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so after 2 1/2 months of LC and NIC my ex asked me to meet up.


i had been feeling very free and independent, i missed her but i knew i would be more than okay without her.


We met up today and she told me she went through a lot since we broke up. She was very depressed a few weeks before we broke up and it got a lot worse afterward. She started getting therapy and is much much better, so she tells me.



she told me she wanted to start over with me and take me on a date.

I said yes which surprised her but said I wasn't expecting anything and asked for zero pressure, she said she could do that.

She started crying she was so happy and saying how much she missed me

and that by losing me and overcoming her depression she came to terms

with how much she missed me. We agreed to take it very slow and only kissed on the cheek (which i am happy about - not ready to kiss her.) But she was very touchy and loving with me, constantly smiling.


I don't know what will happen, I have other girls I was kinda seeing, so I'll have to see where that goes.


just wanted to give you guys some hope


you'll feel better whether your ex wants you back or not, trust me, i was in an amazing place emotionally before she asked for this.


stay strong.

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just wanted to give you guys some hope .


you'll feel better whether your ex wants you back or not, trust me, i was in an amazing place emotionally before she asked for this.


This is the greatest hope any dumpee needs: Being well with or without the ex.





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she told me she wanted to start over with me and take me on a date.

I said yes which surprised her but said I wasn't expecting anything and asked for zero pressure, she said she could do that.

She started crying she was so happy and saying how much she missed me

and that by losing me and overcoming her depression she came to terms

with how much she missed me. We agreed to take it very slow and only kissed on the cheek (which i am happy about - not ready to kiss her.) But she was very touchy and loving with me, constantly smiling.


I think that is the fantasy here for many ENA dumpees.


Man, it actually played out that way! I am impressed!


Well done again.

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It's pretty funny how the tables turn.


When I reconciled, I was at the point of moving on. I had began dating others and seeing life without her. Meanwhile, she (the dumper) told me how I was all she thought about, wanted me to grow up, and always wanted us to be together.


It all came out of left field if you ask me. Never understand if they feel that way why abandon ship so easy?


Congrats though. Now the tough part begins. Getting back to where you once were with the knowledge you have soaked up.

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