not enough. So I just didn't understand why he even made the effort if there was no potential. I haven't talked to him since he told me that. I just told him that he hurt my feelings and then said I was gonna go. He did talk to my friend after that asking if I hated him. He said he was so busy/stressed out but he also told her that he didn't see a long-term relationship with me. I know that I need to get over it, I feel even worse because I keep thinking I shouldn't be this hung up about it since we didn't even date for very long...just got my hopes up. I notice that I keep making up a lot of excuses to hold on to hope... like he's just stressed out (we met in our last semester of grad school, he has a board exam coming up and works about 70 hrs a week). I need to let go! ](*,)


SIGH, we'll all be ok and move on eventually.

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Still cry every day/few days...


Wanna sleep all the time....


Still hold out false hope....


Still in therapy....


Her ghost is still with me every day....


Searching for posts on reconciliation and contact after extended periods of time and relighting that stupid false hope candle over and over....


This is all after 15 months and she has been in her new RS for 11 months....


I'm starting to truly worry.....

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I drove by his house the other day just to see if there was a car parked in front of it. And I find myself comparing apples to oranges. In other words, I make a list of his new woman and a list of my baggage and I compare and I win everytime.

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