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~Feeling fine,good thing can happen~

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Hey i would just like to say that things do get better for those of you that feel like it never will. Lots of you know my story and well i no longer feel the way i did about my ex, i no longer wish for him to come back and i no longer feel tempted to have any kind of contact with him at all. I have been chatting to this amazing guy who has helped me through alot and i have grown quite fond of him i am not sure what the future holds but i am sure that i can feel love again, there is someone out there that will appreciate all i am and all i do for them. I believe in things happen for a reason and well i think mine was so i could meet someone that was right for me, someone who understands me and appreciates that. So for all those of you that feel like their world has ended, move on with your life, meet new people, get a hobby, go out have fun and most importantly dont tell yourself you will never love another the same again. I told myself this and well now the way i am feeling i believe its almost possible for me to feel for someone else in the same way if not stronger. I cannot wait till i fond this out and this excites me no end. please stay strong and remember things happen for a reason, it isnt the end of the world, it just means that person wasnt the right one and thank god they left so you could find the right one and be happy the way you deserve to be. he/she is out there dont go find them they will come to you i feel mine has in very very weird circumstances, but as i say i feel its fate making this happen, fate is on my side and i am loving every moment f it right now

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Hey Crymeout,

I agree with all you say, 11 months ago I was devastated when my ex left me for someone else. Along with other problems I was having at the time (could see my business going bust and losing everything) I definitely felt the worst I had ever felt. I really could see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Anyway things did gradually get better and I managed to get away on a couple of holidays towards the end of last year. When I was away at Xmas I met a wonderful girl, who I've been seeing since, its long distance but going well. My business recovered and is now doing better than ever.

When I look back I don't know how I managed to carry on in those dark days, but I kept going somehow, I had no choice. My life has changed beyond recognition now. I could have given up and chucked the towel in but I persevered. I knew I didn't deserve how I had been treated and somehow kept faith that things would get better and I knew in my heart that they had to.

Suppose what I am saying is that no matter how bad you feel, things do get better. Let go of your ex totally and know that it will get better. Don't spend too long feeling sorry for yourself, get out and show the world what its missing!!

The darkest hour is always before dawn and bad times are always followed by good times.

For me, now that the good times are back, I use the bad times to remind me to value my new relationship and cherish my new partner, not to take her for granted and be thankful of the joy she has brought into my life.

The bad times can be terrible, but in a way I am glad to have had them, because they taught me a lot which makes my life so much better now.

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hey guys im glad i made you smile


yes i have moved on with my life i no longer want anything to do with the ex. i hope i will form a relationship with someone who deserves me and whom i will cherish always. your right noone and nothing should be taken for granted. i know that when i meet the guy who i can love and be loved back in the same way things will be perfect. but until them i am fine on my own, i get myself out and do things, i keep busy. and the way i got over my exs well was the recent things he has done and when i stood back and thought about it all, i am worth so much more and now he is the one that messed but, but its too late now, i no longer want him in my life.

i want to move on with another guy, and hopefully there will be a happy ending

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  • 2 weeks later...

feeling down.................


wish i wasn't such a flippin YO YO......................


i guess it dont help that yesterday was the date of my prem daughters death....


i feel like crap, i felt so alone last night


what do you do when the person that was there to get you through anything is gone, and when your finding it so hard to meet someone else.


i dont know what to do with myself anymore hate this

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feeling down.................


wish i wasn't such a flippin YO YO......................


i guess it dont help that yesterday was the date of my prem daughters death....


i feel like crap, i felt so alone last night


what do you do when the person that was there to get you through anything is gone, and when your finding it so hard to meet someone else.


i dont know what to do with myself anymore hate this


Can't give you any advice because I feel exactly the same. I'm sorry you're also feeling like this but you're not alone. You have your son and I have my daughter and nobody can ever take them away from us. They're all that matters and their love will never die. We've just gotta ride this bad wave out until we finally get back on our feet again. Its awful it really is.

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thanks hun, sorry just having a down day. i know i will meet someone else and hell i thought i had but then i guess i feel down right now for other reasons too. things will get better aye, just wish i cud speed up the time process to the day i meet the guy of my dreams........................................

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yes i agree in a way...


i think im more depressed that i cant seem t meet a guy whome i like, im told im too picky mayb i am. i just know how hard it is to meet someone who i will feel alot for, it took me ages to meet the ex. i mean i had bfs but none where who i could say id settle down with, until i met the ex.

Now tho things have changed as i see him differently becoz of his actions just before the break and after....i dont see the person i met, hes changed...


i would like to meet someone else now and it just isnt happening......

im fond of one person whome i dont think is fond of me, so thats a no go...

i have an ex bf on my back asking for dates, not the recent ex tho, and well thats also a big NO NO im not interested.

other guys i meet either really like me and i dont like something about them, just well dont feel right.

or i get ones whome i think yeh they seem nice, then thy have to go and spoil it by saying something rude or hint at something rude, which is a total turn off for me... i dont want a fling or a one night stand........


where is my Mr Darcy like guy, hehe thats what i want a gentleman who will love me for me and i will love them for them...


it just isnt happening guys and i freak out thinking knowing how long it took to meet my ex, its going to take ages to meet someone else whome i will feel that way about again, im 26 and yes you say NOT OLD, but i feel older, i have a 7yr old son and i feel i should at least be settled in a realtionship and be thinking about marriage, but i know that dont happen over night and id never rush that, it takes time. And so i guess thats why it upsets me, i was with the ex 3 years and was starting to think about marriage and he hinted at it too and children, but now hes gone i have to start all over again...


this gets me down BIG TIME......




pitty its so easy for him to move on, even if she was married and cheating on her husband and was so classy she got herself pregnant in 2 weeks and who was the father, guess wont ever know. maybe she hasnt even aborted it, whos knows...


all i know is im disgusted and would never get back with him, i am waiting here now for my RIGHT GUY........................ i hope he doesnt make me wait too long...



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