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What makes you endure your LDR? What keeps you going?

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It is so easy to find all negative stuff in a LDR. It is hard not to see your loved one

I wonder what some of you make it endure your LDR?

What are the positive qualities of your partner?

The positive between you guys that makes you live in a LDR?

What keeps you going?

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Well a LDR cant just be done with just anybody...they really have to be worth it i believe. Me and my girl lives in different countries, an ocean between us. I never thought i would be in this situation ever, but were here standing strong (met her on vacation lol)


We only get to see each other 1-2 weeks every 2 months-ish. It is hard i do think it gets a bit easier in some ways, of course airport goodbyes NEVER get easier! I think you learn that its not goodbye but until next time, after many repeat visits you know you will see each other again. The first few days are the hardest when you have to part. I find that you get back into the groove of daily life helps.


Daily communication is essential, you have to be open and honest. It really helps to have a next visit roughly planned out, or and end goal in sight. I have hopefully 12 more weeks and the distance should be over at least for a few years.


I endure it because i believe she is worth it, i knew from the moment i saw her on vacation we would get on well, it was a crazy feeling. I endure because i plan on a future with her and know the distance is temporary.


A friend told me he admires me and us (hes new to LDR) simply stating im strong. I told him i dont see how i am. My friends responded "to be strong in your case is to suffer." lol. Well its true you go through many emotional up's and down's but the cause has got be just or else i wouldnt put up with it!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The hope that one day we'll get to live together and can spend all the time in the world together. Going LDR with him (the first 2 years of our relationship wasn't LD) has only strengthened our relationship and reaffirmed my belief that he's "the one". University life isn't exactly conducive towards being in a relationship, everything about it screams being single is the way to go haha so the fact that we're still putting in the effort to be together really makes me feel good about us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

When we were LDR, for a few years, a few years ago what kept me going was our common goals (to be together, married, have a family), our love for each other, our constant communication, and making the effort to see each other at least every 10 days. And that we'd known each other for many years before we were long distance so I didn't feel like I was having a fantasy relationship (which I personally would have felt if we'd started out long distance - I wouldn't have gotten involved if that was the case).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been with my partner for almost 5 years now and we have ben living on different sides of the world since feb 2007 and have only seen each other twice during that time (for a month each visit.. he lives in Scotland I live in New Zealand and we both have work that is very area specific)...


How do I manage?


Every so often I stop and do an internal check of my emotions and think "Is this worth it?" and every single time my heart goes "YES!" so it puts a smile on my face and I realise that because there is never a moment of hesitation it's still working well.

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