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Four months after the breakup

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Hi everyone.


It was exactly four months ago when we broke up.


How do I feel? Great.


It is currently exam period now and I have another four papers to do, then it is out of university.


I can happily say that the rollercoaster period has left me, I am thankful for that as it was crippling at times.


Regarding my ex, I still do have feelings for her, though they have mellowed out.

Though the pain, confusion, overanalysis and other poo that happened after the breakup has passed, what is still left is that dull ache of missing her.


I am able to concentrate on my work better now (or let other things distract me ) as opposed to the depressed feelings that followed the BU. I have learnt to accept, forgive and move on. I have looked at myself and seen what needs to be worked on prior to entering another relationship.


I have not met any other girl following our breakup and I am in no such hurry to either. I am taking my sweet time sorting out myself, studies and getting on with other enjoyable things in my life.


She is a great, caring, genuine and gentle girl and I would love to reconcile with her. I am equally happy without her. Whatever the case, I genuinely wish her and her daughter a very happy and prosperous life.


If we are to ever meet in the future, I would want my two special girls to have smiles on their faces, not faces contorted in anguish.


So, that is 4 months on. Not so much of a thrilling story, just a log of how I am.


Wishing all my fellow ENAers a happy weekend and thanks for being there for me.



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"Vae Victus": An inappropriate comment but its the only latin I know...

But true say, Sieze the day indeed.




Hope you are doing well mate also. I was looking over old photos of her and her kid and it was really nice. There was no pain, just the dull ache of missing her and a bit of sadness.

Though I have moved on I am still in no state to check up on her FB or anything else. It will be a while till I have totally-completely-as best as I can moved on.


TC all



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*siigh* only one month for me...but things are definitely easier since the breakup. I'm in the "roller coaster" phase, but dealing with each emotion as it comes.


Good for you TS, for being able to reflect on your experience and be happy! I hope to be in your shoes in another 3 months.

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*siigh* only one month for me...but things are definitely easier since the breakup. I'm in the "roller coaster" phase, but dealing with each emotion as it comes.


Good for you TS, for being able to reflect on your experience and be happy! I hope to be in your shoes in another 3 months.


Thanks, but I don't wish the same to you.

I hope you feel better sooner.


Trust me, certain thought patterns I possessed slowed my healing period severely. Had I known what I was doing to myself, I do believe I would have healed sooner. It is amazing what a shift of mindset can do for you.


Either way, everyone deals with things differently and there is no set time for the healing period. I am glad to hear that you are dealing with it all sensibly and that you are riding the rollercoaster as it is for now.


Thanks again everyone.



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