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dude hes totally gay and where does he do these things to you like push you up against walls and touch you because it cant obviouslly be in school and you say you dont hang out and

after reading what you says in ur last post hes gay just facebook him because that stuff he deff is just be like can we talk and just ask him or casually bring it up trust me he is or tell him what his friends were saying and be like is it true are you gay

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omfg dude i want more post more this is so interesting i wish this was a book or something cuz im like hooked im so interested when u finished with telling him goodbye and dropping friend 2 off i was like no it cant end that way theirs gotta be more


and oh yeah hes totally gay

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mmm how close r u and him?

Not close. We've hung out twice. We chat on fb but we haven't had any personal convos. We see eachother often in the gym and at football which is where most of the "flirting" happens.

dude hes totally gay and where does he do these things to you like push you up against walls and touch you because it cant obviouslly be in school and you say you dont hang out and

after reading what you says in ur last post hes gay just facebook him because that stuff he deff is just be like can we talk and just ask him or casually bring it up trust me he is or tell him what his friends were saying and be like is it true are you gay

When he pushed me up against the wall that was in school, same with most of the other stuff. There was just no one else in the hallway because it was the gym hallway and it was after school. The football team uses the weight room.


I don't want to just ask him at this point. I think he's pretty deep in the closet and afraid of being outed to all his friends. I fear that he might get scared and say no if I just asked him. More work needs to be done lol. I need to do more of the "flirting" since it's mostly him doing it and me going along with it. I just get nervous though.


Not so exciting update:

Football hasn't actually started yet but we have mini practices/weight lifting and what not. Conditioning and training before the season.

For these practices our entire team of like 60 kids is separated into 6 mini teams and each team has a captain who drafted the team. "Joe" is the captain of one of the teams and he drafted me first for his team.


We had our first practice yesterday. I was stretching by myself and he suggested we help stretch each others legs out before we started. This was rather enjoyable. His hand was above my knee and on my calf, and mine were on his when I stretched him. Stretching each others legs out isn't gay but I thought we had more hand to leg contact than most guys would normally want to have.

Practice went normal. We had our shirts off because it was hot and at one point he put his hand on my chest saying something like "good job" when I did something good.

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I don't think directly asking him if he's gay would be a good idea cuz it might alarm him and he might probably stop acting up on you...idk, and looking back at your main concern which if he is gay or not, there are still possibilities to be considered on why he's doing all this. Try playing along and see what happens.Anyways, u definitely got yourself in a good situation here There aren't many people who get to experience this kind of hype.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Tu444, how are you guys doing? Any progress? Take your time!

Nothing exciting has happened. We see each other at football almost every day, and we talk but it's kind of hard to try and flirt or anything there. His phone broke and he can't get a new one for a couple weeks.


I noticed that he over uses "that's what she said" way too much lol.. Maybe it's a cover?


On facebook he "liked" two different pages devoted to "Team Jacob" from twilight with pics of taylor lautner. I thought this was pretty gay, but a couple definite straight guys on my friend's list liked them too, so I'm not sure.


He told me a story about how at the gas station the other day, after he paid the clerk and turned around to leave the male clerk said "nice ass". Joe said "what" and the clerk said "have a nice day". Joe said to me "I'm not going to that gas station any more". I was just like lol that's funny.


Now, I'm not sure if this really happened or what to think of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That "that's what she said" is probably something random. But come to think of it, why use that? right....

And about Joe liking not just one, but two facebook pages devoted to "Team Jacob" is kinda weird, i mean it not even made for just "Twilight" in general, its for a certain character in twilight that happens to be marketed as eye-candy for girls. But then again...

But my main concern is that story he told you about being checked-out by a male clerk in some gas station. If you think about it, that story is kind of a typical story someone would tell a person who wants to uplift a certain quality about themselves and in this case his bum. do you get it? And by him saying that he's not going back there anymore is just to probably seal away any ideas you might come up with that he's not aware of...and just to put it out there, whether his story is actually real or not, why would he bother telling you all this? Certainly he wants you to think something about him...and tell you a MALE clerk checked him out.


- Medicine

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  • 2 weeks later...


Not much exciting has happened.

We've both been pretty busy with work and football. I talk to him at football and on facebook. School starts in 3 weeks and I think I'm in one of his classes.

I'm pretty sure he's in the closet but pretty deep in. I've noticed more tendencies/signs recently.


-He get's defensive if anyone calls him a " * * * * * " or accuses him of doing something gay. The other day, we were stretching each other's legs before football and it looked kinda gay so another player jokingly said "Hey Joe, what are you doing over there with (my name)." Instead of just playing along, Joe got all serious and told the kid to fuk off.


-Whenever we talk face to face, we have a lot of eye contact.


-He is really smart and left handed. I know this doesn't mean much but I've read that left handed people are more likely to be gay and from my experience they usually do well in school.


-He is touchy around a lot of guys. Not just me. He jokingly touches hands with guys, rubs their shoulders, arms, chest etc.


-His voice. It doesn't sound feminine, but it's sorta off pitch. It sounds like his voice never finished getting deeper where as his body is fully grown.

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I think the "inadvertent" touching is one of the most obvious signs, the high pitch voice, and the voice in general is irrelevant. True you have "queens" like Gok Wan etc who speak and act really camp but people like them are by far in the minority and it is in truth a tired stereotype; in real life it's almost as unlikely to meet a camp homosexual as it is to meet a french-man with onions round his neck carrying a baguette; but that is what were suppose to believe is the common truth. It is unusual for someone who is in the closet to be genuinely camp.


I was just wondering, especially after reading all your posts, if you aware that it really sounds as if he thinks you are gay. He has pinched your arse, blown you a kiss (with a straight face) and touched you for extended periods of time and the eye contact; it seems logical to assume that he has a feeling that you may be gay too.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey. i'm in a simillar situation. While my movie failed due to time conflicts, you could try tip. Talk to him, or around him and say it so he'll hear you, about this wan0see, but no one wants to im see it with you. Say you can only take one person. If he's interested, which at this point, i'm sure he is, if will invite himself. If anyone else asker to go, say it got canceled. There are a few differences between our situations, but the plans can be adapted. Good luck with this Keep up updated.

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