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So I met this girl. She is the cousin of one of my bestfriends. We were hanging out togeether for the last couple of months (my friend, his brother, and her), going bowling, bars, and nightclubs. I started getting interested in her and was planning to make a move in the future.

What happened next is that one old and good friend (lets call him Jake) of mine started hanging out with us too. And he also was interested in the girl. Than one night we went out to a club and she drank a lil bit and was kinda tipsy.Jake aproached her before me and they kissed.

I was really sad about all that had happened.

Later, some other friend asked her what she thought about this "fight" that me and Jake where having over her, and that he had apparently won because they made out. She told him that she liked both of us, but that he had aproached her first.

So Jake and the girl went out on 3 dates. The problem is that Jake actualy has a girlfriend that lives in another city far away. So i guessed he felt guilty and told the girl about his girlfriend. She got mad and i guess kinda sad, so she told him they couldnt see each other anymore. I was later told by Jake that she said to him that if she had chosen me instead of him nothing of that would be happening. which was good news to me.

That was one week ago. This friday was her birthday and all the group (me, my friends (including her cousins), and her, went out to a night club to celebrate. We all drank and got tipsy. I aproached her and told her how I felt about her. She said there was nothing going on with her and Jake anymore, and than i tried to kiss her. She told if I didn't think it wood be weird for us to kiss, because me and Jake where old friends, and they had stoped seeing each other only one week ago. I told her i didn't care, and we kissed. We made out all night, and it was awesome. I could tell she was preocupied about what her cousins would think of her, since she had made out with 2 friends of the group.

The next day (saturday), we had a common birthday to attend, and when it ended I took her home. Whe she was about to leave the car, i tried to kiss her. She told that she didn't feel comfortable knowing that I was Jake's old friend and that all that had only happened one week ago. She said that if it was last year it would be different, but it was too soon.

I told her that i liked her and didn't care if he was my friend (that doesnt matter cuz she obviously does).

So she left the car and i was left wondering what is gonna happen.


Next friday there's gonna be a concert where we are the group is going, including her.


Should I aproach her again? Should I wait? How long? Or maybe its better to ask her to do something more romantic, like dinner? Does she like me?


Thank you in advance!

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