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Should a guy pay for everything?


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Here is my version of reality: YOU CAN DO BETTER. You are an individual and so is she. Unless you two are married, she should pull her own weight! Embrace these opinions from people on the outside looking in, totally objective w/o any ulterior motives...

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I've even started paying for her $75 phone bill each month now.


she says she knows I make enough money (which is kind of true) so she doesn't feel like she should have to work. She also said that it's a guy's job to pay for a girl


she feels like she has to be treated like a princess. What annoys me the most is that she says I have to pay for her and treat her like this because there's alot of competition with other guys.

^^ ALL of the above is more than enough reasons to break up with this girl. She's taking advantage of you in every way, and unfortunately, you are allowing her to do so.


Cut her loose. It's time she learns she has to WORK for a living and not sponge off other people.

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^^ ALL of the above is more than enough reasons to break up with this girl. She's taking advantage of you in every way, and unfortunately, you are allowing her to do so.


Cut her loose. It's time she learns she has to WORK for a living and not sponge off other people.


This kind of woman will never work for a living...she will just latch on to another person who falls for her charm and use him until he gets wise and dumps her..then she will be on to the next..and the next.....

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This kind of woman will never work for a living...she will just latch on to another person who falls for her charm and use him until he gets wise and dumps her..then she will be on to the next..and the next.....


I agree, I have known many women like this in my life. My at-the-time bf's best friend was seeing a woman - similar situation - but he was madly in love with her. Both my bf and me tried to tell him she was basically just looking for a mean ticket. Long story short, he was injured on the job and ended up in the hospital - she left town and he never heard from her again.

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I agree, I have known many women like this in my life. My at-the-time bf's best friend was seeing a woman - similar situation - but he was madly in love with her. Both my bf and me tried to tell him she was basically just looking for a mean ticket. Long story short, he was injured on the job and ended up in the hospital - she left town and he never heard from her again.

I meant "meal ticket" .....

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This kind of woman will never work for a living...she will just latch on to another person who falls for her charm and use him until he gets wise and dumps her..then she will be on to the next..and the next.....

That's right, and all the more reason he dumps her before she bleeds him dry.

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