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It's been over a month since I initiated no contact with my ex, he was the dumper.


I know that many of you feel hopeless, and depressed. I'm posting this so that all of you realize that things only get better


I realized that I had become a weak person during my relationship, I relied on my ex, I forgot about my family and friends. I had started distancing myself from everyone, I had even started going out less and spent all my time texting, talking to and seeing my ex.


After the break up I went through a period of depression, I lost 15 pounds everyone noticed a dramatic change in my attitude, studying for my finals had become difficult.


Now over a month later, I'm better and stronger then ever. I can say with confidence that I am a better person because of this heart break. I lost weight, I go to the gym everyday, my relationships with my friends and family are stronger then they have been in years. Summer 2010 is set to be the best summer of my life. I no longer feel the need to find a new boyfriend, I'm not searching for anyone, quite frankly I don't need anyone to make my life better. If another man does come into the picture then that's great but right now I'm content with how life currently is


I've learned so much. I know now what went wrong with the relationship and have worked on the things that I contributed to the end of the relationship.


So goodluck to all of you. much love xo

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Thanks for that. It gives me some hope.


I split up with my ex last Monday...we have to have the odd bit of communication here and there due to bills and the house etc but yesterday was the first day I was able to stop myself looking at her profile page. It's sounds pathetic (and she is deleted as a friend...but I can still see the wall...doh!) but it was quite an achievement for me.


I hope I get through today and tomorrow and then suddenly, come Monday morning, it's been two weeks!

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It's only been 72 hrs for me. I am starting to really hurt bad. I haven't seen her in almost a week now. The only communication we have really had have been text fights. Nothing now since Tuesday night when she said she hated me and never wanted to hear from me again

I blocked her FB profile altogether so I couldn't torture myself checking in to she what she's been up to. It's awful when you begin to realise that it is actually over and you may never see or hold that person again...

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Thanks for that. It gives me some hope.


I split up with my ex last Monday...we have to have the odd bit of communication here and there due to bills and the house etc but yesterday was the first day I was able to stop myself looking at her profile page. It's sounds pathetic (and she is deleted as a friend...but I can still see the wall...doh!) but it was quite an achievement for me.


I hope I get through today and tomorrow and then suddenly, come Monday morning, it's been two weeks!


I did the facebook stalking thing for a while too, don't worry it's normal. My ex never deleted me as a friend until recently, I think he was also lurking on my page an unhealthy amount of times and had to stop himself from doing so.


I got my friends to change my password for me I only got it back recently


My best friend is mutual friends with my ex, I have her password and yes my ex is still friends with her on facebook (they never speak). I can check his profile if I ever wish to, but I no longer feel the need to, I just don't care.


You will heal, just give it time.


I asked my friend at the beginning of my turmoil how long it would take me to get over it and she said "as long as you allow yourself to".

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It's only been 72 hrs for me. I am starting to really hurt bad. I haven't seen her in almost a week now. The only communication we have really had have been text fights. Nothing now since Tuesday night when she said she hated me and never wanted to hear from me again

I blocked her FB profile altogether so I couldn't torture myself checking in to she what she's been up to. It's awful when you begin to realise that it is actually over and you may never see or hold that person again...


I've also accepted that I'll never see my ex again, we were semi long distance and go to different uni's, though I have many friends at that school that I visit time to time.


It was hard at first to think that I'll never see him again, he was such an important part of my life. But again notice my use of the word WAS.


It also helps if your ex was being a total jerk after your breakup lol


my advice to you is just stop arguing with her, cut off all contact.


To this day my ex is still finding indirect ways to hurt me/bother me, which obviously shows i'm in a better place then he is at the moment...quite frankly I find an odd comfort in that.

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