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Signs that YOU ARE NOT over your ex yet?

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LOL...This is a good one. I started the one with signs you are healing but what are the signs you are still not healed. Here are mines:


I still come on ENA for daily support..I cant live without yall.


I still have those up and down moments


I still think about him alot but not as bad.


I still love him and want to talk to him...even tho its kinda good we dont.


I still think something is lingering between us...big issue for me.


I still need me time to stop the pain and get a grip.


I still talk about him.


It still hurts!!!!!!! ugh!!](*,)

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Wow, I've never felt those things. Probably seems as strange to me as you hearing I've never felt them.


It almost doesn't seem worth all the trouble, ya know?


hell I never felt this before either until I fell totally in love with someone. Love sick and there is no medicine...you have to soldier daily thru..thats all at the end of the day you can really do until the pain goes away.

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still want to text her when angry or sad


want to know details about her life


want contact with her family who I miss


still look out for her car or for her in places we used to go to


dread meeting her out socially


still can't sleep on "her" side of the bed.


have to correct myself when talking to someone and say "we" instead of "I"


still mourning the good life we had and the future that is gone

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I liked the other thread better, this is just depressing lol...however:


I still come on ENA


I still think about him


I still hope he might, someday, get in touch with me (but am realistic enough to know pigs will fly before this happens)


I dread bumping into him one day (i'm thinking pretending he is invisible is the best way to go)


I replay the conversations and arguements of The End in my head and think of all the clever things I should have said

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oh yeah, this one


dread meeting him out socially


Still thinking about him when I am out mingling


Still moving in slow motion thru out the day


Still cant listen to certain music...I really miss that.


Still a little jealous of other couples...didnt use to be that way before.


Still licking my wounds.

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replaying scenarios of how came to this, what happened?

feel like I'm "stuck" and can't get past obsessing about it


hear the way she used to call my name, in my head...and find it very sad


see things every day that i want to share with her that I know she would appreciate or fine amusing.


can still smell the perfume she used to wear


god....previous post was right...this is depressing!!!

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replaying scenarios of how came to this, what happened?

feel like I'm "stuck" and can't get past obsessing about it


hear the way she used to call my name, in my head...and find it very sad


see things every day that i want to share with her that I know she would appreciate or fine amusing.


can still smell the perfume she used to wear


god....previous post was right...this is depressing!!![/quote


to you and the other poster...the good news is that as you get better you get to see alllll allll of these symptoms disapear eventually..one by one and you will know..I have arrived...YES!!! that's the good part and regardless of whether we get back together or not...you will be a stroner person and never I hope let another human being take this much out of you again. love shouldn't hurt this bad don't think..this is ridiculous!


so look at it that way family!!

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replaying scenarios of how came to this, what happened?

feel like I'm "stuck" and can't get past obsessing about it


hear the way she used to call my name, in my head...and find it very sad


see things every day that i want to share with her that I know she would appreciate or fine amusing.


can still smell the perfume she used to wear


god....previous post was right...this is depressing!!!


oh and by the way, these symptoms I have right now is progress. it use to be waaaay worst so it shows me I'm getting better. before I would cry all day long. I don't do that anymore to name a one of the many

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1. I think about him when I touch myself.

2. Willing him to call because I won't call him. I try to find reasons and ways not to see him, but pray he'll come by the house to see me.

3. I write him letters I'll never send, just to be able to "tell" him what I feel.

4. Yesterday I had to see him at his place. He initiated a long hug in the hallway. It felt incredible to hold him. I broke the hug when I realized I was hoping he'd kiss me.

5. I dress for him and make sure my make-up is perfect when I leave the house, just in case I run into him somewhere.

6. I have a voodoo doll of his girlfriend. I stick hot needles in the place where her heart would be.

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1. I think about him when I touch myself.

2. Willing him to call because I won't call him. I try to find reasons and ways not to see him, but pray he'll come by the house to see me.

3. I write him letters I'll never send, just to be able to "tell" him what I feel.

4. Yesterday I had to see him at his place. He initiated a long hug in the hallway. It felt incredible to hold him. I broke the hug when I realized I was hoping he'd kiss me.

5. I dress for him and make sure my make-up is perfect when I leave the house, just in case I run into him somewhere.

6. I have a voodoo doll of his girlfriend. I stick hot needles in the place where her heart would be.

let me know where I can buy a voodoo doll please!! lol

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i still talk about him...i try not to but it's hard. I def don't talk about him as often as I used to


i still think about him daily...


I wonder if he thinks about me too


I get angry when I think of the things he did after the break up..his actions still bother me


....i just want this all to pass

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Alright, I screwed up...After 45 days of NC. I got the stupid notion to contact my ex and ask for some of my possessions. It was an ugly break up, therefore i figured i would just let it cool down..eventually when she was ready she would get a hold of me and I would go and get my stuff..Not only was I polite and hoped that she was doing well in my email. I was doing somewhat well...still had many of the signs above from Hater13...I still love her..I cannot deny..I dont want to reconcile...neither would she...Its a matter of just moving on..and all I got back from her in reply was anger and denial. Since that crappy encounter I still find myself yearning for her, thinking about her...desiring her...Help me ...what the hell can I do..

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Alright, I screwed up...After 45 days of NC. I got the stupid notion to contact my ex and ask for some of my possessions. It was an ugly break up, therefore i figured i would just let it cool down..eventually when she was ready she would get a hold of me and I would go and get my stuff..Not only was I polite and hoped that she was doing well in my email. I was doing somewhat well...still had many of the signs above from Hater13...I still love her..I cannot deny..I dont want to reconcile...neither would she...Its a matter of just moving on..and all I got back from her in reply was anger and denial. Since that crappy encounter I still find myself yearning for her, thinking about her...desiring her...Help me ...what the hell can I do..


Yeah, love dont just die like that sometimes regardless of the hard times. I wont reach out to my ex cause we had a bad break up but I hate that we are were we are. But sometimes it is just best to leave it alone.

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Still think about him everyday, wonder if he's ever going to call me, wonder what he's doing, and check this website multiple times a day. Sometimes I feel that coming to this site is holding me back from getting over it...but it's almost like I have to check it. But overall, I think I'm ok. I just need more time...

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Still think about him everyday, wonder if he's ever going to call me, wonder what he's doing, and check this website multiple times a day. Sometimes I feel that coming to this site is holding me back from getting over it...but it's almost like I have to check it. But overall, I think I'm ok. I just need more time...


i use to think it was holding me back but I notice my list of signs of not being over it is strinking and my list of being over it is growing...YES

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Still think about him everyday, wonder if he's ever going to call me, wonder what he's doing, and check this website multiple times a day. Sometimes I feel that coming to this site is holding me back from getting over it...but it's almost like I have to check it. But overall, I think I'm ok. I just need more time...

Prob not holding you back...it's just a crutch and thats ok to reach out or lean on something or someone until you regain strength. Do whatever it is you have to do to get through the day until one day you will realise you are further along in the process of recovery than you though and you can congratulate yourself.

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I often find myself reading stories of people getting back together and holding out hope that it might happen for me too. I guess that's the downfall. On one hand you find people who have gone through something similar and can provide support, then there are those stories that make it hard for you to completely let go of hope. The hardest part for me is completely letting go of all hope.

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