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Feeling like something is missing in my life..


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As of late, I just feel sorta bored and tired of my life. I guess mainly because I feel like no matter what I do, I'm not getting much fulfillment in excitement anything anymore. Everything is always about school,work, the same friends and everything is routine I suppose. I guess I'm getting very bored with it all. I'm bored with the friends I got, I rarely meet anybody who I truly feel a connection with.I'm tired of college and the draining assignments given to me, I'm always single and I can never find anyone to date. Plus I'm just feeling a little annoyed with everything, nothing in particular but just life in general. I'm not really feeling anything as of late. I don't know what brought this on or why I'm feeling this way particularly. I don't think I'm depressed, just a little tired of everything I suppose.. Even when going out and trying to do something fun, I'm not even finding much enjoyment in that, so what is the problem?

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This makes me think of two things:


Stimulation is sought in the absence of meaning




Creativity and gratitude are shortcuts to fulfillment.


(I also find that giving to other people and seeing how I can be of service is a quick route to fulfillment.)

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Just hang in there. Young adulthood and especially college years can have a repetative vibe to it but this will change. Once you enter into your career you'll meet new people, probably a few new friends, make business connections and be able to do more things that you can't necessarily do now. It's always difficult to seek new experiences when school is priority but it gets better.

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This makes me think of two things:


Stimulation is sought in the absence of meaning




Creativity and gratitude are shortcuts to fulfillment.


(I also find that giving to other people and seeing how I can be of service is a quick route to fulfillment.)

Nicely put!


I would add that (1) I understand very well what you are feeling and (2) it sounds like you are not connecting with the joyful side of you, maybe the playful side. You are not in tune with what really makes your spirit "sing."


Look for even the simplest things that you might enjoy -- climb a tree and read a book up there; blow some bubbles; go to a dance performance; draw on the sidewalk with chalk; make 10 brown bag lunches and give them to the homeless; host a water-balloon fight; draw with crayons on big sheets of paper.


Or, devote two hours a week to something you've been wanting to do, whether it's watching a movie by a particular director or experimenting with your camera or practicing singing or learning wood work or blogging. It's easy, especially when you're busy and "locked in" to a schedule, to feel stale. Hang in there, make a little time for random silliness, and hopefully by the time you're out of school you will feel more optimistic and energized.

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