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hard work or is it hard work n skill n talent

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do you think some ppl dont have to try so hard in school and still get good marks, while others have to work very hard and study and just get ok marks. do you guys think its just plain hard work or is it just skill n talent comes into play too.


. is it just laziness that he didnt want to study hard to become a doctor, engineer, or was it just he lacked the aptitude , skill and not smart enough/learning disabitly in certain areas that stopped him/her from being a engineer or accountant, computer programmer so he had to become a chef, or bus driver


you think some ppl are just lazy in why they do the jobs they do-bus driver, construction worker, chef, pastry chef, baker or do you think they just lacked the skill n talent and brain power or had learning disabilty as to why they didnt become a engineer or accountant, computer programmer


a career counsellor told us that one also has to have the aptitude to do that job.

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I think that much of it has to do with the individual's brain and interest in what they're learning. I studied a good deal, yet learning anything has always come very easy - mostly IMO because I loved learning, I loved calculus and ancient history and english and quantum mechanical physics. I knew very intelligent people who didn't do as well simply because they didn't enjoy it as much as I did, so regardless of how much they studied or how much homework they did... they didn't achieve as much.


If you have the desire and the will, the perseverance and the industriousness, I personally think there's hardly anything too difficult.

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i mean can you really train a Ryan Kesler(vancouver canucks nhl hockey player) to be like a to have skill like a Sidney Crosby. i mean crosby has just talent n skill you cant teach

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Well of course there's innate talent and skill. I was mainly referring to the importance of perseverance and the actual desire.


I have a talent to be amazing at well... everything I actually try (to be honest) and I believe there are many others with that ability too. My man was an incredible hockey player, and I was a nationally ranked ice figure skater on t.v., but we both are in love with our race cars, the track and canyons and drifting and we're amazing at that too.


Point is, there's a definite need for innate talent and skill - but people without that talent also get to where they are on how hardworking they are and how passionate they are as well. It doesn't ALWAYS depend on being "a natural".

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there can only be a finite number of accountants and scientists in the world the same way we need X number of garbagemen or window cleaners. some people don't aspire to 'greatness' as some people work to live, or live to work. BUT PLEASE don't mistake those with 'low profile' jobs to be mentally challenged or lazy as you so eloquently put it. as many highly educated people are finding out these days, you can have an MBA or Doctorate and have no choice but to flip burgers in McDonalds during these hard times.


At the same time, innate talent does play a huge factor, but more important is personal drive and... wait for it... contacts and luck. At the end of the day, unless someone notices your talent (whether it be through contacts or the good fortune that there's a talent scout around one day) you're going to struggle getting anywhere with anything. Not to say it's impossible, but hey, just a thought. It's down to you to lay the foundations, and from there it's a lottery

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I got really good results in school without really trying. My older daughter put in the effort and got AMAZing results. My younger daughter put in even more effort and got about he same results as I did.


However - I think both my daughters have learnt something I never did - that it's good to always do your BEST. Having a natural academic bent taught me NOT to put the effort in, and it took years to realise that and correct it.


So those people who seem to achieve less..? I suspect they often know an awful lot more about what matters in life!

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There are a lot of variables that go into determining a person's profession. Natural aptitude, work ethic, and desire all play roles.


Lance Armstrong's heart is abnormally large for his size. It gives him a genetic advantage, but that alone isn't enough. Many of the top cyclists have similar genetic advantages and so work ethic and desire are still extremely important.


We've all got things we're predisposed to be better at or worse at than other people. But no matter what your goal, if you don't love what you're doing and have some discipline about yourself, you're not going to go far.


The late Sheldon Brown was an absolutely brilliant man. He married a computer scientist and had a daughter, Tova, who's a graduate student in mathematics at MIT. But Sheldon himself choose to have a career as a bicycle mechanic. It's what he loved and he contributed immensely to the online knowledge base. I don't think any sane person could say anything bad about his life choices.


A successful life can't be defined by your occupation or how much school you complete. It's defined by the imprint you leave on the world.

