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Should I intervene?


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Ok, since my ex dumped me, a rumor has started that I have been stealing pills from her father and trading them at my old workplace. She was going to work on getting back with me, until she heard these rumors and fully believed them.


So at my old job there was this guy who talked to me about pills. I told him I might be able to trade him at some point but had no access to any. I did give him a pack of cigarettes for one pill. I unfortunately did not tell my ex about this, as I did not think it was a big deal (she has done things like this, and we don't see it as a big deal). I have since lost the job and have no contact with this pill guy.


Apparently, he has been telling my ex's friend that I gave him all sorts of pills. She believes I took them from her dad. I never did this. Either my ex's friend or the pill guy is making this up.


To make it more interesting, my ex is getting a job at this place at the end of this week. I know she is going to talk to this scumbag to find out more information, and I have a feeling he is going to feed her bull * * * * . It almost seems as though my ex's friend and this guy are plotting against me. I don't know why, but I know I wouldn't do something like that, and she thinks totally differently of me now.


I am wondering if I should take a trip over to this workplace before my ex starts working there and try speaking with this pill guy. He was cool with me when I worked there, but idk now. Either he is always so * * * * ed up, that he THOUGHT I gave him pills, or he has something against me and is making this up on purpose. What should I do?


Should I go explain the situation to him and hope he stops telling people lies? Or should I wait it out and see if she believes it from him or not?

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That's the thing. I don't want it to continue. So far, she hasn't talked to this guy, only her friend has. I know that, in the state-of-mind she is in, if this guy tells her what she has been hearing, then that is going to be the final straw for her.


I had another idea. Should I maybe write an anonymous letter to this workplace and inform them of the employee selling and trading drugs on location? I know it'd be a bit hypocritical, since I did get one pill from him, but I'm no junkie. This guy is on 100+ mg of opiates a day, with no prescription, and helping to ruin my relationship for good.

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That's the thing. I don't want it to continue. So far, she hasn't talked to this guy, only her friend has. I know that, in the state-of-mind she is in, if this guy tells her what she has been hearing, then that is going to be the final straw for her.


I had another idea. Should I maybe write an anonymous letter to this workplace and inform them of the employee selling and trading drugs on location? I know it'd be a bit hypocritical, since I did get one pill from him, but I'm no junkie. This guy is on 100+ mg of opiates a day, with no prescription, and helping to ruin my relationship for good.


Unfortunately I think when you get mixed up with people like that you risk these kinds of rumors starting. I wouldn't write a letter because it likely will come to light that you wrote the letter which could cause far more trouble than it's worth. Would your ex have an issue with your getting the pill from this guy and using illegal drugs? If so, it might not be worth getting into all of this.

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No. We both do things like that every once in a while. Neither of us are bad into it, though. I and see where you're coming from. If someone were to find out, I could become a target for violence, etc.


I guess I'll just wait and see who she believes; scumbags, or me. Unfortunately, as of right now she has been involving herself with a lot of bad people who don't give a rats ass about me, and will probably believe him.

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Do you really want to be with someone who doesn't trust you? I know I wouldn't...

It'd be different if I had the guilt of doing such a thing. I know this totally destroys her trust for me, as of right now, but it's all from something that is a big, blown out of proportion lie! How am I supposed to get over that?


The girl that once loved me with all her heart now thinks I am nothing but a lying thief. That is one hard * * * * ing reality to swallow. ;;


I almost wish that I had done it, then at least I could feel as though I deserved this...

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I don't expect her to just come running back. I just feel that maybe there is a way to regain that trust. Over time.


Right now I have not contacted her for 3 days and plan to keep it that way. I am going to get a job and be responsible for myself. Maybe then she will start to see through all the bull * * * * , or maybe she will have moved on. Either way, I know I will be OK no matter what the outcome, it just hurts so bad right now.

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