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Mixed Signals?


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Ive been dating a girl for a month and a half.


about a week ago she changed and it started to become really hard to get a decent conversation out of her especially via txt message.


She usually opens and asks something like "you ok? x";

and I would reply "yup, just got back from the gym. what ya up to? x";

to which i would get "Shopping x";

"Awesome! seen anything you like? x"

"ye x"

"What've you seen? x"

"Shirt n jewelry x"

"Cool, u gonna get em? x"

"gt em x"


etc... This is how 90% of conversation have gone over the last week.


Does this sound entirely disinterested to you guys?

Its not as bad in person, but it feels the same and in the end I just give up trying.


Its really throwing me off, because we hang out regulary and I've even been invited to family barbequeues and such with her. It seems like she wants to keep seeing me or is still into me. We went for a movie last night and had a great time too.


And its suddenly come on all of a sudden, not gradually. I used to get the whole "hey baby, mwah! xxxx!" kinda things.

I also very much doubt she's dating anyone other than me at the mo.

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maybe she's tired of the CONSTANT texts...are you sending them all day all the time...if so....she's getting sick of trying to 'keep up' with you.


problem with texts is some feel they have to do it ALL THE TIME.


Back off it.


The other prob. I see is you guys are constantly in one anothers business....where are you...what are you doing...what are you doing now....what color is the shirt you are looking at....AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

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My rule of thumb is this if she is responding then its not that bad. You may not be getting the enthusiasm that you want from her but you should take that into consideration that perhaps you shouldnt date this girl more than casually.

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maybe she's tired of the CONSTANT texts...are you sending them all day all the time...if so....she's getting sick of trying to 'keep up' with you.


problem with texts is some feel they have to do it ALL THE TIME.


Back off it.


The other prob. I see is you guys are constantly in one anothers business....where are you...what are you doing...what are you doing now....what color is the shirt you are looking at....AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


She usually initiates the texting. I feel that im the one having to keep up with her! or at least jump through hoops at the moment to keep a conversation going. I gotta drag one out of her. Thats why I've started asking the questions in my example. Normally, 2 weeks ago, she would describe it too me and say how happy she was to have bought it etc.


Last night I was telling her about my grandparents's pets I was looking after while they were away on holidays. Totally 1 sided conversation, got replies such as "Fair enough x" , "cool x" , "tidy x" , "lol x" , "ok x". the frustration! Cant imagine talking to somebody like that face to face lol.


I've considered just letting the conversations die if im getting the 1 word responses from her, but then I might come accross as un-interested too and she might move on? lol


She could be having a period (due at end of each month-ish) or it could be down to her Depo-Provera shot.


Shouldnt date her more than casually? Do ya mean cos u think she aint that into me and it probably wont go anywhere? Or maybe we r seeing / hearing too much of each other?

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