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I always gain weight in the beginning of a new relationship

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Every time I get in to a new relationship I always and I mean really always gain about 10-15kg from the second/third month. And from that on my weight gains super fast and the more I think about it the faster I gain...

Then after a few months or longer I would find a way how to balance my intake of food and exorcising and I loose the extra gained weight that I got.


Now I weight 15kg more than I first met my boyfriend for about a year ago. I'm tired of the weight gaining and want to stay thin no matter if I'm a single or not. I know I eat more often and more unhealthy food when I have someone to share my meal and time with. And on that I also doesn't get out as often as when I was single.


Anyways, we both are gonna work out (run/gym/walk) at least 3 times a week and I'm gonna cook more healthy food. Hopefully I'll lose all the extra weight within a few months.


Do you have any suggestion on how I could lose weight more effective? Also how I could stay fit no matter in I'm single or not? Would appreciate every advice I can get

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whoa, that's a lot of weight to gain in a relationship! i think weight watchers is a great program and i recommend it.


part of the problem is that when you are in the 'honeymoon phase' with a new guy, and you go and have romantic italian dinners together, get hot dogs in the park, etc.... the pounds add up. especially if you are eating as much as your man. most men can eat more than women and not gain weight, even more so if the guy works out.


i recommend weight watchers for learning how to keep your eating habits more stabilized.

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What do you eat that's unhealthy? Do you drink sodas? Candy bars? You'll have to start from there in cutting unnecessary calories and processed foods. One can say 'eat this and that' but if your habit is not changed from the start it'll be difficult to try to switch your eating habit overnight.

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Women in relationships gain weight more easily than single women.


The reason, well, there is a few.


You are now eating your meals with a man with a much bigger appetite and faster metabolism. Whenever he is eating, you'll be encouraged to eat. His fatty, greasy snacks become yours. You are going out more often and restaurants have higher calories than home cooked meals.


I'd try by keeping your snacks separate. If you want something of his, grab a plate or bowl and portion what you eat. When you eat from a bag or box, you have no idea what you are eating. Don't snack in front of the television, online, or while talking with your partner. Meal time is separate from everything else. When you are distracted, you eat more and you eat faster.


Your portion sizes should be about 2/3rds his. You don't need to keep up with him.


It's really all subconscious stuff that you just need to mind. Also, things like exercise tends to go out the window when you are busy with a new partner. Get back into your old, single routines.

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