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Catty Women


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Is it me, or are there just more catty and witchy women out there? This couple came in to my work today and the guy was filling out a job application. He had some question about the form and when I looked at his girlfriend, she was glaring daggers at me. I deal with this so often now, I don't understand. It bothers me when people dislike me for no apparent reason because I'm usually a very friendly and caring person with everyone I come accross, whether its a male or female. Is it just me or has anyone dealt with this too?

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Yes. These days I think there are many catty women. Especially young adolescent females. It's really sad. That they hate you for NO apparent reason. I get girls staring me down for no reason and I am forced to assume that they are jealous. I know this sounds conceited but seriously, the looks I get just say it. They try to find a reason to hate you. The way you are dressed, if you dress better than them they automatically 'dislike' you.


It's even worse when these idiots follow you and start throwing insults at you. Its like woah woah come on? I came here to SHOP.. not be pestered by your insecurities.


I've dealt with it honestly don't pay any attention to it. Sometimes i get annoyed to the point where I give them my dirtiest deadly look and they back down HAHA!

I am a friendly person and I smile a lot but if someone is being catty with me for no reason sorry, the claws will come out. And it won't be very pretty. Its funny too. Most of the time I ask:

"Excuse me? Do you have a problem with me if so you can come speak to me about whatever it is?" Or "Do you have a staring problem?" "is there something I can help you with?" and it makes me lol when they shrink and act all innocent like "oh oh I wasn't talking to you ahaha I was talking to that other girl" Right. If you have balls to stand up to them they are weak. Trust me. Its happened way too many times.

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She probably thought you were a threat.


Although I've noticed this behavior more with women...sometimes subtle and sometimes just too obvious the way they talk and act. Guys sometimes do it but I don't notice it much.


Years ago I went to the mall with my sister when she was still in high school. Don't laugh and I had no idea where I was going in which was Forever21. The store was just crowded with teenagers, all girls, saw one other guy. Talk about stare down from hell! It's that head-to-toe stare. One girl just gave her the nastiest look and I was puzzled...then she looked at me and smiled (jeez she's my sister for crying out loud).


I told my sister I'll be waiting right outside after that! I'll never forget that experience.


My wife also found when we went to Seattle couple years ago she didn't like a lot of women there. Guess she felt they were too catty. Different culture within the same country I'm assuming.

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No, I don't experience this much, but I understand what you're talking about.

Have you ever immediately disliked the looks of another woman and judged her for no good reason? I'm sure we've all seen a few women we automatically felt that way towards. Maybe some women have a look that others are especially quick to judge. I've heard lots of females say, "Other women don't like me," "I don't have a lot of girlfriends," etc. and maybe it ties in with this cattiness you're talking about?

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This made me laugh. HAAHAHA. Ah females...... I don't get along with them. Except for my best friend. But there is a very small percentage of females i get along with. Just for that exact reason. Cattiness!

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When I was younger I had a very flirtatious demeanor without realizing it and I got that response a lot when I thought I was just being nice. I dressed in a sexy way, spoke in a Marilyn Monroe way, without meaning to and well.... I was very hot... Women thought I was deliberately trying to get their man and to be honest, I did enjoy the admiration, so some of them may have been right to feel a bit threatened though I never would have stolen their man. don't take it personally. She was probably insecure and he may have a roving eye. you don't know what's going on between them. I feel sorry for her.

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Well, if it helped, I work in a gym so I had no makeup on, was in workout clothes, and had messy hair. I also introduced myself to her and tried to make friendly conversation. I get along with most people but then I come accross these types of women....and uhhhh....sorry I'm just venting.


It just brings me down when people just dislike you for no reason or don't even try to get to know you before they pass judgement on you. I wish I had thicker skin.

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The vibe in Seattle/Vancouver is very weird. When I was with my ex I noticed the interaction around other women was almost hostile. Lots of cutting looks and side glances. It's very strange. If guys did that there'd be fist fights every two minutes. lol I have no idea why it's like that but it is fascinating. This was other women towards her for no reason I saw, btw.

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Well, if it helped, I work in a gym so I had no makeup on, was in workout clothes, and had messy hair. I also introduced myself to her and tried to make friendly conversation. I get along with most people but then I come accross these types of women....and uhhhh....sorry I'm just venting.


It just brings me down when people just dislike you for no reason or don't even try to get to know you before they pass judgement on you. I wish I had thicker skin.


I'd be equally upset. People like that suck!


The vibe in Seattle/Vancouver is very weird. When I was with my ex I noticed the interaction around other women was almost hostile. Lots of cutting looks and side glances. It's very strange. If guys did that there'd be fist fights every two minutes. lol I have no idea why it's like that but it is fascinating.


That's what my wife said there would be fist fights if women like that acted here


Nothing against women from Seattle of course, there were plenty of women that were happy and friendly.

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I know what you mean, I don't really understand why they think it's alright to behave that way. There's no good reason to stare at a stranger like that in such a mean way, no matter which angle you look at it from..there's no need for it.

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