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Getting it up


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I know I'll have probably answered my own question by the time I've written this post up, but hey. Earlier this week my girlfriend and I were making out and I WAS getting excited. Bear in mind that I was pretty tired almost all week from work and staying up too late. I was getting a bit under 6 hours sleep. It was around 11pm when we were making out. Anyway, continuing on, we were making out, I went down on her for a while and my mini me was helf excited, half flacid. By the time I had gotten on top of her to perform intercourse, he had gone completely down and I couldn't get him up again, not matter how much coaxing I gave him. It was a little bit embarrasing., but My girlfriend got upset and started saying that I no longer find her attractive, etc. I told her I was very tired, that is all. I suggested that she give me some oral stimilation to wake him up, but she was still upset about the whole affair so we left it at that. we haven't really tried to have sex since then yet, but that's because we were both busy.


Is it normal for you other guys to struggle to keep it up when you are particularly tired? I kept telling her it was just me being tired and not a loss of attraction. I know it's a mental thing, so other factors can sometimes contribute.

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i'd like women to read this and think "oh God, I've done exactly what his gf did and I can see why it's wrong... maybe I shouldn't think like that next time" ... because if we're tired it can be hard to maintain it ..... hard....!


Then again, that might just be wishful thinking

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No, I have never been to tired to get it up. I have went weeks with almost no sleep and tortures work all day and still was raging to go. Maybe stress could play a part, it hasnt with me, but I have been so stressed I just wasnt in the mood. Good luck buddy, I am sure it will work out..

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That happens sometimes. You were tired and then because you got worried you probably made it worse. Part of being a guy I think right? Just let her know it was nothing she did, it's just a guy thing. I would worry I did something, and when my husband and I were first dating if there was ever a problem I thought it was me. That he wasn't attracted or I did something wrong.

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I found that mine would go flaccid much faster when I was less horny because of sleepiness. So I think that it is entirely possible that it's connected to your sleepiness. Oh and of course, it's also psychological so next time you have sex don't worry or think about it or it'll affect it as well.

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