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how do i get her to trust me?

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I've been dating my gf for just over 8 months and it seems she doesn't trust me. I have never givin a reason for this distrust honestly since we met I've made her my everything. I just can't see why she doesn't trust me. There's a little age gap I'm 22 and she's 18. When we first met I was a big partier. But I got into a bit of trouble and turned my life around ( this was before we started dating) I droped all of my friends and started focusing on family. I work 3rd shift and all I do is work sleep and spend time with my girlfriend. She's had issues in the past with guys and says its hard to trust me. And I understood that but now going on 9 months I feel there's still no trust. She gets jealous of me just glancing at other girls I just don't know what to do. My life consists of family her and work. I feel like her distrust in me is going to pull us apart. She's going to college in a few months and really want to build this trust before she goes(its gonna be 4 hours away). How can I go about doing this? I don't want the little trust se has to go out the window when she goes and just give up on this wonderful thing we have.

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You really can't force her to trust you. If you have been honest, sincere, open, etc. with her then it's on her to take that into consideration. The most you can do right now is sit down and tell her what you're saying now. Explain how sad and frustrated you feel that despite being a good guy and never giving her reasons to doubt you, she still doesn't trust you. If you don't speak to her and tell her this, she isn't going to change on her own. Chances are she either doesn't realize this or if she does she needs to be spoken to about it directly. Whatever it is, you need to address this now rather than later because a lack of trust, and for no good reason to boot, can negatively affect the relationship. It's not fair to you that she transfers her insecurities and past experiences on to you. Ultimately, though, it's up to her whether or not she will take into consideration your positive behavior and trust you accordingly. If she continues not to, then it's an issue she needs to deal with on her own first through counseling. Once she gets over those issues, she'll be better able to function in a relationship.

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