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Call to confirm first meeting tomorrow or not..?


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My ex broke up our 7 month relationship for the 2nd time about a month ago. He walked out on me saying that he will not come back and that I will not change and keep on arguing with him. After 3 days I made clear, that I agreed with the break-up by sms.

After 2 weeks, he texted me and asked me out for drinks. I responded the next day, just asking how he was doing, not mentioning the drink/date offer the day before. He responded, that he wanted to give me tickets for a show on Sunday. I declined the offer the next day, saying I was busy.


We did not contact each other but the following week I texted him and asked him how he was. He texted me long messages how stressed he was at work and I texted him back that I will be in his area the next next weekend and asked him if he would like to catch up over coffee. He responded that he would really like to.


Two days after, when I crossed the street with a friend, I heard somebody calling my name. He was obviously sitting in a taxi that was waiting when we crossed the street. He stopped the taxi at the corner and started a conversation out of the taxi. Asked me how I was and told me where he was going. I was surprised, but managed to smile and told him that I was going to fix my computer at a shop close by. Then I made a sign with my hand (I will call you) and when I turned around he blew me kiss with the hand. This was a little confusing for me. Weird or not ?


However, 5 days ago, I texted him that I will be in his working area this Sunday (tmw) and asked him if this works for him and to have the coffee then. He only responded very briefly the other day saying that he does not know how his life is going to be on Sunday and that he hopes that it will work. I responded " No worries. I will be working there the whole day."


What do you recommend, how should I proceed in this situation ? Should I call him on Sunday to confirm despite that reluctant response and risking to get rejected or him not taking up the phone?

I am getting a little tired of playing games. I only wanted to meet him over coffee to clear the air and to make peace since we have a lot of mutual friends.

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Those off and on relationships will always get the best of you every time and the reason for that is because the more you break up and take each other back the more they feel they can take you and your emotions for granted do you want that? You will get something like this Off-On relationship + playing games = rarely works.

Let me explain it to you as my friend explained it to me “bad investment”. What to do: Take a step back and do not contact him and do not give in. Keep yourself busy and meet new people and eventually you will begin moving on.

My thoughts only.

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i agree with the above poster... but it can be hard.


do you really see reconciliation happening? if you don't, then coffee may be fine. don't let him pressure you back into a relationship or let him unload all his feelings, guiltrips, whatever it may be.


to me his flirty kissy thing sounds like 'i might have made a mistake and i miss you'

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What do you recommend, how should I proceed in this situation ? Should I call him on Sunday to confirm despite that reluctant response and risking to get rejected or him not taking up the phone?

I am getting a little tired of playing games. I only wanted to meet him over coffee to clear the air and to make peace since we have a lot of mutual friends.


No, I wouldn't ask him again. You made it clear when you'd be there. If he wants to do it, he'll contact you.

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