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Why smiling gets guys


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Ok so I felt like trying something..

im not normally a smiler.. usually because I am always into deep heavy thoughts throughout my day.. or i just don't smile.

When this happens.. i get attention from guys


BUT not as much as I did today

I tried this thing today where I was going to smile all day.. to everyone that walked my way etc.

And guess what! Tons of guys started speaking to me.. they all looked happy.


So for anyone that wonders why they don't get approached often:

smile it really works.


Its not that i want to date any of them.. i just wanted to see the difference between looking pissed all the time and how it actually makes people afraid of you vs smiling looking approachable and how people seem to flock..



Works for me...........

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Well...good for you girls...it works for you...but if I gonna walk on the street and smile to every girl, eventually i gonna find myself in the jail... which will take off the smile out of the face... i guess in some respects its easier to be a girl rather than a guy

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yup =)

smiling is a magnet,

everyone is looking for happines and smiling means someone has found it and everyone wants a piece of it!!!


it also shows confidence, and is really teasing!!

usualy when a girl smiles, it makes me wonder if she is into me, so i smile back and it causes more smiling,, but sometimes its just kinda like the yawn effect!

when one person yawns, other people yawn!

very contagious stufF!

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Well...good for you girls...it works for you...but if I gonna walk on the street and smile to every girl, eventually i gonna find myself in the jail... which will take off the smile out of the face... i guess in some respects its easier to be a girl rather than a guy


Not true! It depends on the smile. Genuine, "What a great day!" kind of smile, or a leering "Lets hook up smile". We can tell the difference.


By the way, more than one man has tweaked my interest with the "What a great day!" smile!

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Well...good for you girls...it works for you...but if I gonna walk on the street and smile to every girl, eventually i gonna find myself in the jail... which will take off the smile out of the face... i guess in some respects its easier to be a girl rather than a guy


No one is gonna put you in jail for smiling, even if it is a smile with perverted intentions. The most you'll get is a dirty look, or no smile back. I wouldn't give up on smiling at people.

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yup =)

smiling is a magnet,

everyone is looking for happines and smiling means someone has found it and everyone wants a piece of it!!!


it also shows confidence, and is really teasing!!

usualy when a girl smiles, it makes me wonder if she is into me, so i smile back and it causes more smiling,, but sometimes its just kinda like the yawn effect!

when one person yawns, other people yawn!

very contagious stufF!




I love your pic!! Devendra Banhart is SUCH a babe.. Lovely voice as well.

You listen to him?

And yes I caught this guy looking at me for a bit and he walked by me and I had this laugh smile thing going on an he smiled brightly back and waved

it was cute. He was cute too.

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Not true! It depends on the smile. Genuine, "What a great day!" kind of smile, or a leering "Lets hook up smile". We can tell the difference.


By the way, more than one man has tweaked my interest with the "What a great day!" smile!



She speaks the truth. It's mostly those guys that give me the genuine "it's such a nice day out how are you?" smile, those are the ones that I most likely am a little more interested in.

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When an attractive girl smiles at me, it usually brings me down. I look down and see a ring, and/or know they're just trying to be "friendly" because they caught me glancing at them. I'd really prefer they didn't if they weren't interested, as it's just another disappointment.

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I second the Devendra Banhart thing. Awesome singer, lucky to have caught him at a small show a few years ago.

Anywhoo...the consensus is SMILE! Thanks for reminding me. I'm going to go out and shoot some stix tonight with a happy heart and a big smile.


Epiphany~! Right after the break up all I got hit on by were old men/raging alcoholics. Lately my selection has been much much nicer. How much do you want to bet it is because I'm largely healed from all of the pain and I'm smiling and enjoying life again?

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any ways staying on track,

smiling is beautiful.


it uplifts the soul,

even if you were mad!

you cna be pissed off!!

and scream and scream but if someone only smiles,

eventually there is nothing else to do but smile too.

that anger gets let out,

and nothing else is causing any more reasons tto be mad so it just dies,


its like when you were a kid getting yelled at by your parents,

fighting or trying to reason with them just led to more negative things,

but when you agreed with them! they woul get even more pissed off for a second and just shut up and leave =)

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When an attractive girl smiles at me, it usually brings me down. I look down and see a ring, and/or know they're just trying to be "friendly" because they caught me glancing at them. I'd really prefer they didn't if they weren't interested, as it's just another disappointment.


