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Men aged 30+: Would you like to have sex with your partner most days of the week?

dragon lady

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I've always been under the impression that most men liked sex and lots of it. Lack of sex seems to be one of the biggest the causes of dissatisfaction in relationships and marriages for men around the world. I just have a few questions that I'd like the 30+ male crowd to answer.


Would you enjoy having sex on most days of the week, assuming your partner was passionate and she initiated?


Can there really be too much of a good thing?


Do you find that the more sex you have the less time you want to spend doing other activities (walks, watching movies, shopping, eating & drinking etc.) with your partner?


At what age does the male sex drive start to conk out? And by when will it be gone completely? (averages please, I know not everyone is the same)


I'm not a guy, but my bf (age 50) could go for sex twice a day or more. He's in really great shape and health, with more energy and a higher sex drive than me. I'm guessing fitness and health level make a big difference at any age, but especially into a man's 40's, 50's and beyond.


Edit: and he's not overly high in testosterone, as far as I can tell.

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Not every man is a ready and willing participant anytime sex is offered to him. Some men enjoy the chase. It is just human nature that when you are given something that you do not have to work for then that person seems to appreciate it less (in general this seems to be true).


Naturally, even if you had a raging testosterone type of guy even he would turn down sex at some point.


I have some friends that are in their later 30s and older and it seems to me that from what I have seen that the male sex drive seems to taper off in the mid 30s perhaps earlier in some men.

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Dragon lady,


To answer your questions:


1) Yes

2) No

3) No

4) I don't know yet. Hopefully never.


My ideal would be twice a day, once upon waking up and once before going to bed.


Okay, pet peeve rant incoming.


I get really peeved when I see people comparing sex to a single food, or movie, or book. Sex with a loving partner is a fantastic feeling way to connect with a long-term partner on a multitude of levels. Besides, a clever chef can come up with a million different ways to serve ice cream so that it never gets boring. Surely two inventive, imaginative people can come up with enough creative ways to have sex to keep it from getting boring. If sex with someone you love gets boring, you're doing it wrong! /rant



Well, the meat thing isn't going to change and I'd rather it didn't. Part of what attracted me initially was that he didn't eat much of it. My experiences with meat eating exes have put me off it all together, even more so than lack of sex.


Okay, hope I'm not being too nosy here, but can you describe some of the experiences you're talking about? I keep getting images in my head of fur-clad barbarians waving turkey legs and racks of lamb, sacking and pillaging your home.


No morning wood here. It gets hard once I've woken him up and touched it, but he doesn't wake up that way on his own. All other guys I've been with have had it, but they were younger. I'm not sure if it's his age or just the way he is. Either way, the only person ready to go in the mornings is me.


Get your man to a doctor. A consistent lack of morning wood is one of the most noticeable indicators of some kind of urological, cardiological or hormonal health problem that there is. If your man never gets morning wood, especially at his age, then there is something wrong with the equipment.

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Okay, pet peeve rant incoming.


I get really peeved when I see people comparing sex to a single food, or movie, or book. Sex with a loving partner is a fantastic feeling way to connect with a long-term partner on a multitude of levels. Besides, a clever chef can come up with a million different ways to serve ice cream so that it never gets boring. Surely two inventive, imaginative people can come up with enough creative ways to have sex to keep it from getting boring. If sex with someone you love gets boring, you're doing it wrong! /rant



image removed totally agree with you here.

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I will just put in a thought. My ex was 35 and he, despite masturbating 3 times a day, couldn't handle sex very often. It was really quite annoying. He had a horrible diet and was always sick and whatnot.


He would always say "Well I'm not 20 anymore!!!".

But like you've mentioned, you see all of these 40+ men whining and moaning about not getting enough sex, go figure I'd find the one who is all talk and no walk.


I'm sticking to men my age now!

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I will just put in a thought. My ex was 35 and he, despite masturbating 3 times a day, couldn't handle sex very often. It was really quite annoying. He had a horrible diet and was always sick and whatnot.


Ummm...I don't think it had anything to do with his diet or health. Any man that masturbates 3 times a day most likely won't be up for sex...ever.



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Ummm...I don't think it had anything to do with his diet or health. Any man that masturbates 3 times a day most likely won't be up for sex...ever.




Well he had a hiatal hernia and acid reflux but continued to down pop and greasy food to the point he would nearly collapse in pain. Often he was not feeling well enough for sex.


I see what you're saying, though, it could have contributed. He was always bugging me via phone to help him get himself off but when it came down to it he was horrible in bed

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Yeah, umm......If I'd masturbated three times during the day, it would be somewhat unlikely for me to be up for sex unless I was excessively horny that day. Each time takes a lot out of you. The whole "roll over and go to sleep" thing, well.....it's because you do get tired afterward if you've reached your quota for the day!

