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A word of caution to WOMEN


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I want to share something that alot of girls probably know, some don't and some refuse to believe. Guys do not like easy girls. Or should I say, guys dont VALUE easy girls. By easy girls I just don't mean girls who have sex with you the first night you meet them at a bar, or girls who sleep with you on the first date, it goes beyond that.


I can't speak for ALL GUYS, obviously, but I am pretty confident I am speaking for a huge portion. Every single guy I know, whether he is a friend, a co-worker, a friend's friend, family friend, that I have had this discussion agree. If you are a girl, and you like a guy, HOLD ON. Do not have sex, wait at least a month. Guys test you. If they can get it, they'll take it...but they will not take you seriously.


Everytime I take a girl out, around the second date, after the first kiss has been established I try to push further. I keep pushing (with consent of course) until she tells me to stop. What I am doing is testing her boundaries. See, if a girl is going to let me go all the way, to me...this means she lets every other guy who takes her out and who she really likes go all the way, that makes her easy..it makes her less valuable as a partner for me.


Now before the feminist go crazy here, some things need to be understood. MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL. This is a main point that feminist try to subconciously brainwash people into believing. Human evolution CLEARLY SHOWS that men can do TONS of things better than women and things women will never be able to do. Vice versa, women can do things that men could never do. If we were both equal, what the hell is the point of two different sexes?


With this in mind, let's keep this GENERAL AND HONEST. So no, "well my friend's best friend's cousin's aunt isn't like that" or..."well I am not like that!" ... IN GENERAL. See, most women...regardless of their looks, can go out there and get laid. This is true. Men are horny, they get turned on by visual cues 100x easier then women do. Women dont have to work as hard to get sex from a man, anyone with common sense can agree on this. Guys on the other hand, DO HAVE TO WORK. They have to put time and effort and for guys who just go around sleeping with different women, they spit "game" on women to get them into bed...hence why they are called "players."


Women are the ones guarding the entrance to the secret garden, haha...so if a women is weak guard, she is easy to get by...she isn't that valuable as a guard....guys want tough guards, because it shows them that it's QUALITY. Don't you value things that you have had to work for a bit more than easy things?


I say this because I really liked a girl, and yesterday we went on the second date. I did my usual routine and she was ready to go all the way. Needless to say, I stopped and told her "not now", but in all honesty...I am going to have sex with her...but I am not going to ever see her as potential serious girlfriend. She was just all over me and ready for everything after just a SECOND DATE!

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I prefer women who have self-respect. I think a quality relationship includes sex into the mix after a clear level of trust has been established, so that it becomes more of a glue for the substance of the relationship. Kissing on the first date is one thing, having sex is another. I know I could have sex very early on if a lady moved things in that direction, but sex means so much more when you are much more emotionally accustomed to that person, and she to you. I wouldn't even carry around condoms for at LEAST a few dates.

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A word of caution to men: Just because I have sex with you doesn't mean I value you nor does it mean you "have" me. In fact, if I can get my way with you, it means I don't take YOU seriously as a boyfriend. If you would sleep with me on the first date, you probably sleep with every girl on the first date. That just shows a great lack of QUALITY and nobody wants a communal piece of ass.

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A word of caution to men: Just because I have sex with you doesn't mean I value you nor does it mean you "have" me. In fact, if I can get my way with you, it means I don't take YOU seriously as a boyfriend. If you would sleep with me on the first date, you probably sleep with every girl on the first date. That just shows a great lack of QUALITY and nobody wants a communal piece of ass.


^ This.


I think a lot of men over-look this part.

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Damn pinkelephant, you totally stole my post.


Now before the feminist go crazy here, some things need to be understood. MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT EQUAL. This is a main point that feminist try to subconciously brainwash people into believing. Human evolution CLEARLY SHOWS that men can do TONS of things better than women and things women will never be able to do. Vice versa, women can do things that men could never do. If we were both equal, what the hell is the point of two different sexes?


