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Color of private parts

Lady Rashomon

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This is probably how most men feel. lol Lucky to be seeing the lady parts, so who cares what color they are.



DING DING DING!!!! Give the lady the door prize! Cat you got my point exactly!!! I always felt who cares what the colors are as long as I got my way with them!!!

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I was actually thinking about this earlier today. I'm Caucasian and am darker down there. I always wondered if that was a turn off. Apparently not necessarily.


And bleaching your rear end is just crazy. There's not enough money in this world for me to do that.

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Why do people bleach their anus? If you shower, it's clean. So, what does bleaching offer, other than a white hole? Is that the goal?


It is the skin around the hole that they are looking to lighten. That puckered starfish (lol) they want the same colour as the buttocks and not to be darker.


Regarding how it is done .. on all fours whilst the bleach takes effect. Saw it on a plastic surgery prog, not done it myself

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I have male friends who prefer lighter areolas/nipples but these are also the same guys that predominantly date girls with lighter skin colors (mainly caucasian). That correlation does not seem to surprise me at all.


As for darker skin color in the lower regions the consensus seems to be with my male friends that there shouldnt be too much differentiation between the girl's skin color and the color around that particular area.

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I have to admit that I dont find darker genitals and nipples attractive, either on men or women. the women that I've dated have all had pink genitals and the couple of times that I've seen a darker man nude, the color of his penis wasnt necessarily a turn off, but it wasnt a turn on either. I'm not racist in any way, I dont think. I just have a preference for pink and white. I wonder if it has something with the way that I am. I'm have creamy skin and pink parts, so it makes me think that maybe I'm attracted to what I look like. Does that even make sense? lol


I think that this implies a certain amount of skin prejudice or racism. When I first began dating my bf I was turned off by the thought of pink skin (thought it would remind me of uncooked meat) and preferred golden brown to darker bodies. Plus, my brothers always talk about how they are turned off by pink skin and body parts because they look unfinished, so they typically don't date white women. However, surprisingly my boyfriend's golden brown down there and I was very happy about that. However, since I grew to love him I don't think it would matter much if he weren't. If the skin color of someone prevents you from being with them then I believe a prejudice is there.

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Oh. Well I am a woman, but have had male partners of different backgrounds.


First time I saw difference in pigmentation of overall skin colour and genitals/under arm pits/nipples - I was surprised. But that was a long time ago, and it didn't turn me off.


I'm still curious to know why that is though...that there would be a concentration of darker pigmentation under some people's armpits and their genital region?


Anyways, I don't have a preference. Skin colours to me are like flavours of ice cream - I love vanilla, and chocolate, and butterscotch, and ..... They are all nice.

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I think SOME womans nether regions change color because of age/pregnancy/hormones, etc. I've been with light skinned girls who had dark labias, others who didn't. I lived with an olive skinned woman who had very dark nipples and labia. I think it's just genetics.

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No matter what excuses we give for this, it is a matter of racism. Let's not kid ourselves.


Not for all. I haven't a racist bone in my body. And the same is true for others I'm sure.

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No matter what excuses we give for this, it is a matter of racism. Let's not kid ourselves.


Not true at all. I am of mixed race, but prefer darker skinned women or brunettes if dating caucasians. Do I absolutely rule out lighter skinned women or caucasians? Not at all - but it just so happens that the majority I have dated are not caucasian and not blondes. What we prefer is what we prefer. It's who I am physically attracted to and I can't control that.


I think racism comes into play if we absolutely REFUSE to even entertain the idea of dating/being with someone of a different race - and the sole reason is because of that race.

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No matter what excuses we give for this, it is a matter of racism. Let's not kid ourselves.


I think that's rather simplifying things way too much. We identify with what we have exposure to. If you've had a lot of exposure to pink, you're going to see pink and have a kneejerk arousal response. Likewise, if you've had a lot of exposure to a darker, maybe mocha color, you'll see that and the same thing will happen.


This doesn't mean you wouldn't experience arousal from someone whose bits were colored differently than you have the most exposure to, but it will probably take some more work for your brain to process things at first and equate them to the same feelings.


At the end of the day, we can still have a preference, but that doesn't mean if there's a difference we're not going to get down and dirty.


I also like the neopolitan ice cream reference, as it's pretty apt. Ice cream is good no matter what the flavor, but me? I've always liked the vanilla and strawberry over the chocolate. Doesn't mean I won't still lick up every last bit of the chocolate from the bowl.

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Not racism at all, no need to be offended. Just preference as with all things. I wouldn't kick someone out of my bed because they had darker private parts. But we all have our preferences that are generally from what we are used to. If you are used to lighter colored private parts..yes, this is usually what your preference is. Does that mean you will exclude those that do not ?..no, but it is merely something you prefer above the other.

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I don't think it inherently points to racism, either, but I do imagine it would be hurtful to have a partner tell you, "Honey, you're awesome, but I just prefer lighter/darker/ private parts." (This, apparently, is the experience my friend who prompted this post has had a few times.) To me, it's just a strange place to be making preferences--and typically, who I'm with at any given time is going to be indicative of the preference I harbor.

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Uh huh noone's going to admit any racism.


I'm going to go ahead and point out that if my hands and tongue and eyes are all over someone's naughty bits and they're allowing it, I'm probably not racist toward them. That would be rather contradictory, wouldn't it? Most racist people I've known don't go around fraternizing with those they consider inferior.


That doesn't mean I might not prefer if those bits looked differently, even if I'll enjoy them no matter what they look like.

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Zzzz, was only a matter of time before someone would pull the race card. Get over yourself. Just because you're offended doesn't mean it's automatically racism. Social conditioning happens with everything. Did anyone say they would never be with someone who had darker colored private parts ?..no.


I have no problem with it, nor would I refuse to date someone if they did have it.

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