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All I want to do is sleep....

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I can barely stay awake each day and it is getting worse. I have a chronic health condition, therefore I have to take medication that makes me very sedated and extremely tired with no energy whatsoever. I am so sick and tired (no pun intended) of feeling this way all the time. It is interfering with every aspect of my life including my relationships with others. I simply feel like a zombie and can barely function due to the sedation. :sad:


I suppose what I'm wondering is if there are any other people out there who experience extreme fatigue due to medication, and how do you cope with it? Can anyone suggest any tips to help me? I feel like I just existing and not living. I want my cognition and energy back!!! Someone please share any tips or personal stories. Thanks so much.

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Hi Traveler27...going to the gym can definitely give you more energy if you go every day...it's tough at first, but then you'll have a lot more energy...and cycling's good as well, it makes you feel high mentally and physically

Also I would explain to your doctor about how you are feeling, maybe they can change the dosage or medication...

Eclipse x

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Make sure you get a full medical evaluation rather than just accepting fatigue as caused by the medication.


I went thru something like this, only to discover that the real problem was a serious Vitamin D deficiency, which is quite common in women, that makes you feel exhausted and tired all the time and it was not the medication at all.


Sometimes vitamin therapy can give you extra energy. Also, i would talk to the doctor about other alternative medications that don't make you exhausted all the time, or supplemental treatments you can get to fight this.

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Thanks, Eclipse. I joined a gym recently, but due to scheduling reasons, can only go about 2-3 times per week. It does make me feel better when I exercise a bit, but then when I get home I go straight back into exhaustion mode. I would love to stop taking the medication altogether, but unfortunately it's not an option right now. My docs recently put me on a second medication, and I have increased the dose, but am not even getting any benefits from it. However, it's only been 3 weeks and they say you need to give certain meds more time to 'work'. It's a lose/lose situation.


Thanks so much for your reply.

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Make sure you get a full medical evaluation rather than just accepting fatigue as caused by the medication.


I went thru something like this, only to discover that the real problem was a serious Vitamin D deficiency, which is quite common in women, that makes you feel exhausted and tired all the time and it was not the medication at all.


Sometimes vitamin therapy can give you extra energy. Also, i would talk to the doctor about other alternative medications that don't make you exhausted all the time, or supplemental treatments you can get to fight this.


Thanks, lavenderdove. I did have a full blood workup recently to rule out any vitamin deficiencies, etc. All results came back normal. So the culprit is definitely the meds. I take a multi-vitamin complex everyday, but more as a dietary supplement and for my overall health.


Unfortunately, because I have a rare condition there aren't many supplemental treatments available and most drugs used to treat this cause sedation.

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Just a thought - have you considered drinking coffee more regularly and eating low sugar dark chocolate. Might help a little? I don't know. Coffee and probably chocolate too have both positives and negatives. You might want to consider these if taking larger quantities for long periods of time...


Coffee (positives = antioxidants, increased energy and alertness, helps prevent type 2 diabetes, helps lose weight by speeding up metabolism) (negatives = is a cacinogen, is addictive, stresses adrenal glands, masks true energy levels)


Dark Chocolate (positives = antioxidants, increases energy, can improve mood and feelings) (negatives = too much u can gain weight)

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