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Do bigger guys get treated with more respect?


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When I went through the police academy, we had a class of about 65 to 70 recruits (mainly guys). These guys were huge; ripping out of their uniforms with tattoos, muscles and veins. I was certainly one of the smallest of out of the class. I came into the academy at about 5'11 or 6'0 and weighed 147lbs. Most of these guys were ex ball players, athletes, wrestlers and weight lifters, but here my last job was sitting in a friggin' office. I had been thin my whole life and it wasn't going to change at the academy. Looking at these guys, I knew when defensive-tactics came around I probably couldn't match muscle for muscle. But if it was one thing I had going for me: I was fast, durable and had terrific endurance. So that was the theme of the academy for me; speed. Learn to utilize what gifts you do have. I'm still thin and most people I come into contact with on the street are thicker than I am. I'm not sure how I would fair in a tussling match, but I'll be damned if I let a MF get that close to me to grab me. You've got to learn to utlize what talents and gifts you do have. They're is always going to be somebody bigger, stronger, smarter, faster or whatever wherever you go. Use what you do have.


Now, to respond more directly to your post; it's all on how you work with what you got. For instance, there are some women who are thin and petite but can be sexy as you know what. That's because they know how to work with what they have. Remember, it's not about the kind of car you drive or the weapon that you shoot. That's not always the case. It's the operator and how the operator utilizes what he or she's got. You don't got to look like Triple H in order for people to get the hell out of your way on the sidewalk. And you don't have to look like Alicia Keys to get a guy to look your way (That goes for you ladies too). If you can work with what you've got, you'll always have options.

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I'm 6'0 and 225 pounds (Muscular with a goodly beer belly). I've mostly been above average height and build, all through out my youth as well. In high school I was treated pretty badly, I had no confidence, no passion, and took myself far too seriously, there really wasn't much for them to respect.


By my second year of college I got my act together and I'm very rarely disrespected now. I don't know if that means bigger guys are treated with MORE respect or not, but we all have to actually work at deserving respect.

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