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Stealing Comedy...


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When I first started seeing my ex I used to steal jokes from Seinfeld (she had never seen or heard of it) and use them to make her laugh. I did this on a regualar basis and we even had a few running jokes for the 5 years we were together based from some of those lines.


Well about 4 years into the relationship she wanted to watch this show (she knew it was one of my favs) so we started to watch them with me forgetting that I used to steal jokes from it and her reaction was excellent.


She kept looking at me and laughing saying "I cant believe you stole all these jokes"


We laughed about it so it was no biggy, but I did wonder what if she reacted in a different way and thought I had fooled her with my wittyness?


Anyone else got a story like this? Or steal from shows/comedians to impress someone?

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all the time with varied results. one person was offended for some reason. if we can continually tell bad knock knock jokes why cant we insure good comics work continues? No body got angry with all the dave chappelle fans quoting "I'm rick james B****" but some people are just picky I suppose.

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all the time with varied results. one person was offended for some reason.


Are you serious? You really don't understand why someone would get pissed at you for doing that?


Here are a couple of clues:


1.- If it's someone else's creative output (a joke, a poem, a quote, a painting, etc) and you are trying to pass it on as your own, it's plagiarism. Depending on the setting, plagiarism will have different consequences. In academia it will get you thrown out without appeal. In the corporate world and cultural market it will get you sued. And in interpersonal relationships it will leave the person you are talking to completely bewildered as to why you would attempt to do such a ridiculous thing.


2.- Passing other people's ideas (jokes included) as your own is as deceitful as wearing a toupe or a padded bra. You are trying to impress someone under false pretences --in this case, your amazing sense of humor. Trouble is, it's not yours.


if we can continually tell bad knock knock jokes why cant we insure good comics work continues?


I see you have managed to rationalize it under the noble pretense of perpetuating greatness. If this is so, and you really are so concerned that Seinfeld jokes are about to die down into obscurity, CITE them. Use the joke and then say "it's from Seinfeld". That's honest.


But of course that's not why people steal jokes.


Also, it is excruciatingly awkward when you get found out and/or someone points out in public that you stole that from somewhere else. Your credibility will plummet.

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my boyfriend and i make up our own jokes. they're stupid and ridiculous yet hands down hilarious to no one in the world but us.


i'd be a bit turned off if i realized all his jokes weren't actually his. i think it's funnier when a guy says one then cites it then shows me the actual clip, on youtube or something, and we laugh about it twice.

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my boyfriend and i make up our own jokes. they're stupid and ridiculous yet hands down hilarious to no one in the world but us.


i'd be a bit turned off if i realized all his jokes weren't actually his. i think it's funnier when a guy says one then cites it then shows me the actual clip, on youtube or something, and we laugh about it twice.


Im not saying all my jokes were stolen but a stole a couple from places.

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  • 1 year later...

To be fair, This person was offended after i had been talking with a friend about a Dane cook show where he talks about arguing with women. This person then came in to listen to the conversation and I did indeed mention that the series of jokes was from said comedian. Giving credit where it's due is vital, but yes i do think good work should be remembered. But I don't steal credit. I think I worded my post incorrectly sorry. Still I think the person that got offended most likely didn't hear me mention it was referencing dane cook as she seemed pretty upset later on about it.

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