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Toys R Us Anyone?

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Alright, so I'm 19 years old and have been applying like crazy for a job.

My old job I worked at apartments just filing, answering phones, and dealing with customers. So basically, my strong abilities lie with working with the public. I love it! It's crazy and annoying sometimes, but I like talking to people.


So on that hand, I don't have retail experience. I've never worked a cash register..I've never stocked shelves..I've never had to sell anything to a customer..I've never had to make a certain quota...etc etc.


But I got called in for an Interview at my local Toys R Us, and I've heard that their interview process can be a little intimidating.


They hold group interviews with 6-12 people, including you. THEN have individual interviews. And basically put you on the spot about everything! Kind of nervous about this...

I'm very outgoing and talkative. I wouldn't say I was shy, but sometimes when put on the spot I can be a little reserved.


So my question is...and It's a weird place to ask, but I love this community...if you have ever worked at Toys R Us, or DO work there, what can I expect from the interview? Or group interviews in general?


I know it's a silly question, but thanks to anyone who can answer!!


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My first job was actually at Toys R Us, but that was over 10 years ago. I'm sure things are a lot different then than it is now.


If it makes you feel any better, I have an interview tomorrow and I'm just as nervous as you are. I hate interviews, and I always seem to mess it up.


Good luck though. Sorry, I'm not much of help to you.

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My first job was actually at Toys R Us, but that was over 10 years ago. I'm sure things are a lot different then than it is now.


If it makes you feel any better, I have an interview tomorrow and I'm just as nervous as you are. I hate interviews, and I always seem to mess it up.


Good luck though. Sorry, I'm not much of help to you.


lol I'm nervous too! You're not alone obviously.


If you don't mind me asking...how was it like working there? And do they usually stick to minimum wage, or do they give raises?


And good luck with your interview! Just be yourself

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lol I'm nervous too! You're not alone obviously.


If you don't mind me asking...how was it like working there? And do they usually stick to minimum wage, or do they give raises?


And good luck with your interview! Just be yourself


It wasn't too bad working there actually.


I was actually doing customer service, and I also got to play with all the toys.


It was actually just minimum wage, but I was 15 at the time, so a job was better than no job.


Unfortunately, the traveling was ridiculous. I had to take two trains, and a bus to get there, so I didn't stay there longer than a few months.


P.S. - I went through with the interview, not sure if I got the job, I guess I'll just have to wait to see if I get a call back, but the worst is over.


Now it's your turn, be confident and just be yourself Keep me posted and good luck.

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