OP, have you been freebasing? You do sound like a tease though. And that's not a good look on a man or a woman. If you had the courage of your convictions you wouldn't need to make so sure of your moral superiority.

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I was never easy when it comes to getting deeply involve with a man. I think that's why during my high school years, my female friend got most of the guys' attention while I was invisible. Then again, I was more shy at the time than now.

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[Everytime I take a girl out, around the second date, after the first kiss has been established I try to push further. I keep pushing (with consent of course) until she tells me to stop. What I am doing is testing her boundaries. See, if a girl is going to let me go all the way, to me...this means she lets every other guy who takes her out and who she really likes go all the way, that makes her easy..it makes her less valuable as a partner for me.


If she does tell you to stop because she prefers to wait until she knows someone better, she may end up dumping you because in her mind you move to fast and are only looking for sex, not a relationship. So by "testing" women using this strategy you may actually be selecting for the "easy" ones and turning off the ones who choose to wait.

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A word of caution to men: Just because I have sex with you doesn't mean I value you nor does it mean you "have" me. In fact, if I can get my way with you, it means I don't take YOU seriously as a boyfriend. If you would sleep with me on the first date, you probably sleep with every girl on the first date. That just shows a great lack of QUALITY and nobody wants a communal piece of ass.
Right that's a good one as well too. As much as the OP doesn't like easy girls who sleep right away, I don't like easy men either. I'm also not interested in reformed players.
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Love the way you talk down to the board as if you're a lecturer at a pulpit. You may think yourself wise, but even writing this, let alone spending any significant time thinking about it likely proves you have an awful lot to learn about women.


I have a book recommendation for you though. It's called, "The Natural Superiority of Women". It was written by Ashley Montague (a man). I have an intimate knowledge of this book since I even designed the cover! Well, not my best design work, and that was quite a long time ago, but I was glad to be a part of it.


I always get a small chuckle when I hear people that think they know so much prove without any shadow of a doubt that they know so little. I doubt most women on these boards even bother engaging you in this maturbatory exercise because they'll think "why bother? He's never getting my time of day anyway."


Have fun "playing games" out there while others are actively looking for genuine connections.


image removed

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There are always exceptions. I didn't sleep with men in the beginning of a relationship, until my husband. We had sex the first night and were inseparable for ten blissful years. Follow your heart.

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I like men who like sex sooner rather than later. At any point after I feel I know and trust the man sex is soon to follow. My experience has been the exact opposite of your advice, once I've had sex with a man he becomes extremely hard to get rid of.

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Lots of interesting stereotypes from both sexes here. And a little more animosity than is really needed. I can judge how much I value a girl before I am in bed, but that's just me. There are so many qualities I value before "how early she had sex with me" would be factored in.

Try intelligence, morals, honestly, loyalty, etc...

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OP, I think you're right, and thank you for posting this because as a woman, I see this all the time. That is just one reason why I am waiting until marriage this time, other than because of religious reasons. I am happy that my ex and I waited over 5 years to have sex. I feel he valued me much more before we even had sex. Not to say that once you have sex, a guy doesn't value you anymore, but I agree that it has to be earned. Also, self-control is a turn on. Easiness isn't. I feel that I have been valued more for waiting, even if the guys themselves have gone crazy waiting.


Guys get upset when they don't get what they want AT THE TIME, but, just like little kids...they value it later. Kids get upset when they have to go to school, but when they grow up, they appreciate that they learned something. Dieting is hard but we later appreciate the weight loss. It's all about delayed gratification which people don't understand. Saying that people who wait for sex "don't like sex" is like saying people who diet don't like food! Makes no sense.


But I do think your post is a bit sexist. I think less of men who are easy too. A man who can wait has self-control, which is huge turn-on, because it means he acts from principles, not just feelings.


P.S. I think of waiting as a strength...and strong men are a turn on. Giving in too soon is weak. Weakness is turn-off because you can't be relied upon if you're a weakling.

