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Anti-Anxiety Medicine

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I have some reason to believe anti-anxiety meds would solve many of the problems I deal with daily. But before I look into it further, I am concerned about side effects of the medicines.


I have heard some drastic changes that happen before of the pills and am wondering if anyone has personal experience with taking the pills and what they think about them? Specifically how they make you feel and what are some side effects you have had.

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What problems are you suffering from?


I've been taking Klonopin for about 3 years now. I'm supposed to take it daily, but I don't want to become addicted to it so I only take it when I'm feeling that god awful tight feeling in my chest or get panicky.


That's the downside--they're highly addictive. I've taken both Xanax and Klonopin and have had better results with Klonopin but it's different for everyone.


Basically, the only side effect I've felt has been tiredness/grogginess but that's usually only if I've taken more than usual (doctor says to take 1-3 tablets so I vary it depending on how I'm feeling). Otherwise, it just calms me down, I can think more clearly.

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My brother was diagnosed as Bi-polar and they put him on anti-depressants. I am a witness that he became a horrible person after starting medication. He was angry all the time, only wanted to be in his own little world, had to drop out of high school and always wanted to inflict bodily harm on himself. He isn't bi-polar at all, once he was old enough to move out of my parents house he is 100% different in a very amazing way. Sometimes it's just cutting the source off and things will get better.

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My brother was diagnosed as Bi-polar and they put him on anti-depressants. I am a witness that he became a horrible person after starting medication. He was angry all the time, only wanted to be in his own little world, had to drop out of high school and always wanted to inflict bodily harm on himself. He isn't bi-polar at all, once he was old enough to move out of my parents house he is 100% different in a very amazing way. Sometimes it's just cutting the source off and things will get better.


Anti-depressants and anti-anxieties are two completely different categories of drugs. While some anti-depressants have a side effect of treating anxiety, anti-anxieties don't generally treat depression.

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Anti-depressants and anti-anxieties are two completely different categories of drugs. While some anti-depressants have a side effect of treating anxiety, anti-anxieties don't generally treat depression.


for my anxiety, two doctors have asked me if I wanted to take an anti-depressant. perhaps this is what they are referring too.


OP should speak to physician.

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for my anxiety, two doctors have asked me if I wanted to take an anti-depressant. perhaps this is what they are referring too.


OP should speak to physician.


Yeah, I'm obviously not a doctor


Often, a doctor will prescribe an anti-depressant because they're less addictive and it's a better jumping off point. It really depends on how serious your anxiety is. Are you in the UK? I know the UK doesn't prescribe benzos (klonopin, xanax, ativan) except under very extenuating circumstances.

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Yeah, I'm obviously not a doctor


Often, a doctor will prescribe an anti-depressant because they're less addictive and it's a better jumping off point. It really depends on how serious your anxiety is. Are you in the UK? I know the UK doesn't prescribe benzos (klonopin, xanax, ativan) except under very extenuating circumstances.


nope, i am actual prescribed a benzo, but i still have anxiety. i just want to be RID of it, no medications.... wouldn't that be nice ;-)

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nope, i am actual prescribed a benzo, but i still have anxiety. i just want to be RID of it, no medications.... wouldn't that be nice ;-)


Ugh, I know. I've suffered from severe anxiety for so many years, I don't even remember what anxiety-free feels like. I've tried yoga, meditation, diet, breathing, herbal remedies... blah.

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Anti-depressants and anti-anxieties are two completely different categories of drugs. While some anti-depressants have a side effect of treating anxiety, anti-anxieties don't generally treat depression.


True. In my experience, though, anti-depressants are a better long-term treatment for anxiety. Drugs like ativan are outstanding when it comes to fighting off anxiety attacks, but they don't do much in the way of treating the underlying cause.

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True. In my experience, though, anti-depressants are a better long-term treatment for anxiety. Drugs like ativan are outstanding when it comes to fighting off anxiety attacks, but they don't do much in the way of treating the underlying cause.


Yeah, this is exactly why you (OP) need to speak with a mental health professional--the personal experiences vary so greatly. I can't handle all of the other side effects from anti-depressants so anti-anxieties are the only things that really help me.

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Yeah, this is exactly why you (OP) need to speak with a mental health professional--the personal experiences vary so greatly. I can't handle all of the other side effects from anti-depressants so anti-anxieties are the only things that really help me.


How many anti-depressants have you tried? It's common to have side effects from some but not others. For example, Paxil was horrific for me but I've had very good experiences with both Zoloft of Cipralex.

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How many anti-depressants have you tried? It's common to have side effects from some but not others. For example, Paxil was horrific for me but I've had very good experiences with both Zoloft of Cipralex.


