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Just when I was moving on...


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I finally got to where I am starting to move on from the girl I've been wanting for over a year but who wouldn't say yes to a date with me. I met another amazing and beautiful person who I want to get to know. And today, the other girl invites me to come see her next month where she lives, 10 hours away. Why would she do that? She must know I'm still interested in her, right? Even though I have kind of met someone new (although I'm not dating her yet), I still do love the first girl.


Should I go? Why would she invite me there?

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Is it possible that she heard through the grapevine about your interest in the new girl?


Tough to say what you should do. Can you get more information from the girl who wants you to visit and find out why she wants to see you? That information will help you make a decision.

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I'd say it's impossible that she knows I met someone.


She wants me to go to a concert with her of one of our favorite bands. Would she really want me to come all that way just to go to a show just as friends when she knows how I feel about her?

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I haven't responded to it at all so I don't even know what the deal is. I'd never let her pay. I dont think she has the money, and I do. And I'd drive...just because I like driving. Which yes, still costs. Ugh. I was pretty excited when she asked. Now I kind of wish she hadn't.

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Because you aren't dating the new girl yet it would be ok to go, but you have to figure out what you'd regret more - going and maybe not getting the result you hoped for, or not going and wondering what if.

Also important is why she hadn't said yes to dating you, whether because she was trying to string you along or whether she had a good reason.

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Would it be a jerk thing to tell her I dont want to go unless it's a date? The thing is, before I had feelings for her I promised her she'd always have my friendship. I never imagined I'd fall for her.

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