It brings you down? That another person looked at you and thought "He looks nice" Wow.

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It brings you down? That another person looked at you and thought "He looks nice" Wow.


It happened several months ago, and sort of changed my whole outlook I guess. I was looking at this woman and was just floored. She was pretty much my physical ideal, yet I felt she was somehow still in the "attainable" category for me. I saw the ring first, then our eyes met and she smiled at me. When that happened, I just felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, almost dead.

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I've tried the smiling thing too but I feel really awkward doing it, because it doesn't come natural, so when I smile at a guy...I quickly look away and don't get to see his reaction. I'm too scared, lol.

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It happened several months ago, and sort of changed my whole outlook I guess. I was looking at this woman and was just floored. She was pretty much my physical ideal, yet I felt she was somehow still in the "attainable" category for me. I saw the ring first, then our eyes met and she smiled at me. When that happened, I just felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, almost dead.


I think that you really could find a glass half full aspect to this here.

Okay so this one happened to be taken but doesn't the fact that an attractive woman who didn't know you from a hole in the head, and who obviously wasn't out on the pull saw you and found you attractive? Because that's what it boils down to; When we find something unattractive we want to get away from it, we don't make eye contact and smile at it.

I think that your reaction is just a symptom of something else; maybe you aren't where you would like to be in your life? Maybe you're not sharing it with someone special and that makes you unhappy?

We all have those times and maybe your reaction was a message to you to wake up and do something about your current situation; See if you can find a way to end up where you really want to be.

If I were you I really would hold onto the thought that someone who may well have been just the kind of girl you'd want noticed you and chose to make a connection. Because chances are that if she liked what she saw then there'll be more coming along the way and who knows if one of them might be EXACTLY what you're looking for

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I've tried the smiling thing too but I feel really awkward doing it, because it doesn't come natural, so when I smile at a guy...I quickly look away and don't get to see his reaction. I'm too scared, lol.





its a difficult art to master,

some how, if you really aren't happy and you try smiling, other people know or sometimes your smile can just be really wacky and creep people.

but if your good enough, some people can fake a smile even when sad!

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I don't think smiling is just something you should use to get a date or to know people.

As long as I can think back i always smiled at people without really noticing.. Actualy I can't even turn it off. I noticed many times that someone looked sad and I just smiled and said hi.. and suddenly they had a happy face on too. It feels great and also works the other way around.

At least I always get a warm feeling and to be honest I would even hug strangers but I know that could take a bad ending! lol


Of course it happens that people just look away or give you a mean face .. but I don't know why anyone would be afraid of that. When that happens I feel kinda sad for them that they don't seem to know how to smile. So I wouldn't even want to have anything to do with them anyway.


It's a win - win situation

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I second the Devendra Banhart thing. Awesome singer, lucky to have caught him at a small show a few years ago.

Anywhoo...the consensus is SMILE! Thanks for reminding me. I'm going to go out and shoot some stix tonight with a happy heart and a big smile.


Epiphany~! Right after the break up all I got hit on by were old men/raging alcoholics. Lately my selection has been much much nicer. How much do you want to bet it is because I'm largely healed from all of the pain and I'm smiling and enjoying life again?



OH god you seen him play live? I am so jealous..

I really really want to see him.. and that beard...



Yes yes smile your heart away! Trust me it works, makes YOU feel great and makes people see you and your happiness therefore they will be attracted to you = you'll enjoy yourself 3029188x more HAHA.



Thats so true! Its like can smell and sense girls that have come out of a bad breakup and they pounce!

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It happened several months ago, and sort of changed my whole outlook I guess. I was looking at this woman and was just floored. She was pretty much my physical ideal, yet I felt she was somehow still in the "attainable" category for me. I saw the ring first, then our eyes met and she smiled at me. When that happened, I just felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, almost dead.


Well.. maybe you took it to heart when you should not have.

Keep smilin'

I love when guys smile thats really really attractive

vs the hot guy that looks tough and refuses to crack a smile.

eeeew lol

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I don't/won't smile because I have ed up (misaligned) tooth.


Some people have all the luck hey Wish I could smile without looking like a vampire.


yes i'm drunk.



Braces? How about those? How old are you?

Maybe you can wear those invisible braces (invisalign)

I wore braces a few years ago.. i hated it and it sucked but now I love my smile!

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