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what is the difference between Bob and Jim?

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Hey everyone, this is a general question I was wondering:


Say Bob's girlfriend broke up with him. He is heartbroken. He says "if she loves me, she'll come back", and he really hopes she will. They still talk as friends.


One wouldn't really consider Bob to be "clingy" because usually, when people say things like "if she loves me she'll come back" they aren't trying to get the person back.


But the question here is, if they aren't trying to get the person back, what ARE they doing? I don't know how to describe what they are doing.


A good way to answer this is to fill in the blanks:

They are not trying to get the person back, they are _____________________.

Bob is not clingy because instead of trying to get her back, he is ____________________.


possible answers I came up with:

he has given up and moved on but that's not true because he still hopes she will come back and still has feelings for her obv.

he is not talking to her anymore but that's not true because he is.


So I still don't know

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Jim's the guy that Bob's ex cheated with, he was her shoulder to cry on when Bob just didn't understand his ex's feelings...she'll call Bob back in a few months to say Jim just isn't the same as Bob, she still loves Bob, she made a mistake...but by then Bob's got himself a new, younger girlfriend who's won the lottery and Bob lives happily ever after on his own island... and his ex...well she lives in tent, barefoot,no money with Jim....and smells like mould

The end

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i think a lot of it depends on why bob's gf broke up with him. if she had some serious concerns about the relationship and thought he wasn't pulling his weight, i think bob's "if she loves me, she'll be back" speech is just delusional and not taking responsibility for hsi actions. If he was the perfect boyfriend and she cheated on him and left him for someone else, i'd wonder why he would want her back? if they had a lot of issues, and the fault was kind of 50/50 and finally after a lot of discussion they broke up but stayed friends..... well, then i can see the 'if it's meant to be, it will happen' stance....


i think if he's waiting for her, he is being passive. i guess it depends on if he is putting his life on hold, or if he is getting out there and actively trying to meet other women. i can understand why bob might not want to 'burn the bridge' and keep the door open to a possible reconciliation one day. now, if bob was a total jerk to his ex, and she left because of it, then the "she'll come back if she loves me" thing is ridiculous as well.

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Jim's the guy that Bob's ex cheated with, he was her shoulder to cry on when Bob just didn't understand his ex's feelings...she'll call Bob back in a few months to say Jim just isn't the same as Bob, she still loves Bob, she made a mistake...but by then Bob's got himself a new, younger girlfriend who's won the lottery and Bob lives happily ever after on his own island... and his ex...well she lives in tent, barefoot,no money with Jim....and smells like mould

The end


and they all lived happily ever after! except moldy jim.

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Jim's the guy that Bob's ex cheated with, he was her shoulder to cry on when Bob just didn't understand his ex's feelings...she'll call Bob back in a few months to say Jim just isn't the same as Bob, she still loves Bob, she made a mistake...but by then Bob's got himself a new, younger girlfriend who's won the lottery and Bob lives happily ever after on his own island... and his ex...well she lives in tent, barefoot,no money with Jim....and smells like mould

The end




I hope God answers my prayer tonight...

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