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Okay, hope I'm not being too nosy here, but can you describe some of the experiences you're talking about? I keep getting images in my head of fur-clad barbarians waving turkey legs and racks of lamb, sacking and pillaging your home.


Not being able to kiss after a meal and the smell of flesh cooking in the kitchen really get to me. What's worse is that I always used to feel like a pain in the ass for complaining about it. I'm much better of with someone who is veggie friendly. There's little in the way of discomfort for everyone that way.

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I will just put in a thought. My ex was 35 and he, despite masturbating 3 times a day, couldn't handle sex very often. It was really quite annoying. He had a horrible diet and was always sick and whatnot.


He would always say "Well I'm not 20 anymore!!!".

But like you've mentioned, you see all of these 40+ men whining and moaning about not getting enough sex, go figure I'd find the one who is all talk and no walk.


I'm sticking to men my age now!


Ahh, that's awful. At least there was some evidence of sex drive there or he wouldn't have been masturbating 3 times a day.


We did have sex this morning after we went out for breakfast, had a coffee and a shower. He was the one who initiated this time, so that was positive. It's just that it's going to be only a couple of days a week where we can be there together at that time of day and under those conditions. I suppose it's better than nothing.


I managed to get him to take a multivitamin today.

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I've been kind of bummed lately because my boyfriend of a little over a year doesn't seem to want it as much. It seems like it used to be every time he was with me he was horny, and now not so much. Of course now I spend almost every night at his house and in the beginning we saw each other less frequently. However, we used to often do it twice a day, and now it's dwindled down a lot. It makes me sad. I just want to know he's not getting bored with me. He is in his early 50s but in great shape and I've had more sex with him than any guy I've ever dated, so he definitely has a good libido. He's told me in the past that he's more satisfied than he's been in years, so maybe he's just got enough of a good thing available that it's not something he obsesses over all the time and knows it'll be there when he wants it whenever. He's also said that it seems like it's better when he holds out for a day or two between, so it may be that is what your guy is going through. Steak is a great dinner, but if you had it every night you might get bored with it and not appreciate it as much.

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My b/f is is 43 and he loves sex we have sex every other day and on the weekend its every day! I wouldnt worry abut this unless he doent give it to you at all maybe hes just tierd from work? Maybe spice it u a little, dress in sexy outfit and such mayb even some kinky thing if you guys are into that! dont wait for him to come to you, wait tell he lays down and jump on him! Hope this works!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was all about the morning sex. He just doesn't like it in the mornings. Plain and simple. He'd rather take his time getting up, eat breakfast, read the newspaper and then go to work. He says he doesn't have any energy after sex in the morning. It makes him want to go back to sleep.


On the other hand, I don't really enjoy having sex at night before bed. I can't unwind, I'm not relaxed and I rarely orgasm at that time of day. I'm also usually extremely tired.


We've decided to come to a compromise. We do it sometimes in the mornings and sometimes in the evenings. If one of us is particularly tired, then nothing happens. It works well this way because each time is then about focusing on one person's pleasure. We have still been having it on most days.


As others have mentioned, the age thing doesn't seem to be an issue at all. It was all about the timing.

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^ ^ I wonder if there is a general preference between males and females on what time they prefer sex during the day....


I am more of a midday, afternoon and night person.


Not often in the morning because of the same reason as your partner.


Just end up feeling tired for work if it's a decent session rather than a quickie.

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I'm 43. My wife of 13 years (together for 18 ) is 44. We still have sex daily will commonly have sex twice per day. And yes it's still really fun.


About the same here. I'm 48, and wife is 49. We have sex usually at least 5 days a week. About half of the time we have sex more than once in a session. I actually have sex a lot more now that when I was in my 20s - I went vegetarian and started running marathons in my late 30s, so now I just have a lot more energy and stamina than when I was younger.


I think diet and general lifestyle are much more important than age.

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Of course men as a collective group are not that simple, to just want sex most of the days of the week. Some men just want to have a lot of sex. To be perfectly honest, a lot of men are simply bored with the sex that they are having with their current partner. That could be for a variety of reasons. The men that I know who seem to get bored of sex, tend to be the ones that hold out, and may claim to want sex all the time, but they know if they get sex all the time they will just be tired of it.


I am not saying this kind of thinking makes sense but I have seen countless guys believe that they can limit the amount of sex in order to keep themselves interested in sex.

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I have sex most days with my girlfriend, i cant say i ever tire of it! Im not sure if this is because my ex-wife was just not really interested in sex and it would be once or twice a month at most, but my girlfirend is rampant, and im enjoying it!


Long may it continue!

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I've never found a guy who can match my sex drive.


My ex was 34 and we were together 4 years, at the start of the relationship we had sex 4 - 5 times a day but then it went down to once a day and only because i was initiating, if i was waiting on him to initiate id be waiting a while lol, he was happy with a couple of times a week and he complained he was to tired for sex, he worked a physically demanding jon, 7 days a week, 12 hours a day.

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