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Wrinkly cleavage

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After several months of trying to convince myself it was a hydration issue, I've come to the harsh realization that I have chest wrinkles...at the age of 23.

Initially I thought it was hydration because it went away when I had IV fluids. Now even after drinking tons of water there's no difference, so I doubt it's that.


Sure, I got a bit of sun while I was younger, but nothing like most girls I know and they don't have any wrinkles. For the past couple of years I've moisturized regularly and I wear sunscreen on my chest and face if I do go out in the sun. No such luck. I have wrinkles and it sucks

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Everyone has their imperfections. It's the condition of the heart that beats within the chest that matters far more than the condition of the surface.


Oh, I wholeheartedly agree


It just sucks to see those aging signs that everyone used to talk about getting already. I was hoping to make it to 30 before this happened.

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Oh, I wholeheartedly agree


It just sucks to see those aging signs that everyone used to talk about getting already. I was hoping to make it to 30 before this happened.


I have wrinkles around my eyes and I'm only 24. It happens. =/

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Sometimes water isn't enough. I suggest trying out different lotions until you find one that's right for you. And what about your diet? Does it include a lot of caffeine?


I've tried so many different types, even that thick cocoa butter stuff. Nothing seems to help.


I don't consume any caffeine. No chocolate, coffee, tea or any other caffeinated drinks. Mostly just water, juice and soy milk.

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Sorry that you're feeling self-conscious about this. I don't know if it would help, but there seems to be some good anti-wrinkle creams out there, by companies like Neutrogena, L'Oreal, Olay, i wonder if some of those could be helpful to an extent. (You could try researching reviews on link removed -it's a very helpful website for that). But also, i've read that pure Vitamin E oil, and a product called Bio-Oil could also help with minimizing the appearance of lines and helping the skin regenerate itself. I think it could be worth a try to look into those.

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You seem to be generally quite hard on yourself - for some reason I feel like this is probably hardly noticeable at all.


If the wrinkles really went away when you were on IV fluids, then there must be something there ... but I assume you drink (water) like a fish already and can't really drink anymore. Is it possible that if you gained a little weight your cleavage would look a bit fuller and less wrinkled?

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Oh, I wholeheartedly agree


It just sucks to see those aging signs that everyone used to talk about getting already. I was hoping to make it to 30 before this happened.


As a woman closer to 50 than to any other age divisible by 10 I can tell you that as more and more outward signs of aging appear it gets easier and easier to accept. I am now working on accepting that someday I may not be as capable physically as I am today. Life is constant adjustment.

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Ok, hers, that has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen! Is that a bra for in-between cleavage, basically? Support between the breasts?


It sounds like DL's problem is with the skin in that area though, not the breasts themselves. Unfortunately that skin is some of the most sensitive in the body and it can get damaged really easily, although it doesn't sound like you did anything to speed up the process, DL. The only other thing I could suggest would be asking a dermatologist for an opinion, but they can be so eager to sell expensive creams that it's hard to get an objective evaluation.

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Whatever you decide to try out, definitely keep at it and try to make it a regular routine. I think that it could take some time before you see results with some things, but it's still worth a try.

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I never noticed wrinkles on cleavage before. but like Waveseer said, everyone has their own imperfections. I have stretch marks on my boobies. I used to be very self conscious and never show cleavage. Then I decided to just not give a damn and show the puppies, guys seem to really like it. oh and I have grey hair, in my mid twenties.

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Holy hell, what next!


This looks like an anti-cleavage gizmo! Why now do I want a boob separater??


Anyway, DL, didn't you once say you went to tanning booths? I could be remembering incorrectly. But anyway, besides sunscreen, you should be wearing shirts/blouses in the sun that cover that area (and I've just learned that sheer cotton and fabrics still let in some UVs.) I would also suggest anti-oxidant creams to protect the skin -- quality products containing vitamins E and C, and there are also a lot of plant extracts that have potent antioxidants in them.


I have very little in the way of wrinkles anywhere (just very slight lines near my mouth), but I'd like to try to keep it that way, so I'm trying out different things. I've started to use hyaluronic acid, both orally and as a topical serum on my face. This is a molecule that helps water stay in connective tissue and keep collagen from breaking down. I'm doing this for my overall health as well (since I have problems with connective tissue), but the serum for my face I'm hoping might reduce the appearance of the fine lines near the mouth and also prevent new wrinkles from cropping up for a while.


In case you're interested, the brand(s) I'm using can be found at link removed.


Also, a doctor recommended a vitamin C facial serum that she uses. She gave me a pamphlet of their products and they are at link removed. She's 46 and she easily looks 15 years younger, but that might be that she's super healthy anyway. But her skin's amazing.


I haven't browsed there yet, and am just starting with the hyaluronic acid, so it's too soon to call, and vouche for either, but just giving you a few leads you might want to look into.


And then after that, I'd say yeah, imperfection is something really good getting used to. Main thing is, you've got someone who loves your bosom.

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You might want to spend some time reading on this website - it is a company that produces many skin products, which are formulated based on research. I have obtained good results from the ones I have used.


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