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Why smiling gets guys


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Well...good for you girls...it works for you...but if I gonna walk on the street and smile to every girl, eventually i gonna find myself in the jail... which will take off the smile out of the face... i guess in some respects its easier to be a girl rather than a guy


Now, a full toothed smile does not work for most men (unless you have great teeth and an extremely square jaw) but a nice, closed mouth or semi open smirk goes miles for any guy.

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I have enough things to be self conscious about without braces. They also cost money which I don't have..


I'm getting braces! In fact, I have an appointment with my orthodontist this afternoon. Sweeeeeet. I can't wait to wear them. Plus, I decided I need more things to be self-conscious about.


I finally decided that I'm too attracted to gorgeous, perfect teeth not to have them myself. I mean, I can't target women with award-winning smiles if I don't measure up. Or, I could, and I have, but it seems more fair to them if their partner matches. It's not like I don't have great hygiene or white teeth, but I'm shooting for the stars here. I love to smile so why not feel the best I can about smiling? Plus, I just feel like I missed out on the whole braces thing in high school.


Braces 2010!!!!

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Is that person your friend? If a stranger..I dont think not smile=unfriendly lol


If it was my friend then i hope they would smile and say hi. People who smile at random people can show that you can be easy going or okay to talk to. I'm sure other posters know what i mean.

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It seems like a great idea but it's easier said than done... for me at least. I'm usually a friendly person but I find it hard to smile at strangers. At most, I'll give a quick smirk and then look away before they can react. How long are you supposed to smile at someone anyway before it just seems weird?

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It seems like a great idea but it's easier said than done... for me at least. I'm usually a friendly person but I find it hard to smile at strangers. At most, I'll give a quick smirk and then look away before they can react. How long are you supposed to smile at someone anyway before it just seems weird?


That would be most people like me i smile and nod all in about 2 seconds.

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so i don't think it works when you grin at people,

smiling is backed by emotions so i believe its only greated nicely when its genuine.

so its not so much grining towards people,

but being happy at people.


so if your happy, its usually expressed like all emotions, physically.

whether your jumping up and down, smiling or laughing. there is always some physical expression.


so i think it gets guys and girls because they realize you are happy, and its not the smile alone but the emotion behind it, so people (usually strangers in this case) wonder if you are happy because of them (if you like them.)

and if you aren't happy and just grining, people see that and it might feel empty.

you might be expressing another emotion you're feeling at the time like nervous or scared.

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If it was my friend then i hope they would smile and say hi. People who smile at random people can show that you can be easy going or okay to talk to. I'm sure other posters know what i mean.

Yes I understand you too.But you sound like people are not friendly if they dont smile at random people? Also why do you have to make sure random people think you are friendly? You actually dont wanna smile...

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so i don't think it works when you grin at people,

smiling is backed by emotions so i believe its only greated nicely when its genuine.

so its not so much grining towards people,

but being happy at people.


so if your happy, its usually expressed like all emotions, physically.

whether your jumping up and down, smiling or laughing. there is always some physical expression.


so i think it gets guys and girls because they realize you are happy, and its not the smile alone but the emotion behind it, so people (usually strangers in this case) wonder if you are happy because of them (if you like them.)

and if you aren't happy and just grining, people see that and it might feel empty.

you might be expressing another emotion you're feeling at the time like nervous or scared.


That too. That's why I can tell when someone is faking a smile.

It says how you feel all over you. By body language as well.

I know someone is happy by their body language. And when they smile I know it's real.


Besides.. whenever I fake a smile and i try to smile at someone, it's not real because I can barely keep the fake smile for more then 2 seconds lol!

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Yes I understand you too.But you sound like people are not friendly if they dont smile at random people? Also why do you have to make sure random people think you are friendly? You actually dont wanna smile...


its just part of society, we think someone who smiles, says hello is a friendly person and is in a happy mood. Now i know thats not the case and if you don't smile or what not thats all fine to. A smile for some people can go along way.

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its just part of society, we think someone who smiles, says hello is a friendly person and is in a happy mood. Now i know thats not the case and if you don't smile or what not thats all fine to. A smile for some people can go along way.


It's also psychological. If you smile more, even when you aren't happy, it releases chemicals to your brain that make you happier. Simply holding a pen in your mouth a certain way to strain your smile muscles will release the 'happy' chemicals.


It's the same when you look at another person. Seeing other people smile actually makes you happier.

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It's the same when you look at another person. Seeing other people smile actually makes you happier.


And this is a HUGE part of attraction. When we spend time with someone and being around them makes us feel happy then we find them "attractive" ie we want to be near them. This is how people who aren't classically good looking still manage to pull lol

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In the end a smile even a small one can go along way, good an abad, and yes Cognitive_Canine does make a great point.


Alright I gotta learn to smile to random people especially the hot ones..hahaha

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You mean me? Ah I think it doesn't matter?..I smile when I find something funny or others smile first(which doesnt happen much.Almost never within young people) and I gotta reply to them one too

As I said I very rarely caught young people smiling at me..so it never accurred to me I have to smile at random people

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After reading so many posts and trying to figure out if people who smile are friendly or are happy to see me its got me thinking and left me confused. Example at work i saw this girl she asked if i could put something away in the janitors room well if i knew were it wen't, I did and i put it away since i was going in there.


Last time i saw her she was smiling everytime we passed/made eye contact now its got me wondering, but i figure i'm just reading to much into it

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