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I also like to know what is that men can do that women can never ever do? being a penis model you mean?!


Just to keep this light and fun, women can't...


- Dunk a basketball.

- Pee standing up. (unless they are really talented)

- Grunt very well. (you ladies are terrible grunters!)

- Manage to completely ignore your partner even when they are in the room talking to you.

- "Fall in love" before you've barely even spoken to the person.

- Get your ego crushed because you lost at.... cards, a sport, a trivia game, etc.


That's just a few... Inferior!!!

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But WW, your ex dumped you. How can you prove that waiting for sex changed much of anything at all?


That said, I agree completely with your last paragraph. A man that can wait can be a huge turn-on for women because it's so different then what they're used to. So, drop all kinds of hints that you find them sexy and irresistible, but at the same time make it clear that you "just can't". It drives them crazy!!


I also love this line when you're at the doorstep and they're giving you that look.... "My head says yes, and my body says yes, but my heart just isn't there yet. I'm sorry." If you can say that with a half-serious/half-smirk look then you may get punched in the arm, sure, but she's going to know that you have her number.


I also said, once, "I just want you to know before this date gets too far that I don't sleep with anyone until the 12th date so don't get any funny ideas." She asked me what date we were on, and I said 3. It was hard to tell because our first interactions were as friends.


All I know is that with all of this silly stuff, sex and everything about sex is fun. If you're not having fun with it, then what's the point? The world needs more great lovers, and you may as well be one of them.

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Just to keep this light and fun, women can't...


- Dunk a basketball.

- Pee standing up. (unless they are really talented)

- Grunt very well. (you ladies are terrible grunters!)

- Manage to completely ignore your partner even when they are in the room talking to you.

- "Fall in love" before you've barely even spoken to the person.

- Get your ego crushed because you lost at.... cards, a sport, a trivia game, etc.


That's just a few... Inferior!!!


We also can't get kicked in the nuts. Which I do have to think of as a plus.

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We also can't get kicked in the nuts. Which I do have to think of as a plus.
Yes it's a plus... Another thing is many men will not confront/fight us like a man... off course there's always the exception but many have common sense.
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Yes, it's common for immature straight guys to lose respect for women for engaging in sex "too early". For some reason it's a tarnish on her reputation but not his. I pity these guys, I really do.


So true. The "respect" they are losing is just respect for themselves. They were part of that tango as well. Our environment is a mirror into our souls.

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Yes it's a plus... Another thing is many men will not confront/fight us like a man... off course there's always the exception but many have common sense.


So true.


Trufax here - I was walking home from the library a couple of weeks back; I was wearing jeans a vest top and a workshirt. A went past some guys who were hanging out on the corner and one of them walked into my space in that way that says it's nothing good. I look up and he see's my face and backs right off. "Sorry luv, thought you were a bloke."


As if the long hair + bosom wasn't a give away. Gotta love daytime drinkers.


(And I totally could have taken him. FYI)

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Well, if a guy ends up sleeping with a girl simply because he's thinking :

"Hey, she's willing to do it! - so i'll take it!" that kind of outlook doesn't strike me as something positive. So, i'm just meaning to say - it goes both ways.


As a guy you have a mind of your own, too. You have a choice to make as well. If it is offered, doesn't mean you have to go along with it.


I personally would like the idea of building trust with someone before doing other things...i'm not disagreeing with that. But, you have to take a look at your own actions, too.

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Just to keep this light and fun, women can't...


- Dunk a basketball.

- Pee standing up. (unless they are really talented)

- Grunt very well. (you ladies are terrible grunters!)

- Manage to completely ignore your partner even when they are in the room talking to you.

- "Fall in love" before you've barely even spoken to the person.

- Get your ego crushed because you lost at.... cards, a sport, a trivia game, etc.


That's just a few... Inferior!!!


I can belch better than any man I know It used to freak people out when I was a tiny teenage girl.

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