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Getting Rid of Stray Cats


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I will come straight out with it and say I HATE CATS! No offense to cat owners out there but I simply can't stand cats. There are many stray cats in my neighborhood and many times have come to my front yard to leave their litter and their bowel movements on my front lawn! I have thought about baiting these cats into a cage and taking them to the humane society, but with the amount of cats in those shelters, I see a bad ending for them, and being an animal lover I couldn't let that happen. All I really want to do is to keep them away from my front yard. How can I go about doing this?

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There are products you can try to deter them, usually sold in lawn and garden sections of stores. It gets sprinkled on the lawn and is not harmful, but they don't like the smell of it.


Some people claim that using fox urine helps. (supposedly it is sold for this purpose)


There are also plants that they do not like the smell of link removed

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I HATE CATS TOO. Except the cats I hate have owners. Yet there cats STILL poo all over my garden. I have a baby.. and I have 3 rabbits... I've even complained loudly when the owner was in hearing reach. YET THERE CAT STILL POOS! I wish there was a law against it.


There is however several things you can do to stop it. I heard citrus smells repell them. And they hate water.. so theres motion senser sprinklers.


I saw this as well

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Sadly we're not allowed to put posion down here. Or to shoot them with potato guns=(

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On a serious note, you can always put an ad out on craigslist or something for someone who is interested in a stray cat and have them nab em up for you... Win/win...


I see a bad ending there too. Labs looking for strays to do their awful testing on. Gah. I'd stay away from CL.

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^Awww...if you drop them off elsewhere yourself that would mean that if any of them were mama cats feeding a litter of babies, the babies would die of starvation or worse.


At least a humane society or similar organization would be able to tell if a cat was a mother cat.


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I think Bella is trying to give us all a guilt trip with the picture of the cat and her kittens


People drive their stray cats to the Everglades and abandon them there. This is TERRIBLE! Not only do the cats become gator and python food, they are also a huge intrusion to such a delicate habitat. I'll check out what kinds of products I can find in the gardening section of the hardware store to keep them away.

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Get a dog?! lol. Sorry. It's a tough question.


Where are they all coming from? What type of place you live at (suburban, inner city, country)?


You could take it upon yourself to try and find some solution for the problem, even if it is as simple as you calling up a local no-kill shelter and explaining the situation and asking for ideas. Help. Whatever.


No-kill shelters will at least try to find solutions that do not involve putting the little guys down. They might even have a cut or no cost spay/neuter program...I know here, there is a special cut rate for having larger numbers of animals spayed/neutered...at 100 bucks, a whole colony of strays can be tamed down in size simply bc they aren't procreating left right and center.


Other than that, the sprinkler idea seems solid. I'd try to locate their colony - strays usually have a pack area somewhere in the area...there is one near my place right near the river, and the problem became all the worse bc some elderly man was regularly feeding the cats there.

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I live in a suburb. Most of these cats are the offspring of domesticated cats whose irresponsible owners let the kittens go stray and reproduce and just spread more and more. I think there might be a few cat owners in my neighborhood so its possible that they are being fed by those owners, or taking those cats' food.

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If you can afford it try trapping the cats and having them altered. Then at least you won't be overrun with cats, and you will be part of the solution of the pet population problem.


If they don't have owners I would take them to the animal shelter. I know it's most likely a sad ending but at least they will have food, water, shelter, and warmth. They will be taken care of and spayed and at least given a chance at a real home.


To just repel the cats, the other posters have suggested many things.

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If there's a volunteer organization that rescues these cats I highly recommend them.


Also citrus spray or anything that gives off citrus smell works really well.


I spray my hood of my car with Windex like cleaner in citrus version. It works well since our neighbors cats love to sit on top of the car during winter. Deters them and haven't had paw prints in months.

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If there's a volunteer organization that rescues these cats I highly recommend them.


Also citrus spray or anything that gives off citrus smell works really well.


I spray my hood of my car with Windex like cleaner in citrus version. It works well since our neighbors cats love to sit on top of the car during winter. Deters them and haven't had paw prints in months.

that sounds kind of adorable hahah. Aww. I want paw prints on my car!

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If there's a volunteer organization that rescues these cats I highly recommend them.


Also citrus spray or anything that gives off citrus smell works really well.


I spray my hood of my car with Windex like cleaner in citrus version. It works well since our neighbors cats love to sit on top of the car during winter. Deters them and haven't had paw prints in months.


I have a citrus deodorizer on top of my cat's litterbox, and it doesn't stop them from using it. I would have noticed lol.

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I have a citrus deodorizer on top of my cat's litterbox, and it doesn't stop them from using it. I would have noticed lol.




Winter time was the worst, I'd spray it overnight and was good for few days...maybe it's the chemicals inside too.


I forgot to mention, any water bottle with water left outside works well too. Cats hate glares.


jengh, it's not cute when there are billion paw prints lol. It was literally covered with paw prints.

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I also have the same problem in my neighborhood...wouldn't mind so much, but I have 2 dogs that can really sniff out the cat poo...then end up eating it and getting tapeworm....I have my dogs on monthly dewormer that doesn't cover tapeworm, and also a monthly flea med...it gets expensive then having to keep treating them for tapeworm...frustrating, all because of irresponsible pet owners who let their pets run the streets, if only there was a way to track the owners of these animals down and make them pay for worm treatments...maybe they would learn. Highly unlikely...but just a random thought..lol](*,)

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