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Be a caring lover, the kind who responds to the partners desires.


The absolute WORST fling I ever had was with an insecure man with an average size. He wouldn't stop talking about how he could make up for his (completely acceptable) size by lasting forever. And then he lasted forever... really, forever. No variation, he wanted a particular position which would maximize his penetration. It was quite boring, and also a bit too deep for me. When I started feeling bruising, I pushed him away. Then he complained for several minutes that I hadn't let him finish, but refused to let me please him another way. Then he cried for hours, because he thought I was lying about my pain, that nobody could possibly be hurt by his tiny penis, and that I only pushed him away because I "couldn't feel him". Man, do you think that his inability to climax had anything to do with his confidence?


If she doesn't complain, it's fine. If she says it's fine, it's fine. END of story.

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Wow, it sounds like you would have been better off keeping him on your couch and away from your bed. Did you charge him for counseling?


Takemethere99, this is a perfect example. Confidence and self esteem can overcome any perceived "shortcoming" you think you may have...and lack thereof can make something otherwise perfectly acceptable become a real buzz kill.

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Wow, it sounds like you would have been better off keeping him on your couch and away from your bed. Did you charge him for counseling?


Oddly enough, he was a psychologist. I suppose I should have asked him for free sessions, but I wasn't particularly traumatized.


Guys of average size have always been a bit on the big side for me. Usually, when I tell a lesser endowed man that, they get really happy and confident. This guy mentioned every step of the way "well, I have heard THAT before..." ... really really annoying. Sex should be sexy.

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Oddly enough, he was a psychologist. I suppose I should have asked him for free sessions, but I wasn't particularly traumatized.


From my experience, that doesn't sound odd at all. First of all, I don't mean to bash any profession. They do a tremendous amount of good for the population as a whole. In the past, I've dated two psychologists and one psychiatrist. Once we got to know each other and they opened up, each of them told me that the overwhelming reason people get into the field is to fix unresolved issues they have personally. One even told me that at her university, it was a common colloquialism to call any given research assignment "me-search."

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Someone on here awhile said, "the only person a big penis impresses is another man" and I think that statement rings true for this thread. Seriously, stop worrying and obsessing. You're fine. Any girl that gripes about it isn't worth your time.

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From my experience, that doesn't sound odd at all. First of all, I don't mean to bash any profession. They do a tremendous amount of good for the population as a whole. In the past, I've dated two psychologists and one psychiatrist. Once we got to know each other and they opened up, each of them told me that the overwhelming reason people get into the field is to fix unresolved issues they have personally. One even told me that at her university, it was a common colloquialism to call any given research assignment "me-search."


I was definitely avoiding the temptation to pseudopsychoanalyse him. I LOVE analyzing people..

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