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After first coffee reconnection meeting..what next ?


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..Had the talk, I told him about my plans and when I asked him about his plans he said that he does not know, as expected. I told him that I am flexible and not bound to a location. I could see him panicking...I told him that I understand that he needs time to sort out his life and make decisions. He is young, 28 y and I am 34.


We are both very cautious as this seems to somehow final if we should mess up. But I started to resent him for his indecisiveness and I am torn between asking for a break or to break up. I started to withdraw a little. When he came back 3 months ago, he told me that he wanted a relationship and told me everything would be better. One of the reasons why I was somehow relieved that we broke up was that I did not had to deal with this insecurity anymore, that he does not want to commit and using me, staying with me out of convenience etc. I have the same feelings again..with the level of anxiety rising.

He does not seem to be able to commit to anything in his life..and I m wondering how he can then be able to commit to a relationship?


Would appreciate your opinion/help on this. Thanks!

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