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Noticing little things


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Guys, what do you think of a girl who paints her nails? Do you even notice? What about lipstick? Does a girl get noticed more if she does these kinds of things? Just curious.


It's cute, I notice. However, I'm apathetic about it in the grand scheme of things.


An example being this woman I have sort of a crush on wore some open-toed shoes the other day. I noticed she had her nails painted, but I couldn't tell you what color even if there was a prize involved.

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I think they do one guy I was seeing noticed my nails matched the colour of my handbag and my shoes matched my top and coat, this was something I hadnt even realised as I had gotten ready in a hurry and threw on what was close to hand lol

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last week I had a guy friend notice that my nail polish was chipping. He then said I should paint them purple next lol


There have been other times when guys noticed my nail polish color too.


I'm thinking that maybe guys will only notice if they are interested in that particular girl? or perhaps they notice but just keep it to themselves, it could also depend how observant they are.

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I'm thinking that maybe guys will only notice if they are interested in that particular girl?


Pretty much. We're very visual creatures. If we're really into you, we notice pretty much everything, we just don't necessarily mention it.

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Since I have a foot fetish, I tend to notice painted toenails. I think it makes feet look even sexier.


I also notice if a girl dyes her hair. One of my crushes in high school went from a blond to a brunette, and I DID comment on it. I thought it was a nice change.

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Guys, what do you think of a girl who paints her nails? Do you even notice?


Yes, and I personally HATE the black nail-polish craze that has been going on for ever. As a photographer, I find black polish just hideous...


What about lipstick?


Not so much, unless it's a striking or unusual colour.


Does a girl get noticed more if she does these kinds of things? Just curious.


For me, I love it when I see a girl with a streak of some strong colour in her hair. ( I've even met an executive woman at a business meeting with a streak of bright shocking red in her hair, and it looked amazing, especially because it showed that she was brave enough to do this in a corporate environment )

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Depends on how you define “notice”. If a girl who does not normally dress up suddenly does then you will probably notice. If a girl doesn’t normally wear makeup and she does one day you will probably notice. You’ll notice something grand that’s different more than something minor. I’m not so likely to notice that she did her nails. I am more likely to notice that she did something different with her hair.


However, in the bigger picture it doesn’t mean a whole lot since I have no way of discerning whether or not she did it because of me or I wasn’t even a factor in her decision to do it. Without that little bit of knowledge these kinds of things don’t carry a lot of meaning.

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Wow nails.. that's trivial. I'm a chick and I never notice these little things. Some guys will indeed notice but I don't think it will make the girl any more attractive to him.. cos it's so trivial. But as for lipsticks, I think it does make a difference.

I'd say that most guys don't really notice these things though, I've known this guy for a year and he only found out lately that I actually wear makeup... lol.

But in saying so there're some guys who notice many little things and it sort of creeps me out

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Guys, what do you think of a girl who paints her nails? Do you even notice? What about lipstick? Does a girl get noticed more if she does these kinds of things? Just curious.


If I'm really into a girl, then yeah I notice all that stuff. Definitely.

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I'm normally oblivious to stuff like this but if a women puts effort I start to notice the little things (even if I'm not interested in her in that way). However, I don't compliment her / say anything because I don't want to be taken as creepy or something.

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I asked because I rarely paint my nails, but yesterday I was going to a party and decided to paint my nails and it just made me wonder. At the party, the women commented on my nails, but the men didn't. So, if they do notice, us girls don't know it...lol.

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Short story:


I was once dating a guy who didn't really care for me that much. Sure, he liked spending time, and we chatted a whole lot, but there wasn't very much by way of there.


One day, he showed me his old guitar, a bright blue piece of wood... I said, "Oh, that's the same colour I paint my toenails!". He wanted to see them so badly. I kept my socks on and let the passion grow for days. When he finally did see them it was like his birthday came early. He couldn't stop smiling.


Oddly enough, he doesn't notice if I paint my fingernails, he doesn't even notice if I have a pimple on my nose, but he notices if I've opened a new bottle of polish on my toes. Yay for trademarks, eh?

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I'm normally oblivious to stuff like this but if a women puts effort I start to notice the little things (even if I'm not interested in her in that way). However, I don't compliment her / say anything because I don't want to be taken as creepy or something.


All girls love to be complimented! It won't be creepy... as long as you don't say something like 'hey your * * * * are bigger today.. push up bra??'

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I was about to add my 2 cents and say I've never had a guy notice when I paint my fingernails before, but then I realized I never paint my fingernails.


I did ask my bf last week if guys care about nails (long vs short). He said he personally couldn't care less which was disappointing because my fingernails look awesome lately

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Some men have a foot fetish, some like girls with nice finger & toe's painted and others are just don't even notice. I am a girl and I notice these things. I can't stand toe nails without nail polish. Weird, I think every guy I dated liked my feet.

I think the guys that have foot fetishes though love blood red nail polish or a nice pink colour, some like french manicure on toes too.

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