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she pees a lot and bleeds...

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She's been having bad pains in her pelvic area, back, and bad cramping. And she has to pee all the time. She spots only when she bleeds though. It has been goin on ofr about 12 hours now. Oh and she says her area smells "fishy" even when she washes real well.


Read up on internet. Sources lead to pregnancy or urinary tract infection.


Would like to know if any women here have any experience with these symptoms.

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It also sounds to me like a UTI, or possibly an STD such as chlamydia. She does need medical attention, and most likely medicine, but it doesn't sound like she has anything too serious and if she goes to urgent care now she should be just fine.


What are her fears? Is it about the severity of the illness, or is she worried about being pregnant? These don't look like pregnancy symptoms to me, and unless she has missed a period as well it's very unlikely that she is pregnant.

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Well she's a pessemist when it comes to health problems and she can't help but think the worst. she's not worried about pregnancy. The pain is so bad for her that she thinks she's dieing. She doesn't get her period til the 21st

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Well she's a pessemist when it comes to health problems and she can't help but think the worst. she's not worried about pregnancy. The pain is so bad for her that she thinks she's dieing. She doesn't get her period til the 21st


Oh no. Well thank goodness it's extremely unlikely that she's dying, but if the pain is very bad then she should go to urgent care ASAP. The sooner she gets there the sooner they can give her the medicine (and she almost certainly needs medicine to feel better, given what you've described) she needs.

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Go immediately to the doctor. Bleeding is not a normal occurrence during urination. There is an infection if she's complaining of a fishy smell and urinating a lot, but UTI's and bladder infections can eventually lead to kidney infections and you do NOT want that to happen. Get her to go to a clinical immediately. The pelvic area pain most likely means the UTI has traveled up to her bladder.

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agreed with the others, she needs to get to urgent care ASAP! it does sound like a UTI that may have spread to her kidneys. but she needs to see a doctor right away. i hope you are already at the hospital right now!

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Took her to the urgent care. She has a UTI. Took em a while to find what was wrong, because of all the blood in her urine, but she has to eat yogurt for a few days, because i guess it's good for the kidneys. they prescribed her with some antibiotics and that if it gets worse that she might have to be hospitalized.


They also said there's something else in her urine but have to send it to a lab for a more thourough look.

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Took her to the urgent care. She has a UTI. Took em a while to find what was wrong, because of all the blood in her urine, but she has to eat yogurt for a few days, because i guess it's good for the kidneys. they prescribed her with some antibiotics and that if it gets worse that she might have to be hospitalized.


They also said there's something else in her urine but have to send it to a lab for a more thourough look.


yikes. well i am glad you guys went. i hope she feels better soon. has she started taking the antibiotics yet? i'd tell her to stop scrubbing hard down there and to wear loose cotton underwear.

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See that's the thing. She trys to clean real well. I don't know this for sure, but I think she sticks the rag up in her when she showers thinking it's gonna clean.

She just took 'em a few minutes ago.


I'm worried about that other thing that was in her urine that they couldn't tell us.

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See that's the thing. She trys to clean real well. I don't know this for sure, but I think she sticks the rag up in her when she showers thinking it's gonna clean.

She just took 'em a few minutes ago.


I'm worried about that other thing that was in her urine that they couldn't tell us.


well, lab tests take a few days to come back. bacteria need to be cultured and grown, which means it could take a few days to figure out what is up. don't worry, just wait for the results.

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See that's the thing. She trys to clean real well. I don't know this for sure, but I think she sticks the rag up in her when she showers thinking it's gonna clean.

She just took 'em a few minutes ago.


I'm worried about that other thing that was in her urine that they couldn't tell us.


If she's actually sticking something inside of her, she may be introducing bacteria into her vagina instead of actually removing it. It's not necessary to stick a rag up there; all that's going to is inflame everything. Just tell her to make sure that after she uses the restroom to wipe front to back, and well.


Also, when you engage in any sexual activity, make sure both of your hands have recently been washed and are clean. And make sure she pees right after sex.


(But no sex at least until she's done with her antibiotics. This is important!)

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The urethra is not inside the vagina.


If you want to help prevent UTI's in the future, recommend peeing before and after, but especially after, sex.


Practice immaculate hygiene yourself, or you could be introducing more bacteria there.


It was unclear where she was "sticking" something - presumed he meant in the vagina. Could be wrong.

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i agree that she should not be sticking anything up there to wash nor should she douche. a health vagina can look after itself. it's likely she could have gotten the UTI from sex. are you guys sleeping together?

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