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Whatcha got planned for significant dates of you break up

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This is silly really, figured I'd ask how people here coup with significant dates ie birthdays, anniversaries, ect. What do you do to get your mind off all that. I am in many months NC but still have to keep myself in check for those. I'll start.


1) Ex's bday, house boating with a few friends. Added benefit no cell coverage or any other possibility of making contact.

2) One year post BU and my bday, technical/professional training. Hopefully mind on task will prevail.


Any pointers are appreciated.

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My ex's birthday is in a month or so. We broke up on amicable terms at the end of February and still talk every now and then. We even hung out about a month ago after not seeing each other since the break up. I'll wish her happy birthday, and if she has a party, I'll attend. But I probably won't buy her anything.

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On our last wedding anniversary, he was in London with another woman. He could hardly wait to get back to let me know. Last year on what would have been our anniversary, he was hiking with yet another woman. This year I plan to stay in bed - with either a former state Senator or a very successful attorney. I could even make that the first night we have sex, just to mark it as a different special date. We'll see who prevails on September 1.


For Father's Day, I plan to ignore him, as I will on his birthday. In fact, I ignored him this evening when he called, just as he's been ignoring me. He can also now spend holidays we've always spent together with his "non-existant" girlfriend of the past year. They enjoy each other so much, I'd hate to deny them the pleasure of being together. He's bought me the last cheap scarf he'll ever buy me. She got a new Mac. I guess she must wear that strap on he likes.


Sorry, to sound so angry and bitter. It's Mother's Day. Always rough for me. My sister and I took our mother off life supprt on Mother's Day as a final gift. She died 24 hours later. That was several years ago, but it's been tough ever since.

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5 yrs on and these things still kill me. Especially what would have been our wedding anniversary. It's Nov 25 and I start to get stressed as soon as any kind of Xmas decoration or anything appears. I get more and more depressed as the date approaches and it only starts to lift after Jan 14, which was always our kind of "getting together" anniversary. I never was a big fan of Xmas, but since that breakup happened i can barely stand it.....


I was with this girl since I was 18 for 11 yrs, we split a month before our wedding after she had an affair....

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5 yrs on and these things still kill me. Especially what would have been our wedding anniversary. It's Nov 25 and I start to get stressed as soon as any kind of Xmas decoration or anything appears. I get more and more depressed as the date approaches and it only starts to lift after Jan 14, which was always our kind of "getting together" anniversary. I never was a big fan of Xmas, but since that breakup happened i can barely stand it.....


I was with this girl since I was 18 for 11 yrs, we split a month before our wedding after she had an affair....


So, have you found any way to ease those depression symptoms even temporary? So far I am sticking with getting away from routine however there are only so many places to visit, courses to take. Running out of things to do, any tips?


Btw, I am with you on X-mass season. Everyone acting happy just irritates the heck out of me (only my opinion that people are "acting", I do understand some probably are, just how I see it all atm).

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