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dont know how to feel?


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Hi, today was my birthday.


On Friday my boyfriend came home from work and told me that he had booked my birthday off work, that way, when I wake up i get my "big birthday surprise" as soon as i wake up as opposed to waiting til he gets home from work after 7pm.


So, my birthday gets here, I wake up, nothing. No card, no present, nothing.


We have been together for 7 years and have always bought each other a gift and a card, he usually goes out the week before birthdays to pick stuff up. pretty much every year he has also taken me out for a nice meal.


Im not hugely bothered about a present to be honest, but i feel upset that he couldnt even pick me up a card? Just seems strange him going on about a big surprise, and him booking time off work, then nothing.


Also, as we have been together for 7 years i know his family very well, his parents have always gotten me a card and wished me a happy birthday, today not even a phone call, text, email or anything.


I know its petty, but i feel like i dont exsist today in a way lol.


just feel a bit down, needed a rant.

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I get what you mean... once my ex bf didn't get make a card, make me a CD.... ZILCH. I was like... WOW just do SOMETHING that shows me you thought about me...


you can explain to him that you wish he had done something, anything to recognize your bday, and wonder why he took the day off then did nothing...

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you can explain to him that you wish he had done something, anything to recognize your bday, and wonder why he took the day off then did nothing...


He did write happy birthday on my facebook wall last night. maybe thats the surprise lol.

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I don't really understand. Is your birthday today? Did you spend the day together? What exactly happened on your birthday, if anything?


Your whole posts seems to be about the present,card, big surprise but nothing really for us to go on except that you're down about not getting anything or being taken out.


Could he have forgotten? Is he often forgetful? Did you have a fight?


I agree, boyfriend not getting even a card is pretty bad, but if he mentioned there would be a surprise, maybe it's still coming? Did he say Happy Birthday to you other than on FB?

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I don't get why he would go on about giving you some big surprise right away & then not do it?? Maybe the surprise is later in the day? I would ask about it. It's not like you're being selfish or anything. It's your birthday & he TOLD you something was going to happen & nothing did.


What time is it where you are? Maybe the surprise got a bit delayed for some reason. I doubt he would purposefully get you all excited over nothing; that just doesn't make sense.

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I don't get why he would go on about giving you some big surprise right away & then not do it?? Maybe the surprise is later in the day? I would ask about it. It's not like you're being selfish or anything. It's your birthday & he TOLD you something was going to happen & nothing did.


What time is it where you are? Maybe the surprise got a bit delayed for some reason. I doubt he would purposefully get you all excited over nothing; that just doesn't make sense.




Something isn't making sense...either he has a really big surprise planned for later (like Alli said, what time is it?)...or maybe he forgot it was today (was anything stressful going on that could have caused him to forget?)


Also, did he talk to you at all today?

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