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ok how bout the ppl who actually study and work hard ,but still dont do good in school like C average and cant enter a univeristy ,but they study and go to class and do their homework. they just dont do good in school periodddd.


can you really just try and work hard. i mean can a Luke Walton(lakers ball player") even if he worked hard be as good as a Kobe Bryant and score like 40 pts per game or more. hmmm maybe on some odd days but i doubt it. isnt it just natural skill. you cant teach a Ryan Kesler(Canucks hockey player) to be like a Sidney Crosby. its either you have the talent or you dont

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i have a close friend whos like this . i mean what is he/she works hard and still doesnt do good in school and later on cant get the job related to the stuyd of field. and also he/she told me they have a mild form of learning disabiltiy. looks normal and all and talk normal , little shy around ppl and lonerish, but said he/she has to study hard on weekends and jsut gets C average on exams and sometimes if better C plus or at most |a B minus. this is for most to all subjects from computer hardware to english in highschool to financiual accounting.

k then what do you do

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One of my professors came from Harvard and he fully attributes his success to hard-work. My other prof, who also came from a prestigious school insists that you should just let it flow. I think certain things work for certain people, but there's no set formula to follow.



My dad is more of the chilled type, got B's in school, didn't graduate with a spectacular GPA or anything... but he's now very successful. My mom is super diligent and hard-working, graduated top 10 of her class, but isn't quite as successful.



I'm more of the chilled type. I don't try very hard, it's not really my style. I noticed that because I try so hard this year and worry so much that it end up being extremely counter-productive. So I agree with my professor, that things should just flow. I, like misssmithviii up there, have been successful at everything I've put my mind to. I don't think it's because I have the skill set for everything, but because I just simply really enjoyed everything I chose to do. I'm horrible at sports though. God, that's horrific, I can't coordinate my eye sight, body functions while watching the ball and other players-- distinguishing between team-mates and non teammates... just horrible, LOL, so hm, ya not *everything*. I was a dancer and a gymnast though, competitively and did quite well.


My success is a mix of luck and a strong sense of direction. I get noticed by the right people and get pushed in the right direction, but I also align myself in a way that gets me noticed by these people and I do pull myself in the right direction.




As for people who try really hard, but still don't succeed. I don't really get it, myself. Since your listed professions are more of less academics, my guess is not everyone's set out with the same goals (as pointed out earlier) or equipped with the necessary skills needed to succeed in the academic world or just plain lazy.



Btw, I have to add I'm one of those people that don't do particularly well on exams and tests, which is one of the more essential skills of being an academic. I almost never get 100%, even if I know the subject inside out. I'm bound to make a stupid mistake or two. It doesn't mean I'm less intelligent, just means I don't do well on tests.

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There are so many factors that go into getting good grades - including life circumstances. Obviously, the person who has to hold down a full-time job while in school is going to have to struggle harder than the person whose parents are paying their way, or the student with health issues, or family problems that can be distracting...the list goes on.


Don't ever judge someone by their job - you don't know what kind of life they had. Sure, a person could sometimes lack brain power - but that is one of many factors.

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no he /she didnt work during the time they went to highschool and colllege but still got around the C to at most B minus mark, so around 60- at most 75 and never A. they stuided on weekend and even before test and dont do good in test or schooling. looks normal and dresss normal and everything

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no he /she didnt work during the time they went to highschool and colllege but still got around the C to at most B minus mark, so around 60- at most 75 and never A. they stuided on weekend and even before test and dont do good in test or schooling. looks normal and dresss normal and everything

Maybe just lack of interest in the studies? Depression? Sometimes something physical - not eating right, lack of sleep, etc. - or they could just not be very bright. So many factors.....

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I do think some intelligence goes into the academic careers, hard work, perserverence, that sort of thing. Why some people choose to become a bus driver instead of having a career could be for a number of reasons. Maybe they lacked the desire, funding, etc.


Also college is tough, I'm in and have to work hard for what I consider to be average grades (C's in my tough classes, B's in my general classes usually, the occasional A). But I work hard in all my classes and aim for A's to get those C's and B's and I'm constantly worried about flunking a class, which is entirely possible.

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