Oh, let's see (haha, there's a long list):


Effexor XR








I'm sure I'm leaving something out. The only one that was tolerable was Wellbutrin, but it didn't really do much in general. Effexor turned me into a zombie. I was on it for 2 or 3 years, I completely lost touch of who I was and reality in general. I can't really remember anything from that period in time.


From what I know, SSRIs are the most effective in treating anxiety in terms of anti-depressants but my boyfriend is taking mirtazapine, which I believe is a TeCA and not as well-known for treating anxiety disorders.


If you want a good, non-chemical way of treating anxiety, you should look into Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). It combines CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) with mindfulness and distress tolerance and basically retrains your way of thinking. I can write more on the topic if anyone cares to know more.

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I took klonopin for over a year and I have very mixed feelings about it. At first I thought all my Christmases had come at once! I finally felt calm and I was able to sleep. Any time I had a panic attack i'd pop one and I felt wonderful. Then after about 6 months I noticed that my memory was like a goldfish. I felt so stupid! And I got very clumsy, always falling over and bumping into things. Eventually I decided that I needed up come off them in order to lift the fog. It was sooo hard. I remember thinking "this is what heroin withdrawal must feel like," even though I was reducing by an 1/8 of a pill at a time.


That all lasted a few months and I continued to take them whenever I got a panic attack, but not every day. Now I take 1/4 if I'm having a really stressful day or if I can't sleep. This is only about once every 2 weeks. For the most part the anxiety has gotten better because I'm no longer studying and my job is so easy. The only stress I have in my life comes from my relationships with friends and family. This is considerably less than 1.5 years ago when I started klonopin.

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before u take anti-depresents try asking your doc if u can talk to a phycologist and see if problems are from another area of your life tablets can work if u are calm enough to think straight and not diluded by other things.they are only short term solution for 6 months or so. good luck

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aaah I took effexor too! Highest dose... 200 mg... I was a zombie. I was already sleeping TOO much and all this did was make it so I couldn't tell the different between some of my dreams and reality. no help at all.

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aaah I took effexor too! Highest dose... 200 mg... I was a zombie. I was already sleeping TOO much and all this did was make it so I couldn't tell the different between some of my dreams and reality. no help at all.


I was taking 200mg twice a day!!!! It was horrible! I completely lost all sense of time and reality but the worst part was I didn't even realize it. It wasn't until I went off it that I realized I was a disaster.

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I'm on a low dosage of Xanax, as needed. I don't take it every day, just when I feel an anxiety attack coming on, which is happening less and less. It does make me pretty tired, but a cup of coffee or some other form of caffeine takes care of the fatigue, for the most part. I haven't noticed any other side effects other than the fact that it makes me able to function, stops me from feeling like I have to puke from nervousness, and lets me do my job.


If you think you're having anxiety attacks then definitely go talk to someone. They can help you with other coping techniques and give you tons of information on different kinds of medication. I saw a therapist first who helped me to figure out exactly how my anxiety functioned, and then the medical doctor was able to prescribe me the right kind of anti-anxiety pills to deal with my specific kind of anxiety.


As for anti-anxiety medications not treating the underlying causes, it really depends on you. For me, being on the medication allowed me to face the things I was trying to suppress and brush under the rug -- all the things I was avoiding because they caused me undo anxiety, which caused depression. Anxiety was the underlying cause for me and dealing with it let me put things back into perspective.

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I took xanax many years ago and I honestly think it permanently increased (maybe just slightly) my sensitivity to anxiety. My mind knows completely well that there's nothing to be anxious about, but I'll have the physiological manifestation of anxiety anyways. I don't recall it being so present before I took xanax.


I took paxil for a brief time, too, and I found it helpful. But it had this strange weight gain side-effect so I discontinued it.

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I have up to 3 times as much dopamine in my system compared to a typical person. That causes anxiety type symptoms and exacerbates a speech problem I have. Anti-anxiety meds were shown to help balance these levels. (Alcohol also will balance it out, but I don't want to be an alcoholic)


I do exercise and eat right and it doesn't help much. I am planning on starting to drink green tea exclusively to try to alleviate some symptoms without medication.

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I have up to 3 times as much dopamine in my system compared to a typical person. That causes anxiety type symptoms and exacerbates a speech problem I have. Anti-anxiety meds were shown to help balance these levels. (Alcohol also will balance it out, but I don't want to be an alcoholic)


I do exercise and eat right and it doesn't help much. I am planning on starting to drink green tea exclusively to try to alleviate some symptoms without medication.


If you're looking for an herbal remedy, valerian root helps a bit. If it's an actual chemical imbalance (like you mentioned, the excess levels of dopamine), medication may be one of your only solutions, but I can't say I know a lot about osteopathic healing/remedies.

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