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Book Talk

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Hey everyone and fellow dumpees.


Recently, after months of perusing ENA, I have come accross this book that many on these threads have mentioned time and time again.


The Passion Trap by D.Delis who outlines the theory regarding the tipping of the balance in relationships.


Intent on purchasing this to further my relationship knowledge and reading interest, I ebay searched it and found many hits.


This one got to me...


link removed


I know that dumpees, in a heightened emotional state do all sorts of jing-band, but seriously, £100?


Good luck selling that mate



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Yeah, I am sure there will be a teeth whitening set, a portable treadmill, two bottles of pheromones, hair gel, and a garden spade included with the book too.


Perhaps this is truly the bargain option...



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Ask him if he's wrapping it in gold leaf paper prior to being sent!


He probably delivers it in person and then sticks around acting as flunky and wiping your arse for you. Well... that's what I'm assuming at that price

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