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Crazy damn kids....

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he stops whatever he's doing when he gets mad and puts his head and hands to the floor and starts screaming and crying like that. i call him my little ostriche lol. it's so hard not to laugh during his tantrums.


That is too dang cute. At least he's not a head banger like me or my sister. OMG...my sister would purposely find the hardest floor to bang her head when she got mad.


Recent happenings about crazy kids:


- My daughter's friend who is three also likes to jump off the chest freezer that's 3' high to a solid floor; realizing it wasn't boys that did furniture parkour


- I questioned my daughter last night about how she's going to afford the sea horses she wants as she seems to think money just appears out of thin air; her reply "daddy's pocket!!!"


- My daughter is playing with the can of Ravioli with the picture of the Night Fury from the movie How to Train Your Dragon and scream "The dragon has nuts!!!" (I have no idea how she knew that word)


- When my daughter asks "Daddy?" and reply "Baby?", it gets repeated x100.

Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby?

Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby?

Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby? Daddy? Baby?

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Ok, another new Littlepants story...


She has recently gotten fixated on undies for some reason. When I was sorting out the dirty laundry this past weekend, she was "helping" me and pulled out a pair of my grundy-undies and was trying to put them on. The fit she threw after I took them away from her caused me to give her a clean pair of panties (rather than the dirty ones form the laundry, eeeew!) to play with. She toddles off to the living room with her "big girl panties" and was trying to put them on over her pants. I come out to the living room after starting a load and she has one of the leg holes of the panties over her leg, and the other leg hole she had pulled up over her head and it was around her neck. All I could think of was this thread: about the discharge stains in panties. Thank you Littlepants for parading around the house with my streaked panties stretched accross your chest... I really appreciate it! LOL Then every time I tried to take them off her, she would put them right back on the same way. I almost took a pic becuse it was too cute, but am I going to post a pic of my flame pattern panties with crotch stains on Facebook? I think not.



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lmao Shortpants. That is just too cute. Landon has started picking up my jammies and underwear and putting them on, if I happen to throw them on floor or I'm sorting laundry. He'll pick up something, again, usually underwear and put it over his head and march around like the's the king of the world...in mommy's teddy bear underwear. ugh.

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lol shortpants at least she's trying to wear something!


Often times our daughter is streaking in the house especially now that the weather is warmer. Must be a thing for their age.


My daughter used to do this all the time. She just very recently learned modesty (and she's 8 ). Even still she will lounge around the house in her underwear when it's really warm.

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lol shortpants at least she's trying to wear something!


Often times our daughter is streaking in the house especially now that the weather is warmer. Must be a thing for their age.


ROFL!! Yup, I got one of those too! What is so fun about being nekkid for kids? It's too funny! After bathtime I let LP run around in her skivvies for a while and now that she has dicovered "NO!" I will ask her if she wants to put her jammies on and I get "No, no, no, no!!" as I see a little butt running down the hallway away from me. hehe

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My daughter used to do this all the time. She just very recently learned modesty (and she's 8 ). Even still she will lounge around the house in her underwear when it's really warm.


I hope mine will get over that soon She's everywhere including by the window flashing the whole neighborhood.


ROFL!! Yup, I got one of those too! What is so fun about being nekkid for kids? It's too funny! After bathtime I let LP run around in her skivvies for a while and now that she has dicovered "NO!" I will ask her if she wants to put her jammies on and I get "No, no, no, no!!" as I see a little butt running down the hallway away from me. hehe


And girls just play the biggest mind games, she reminds me so much of my little sister. She will do the same, she doesn't want it, but if you take it away, she wants it, but now she wants something different. Ughhhhhh.


Are all of your girls little talkers? I think she knows what a phone is finally, after calling my wife, my daughter grabs the phone talking up the storm. When I asked her "okay can you give the phone back to mommy? I'll see you in a bit"..."okay!"....and continues talking anyway lol.

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I only told this story to someone via pm because I didn't know if I should post it but I guess it's not bad.


Ahhh from the mouth's of babes....


My daughter was watching one of those programs about a woman that was going to have a baby. My 4 year old granddaughter was watching as well. My daughter calls me at work laughing hysterically.


When the baby was born it was messy and Kayleigh says "eww that is gross, they should throw the baby in the trash". My daughter says to her "they don't have to throw the baby away, they will just wash the baby and he will be all clean". To which Kayleigh replies


"but the stink won't come off"



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Are all of your girls little talkers? I think she knows what a phone is finally, after calling my wife, my daughter grabs the phone talking up the storm. When I asked her "okay can you give the phone back to mommy? I'll see you in a bit"..."okay!"....and continues talking anyway lol.


LOL I've got a talker and she can't even really talk yet!! She looooooves the phone. I have had to unplug all the phones in the house beacuse I'm so afraid she will call someone accidentally and rack up a huge bill!! Just my luck she'd call like Indonesia or something! So all the old phones in the house are in her toybox in the hopes she won't use the real phones.


She will grab one of the unplugged phones, or daddy's old cell phone I gave her, and wander around FOREVER talking to no one. Jabber, jabber, jabber. Then she'll hand the phone to me and expect me to talk to no one for a while, then takes it back and yaps a little more. I'll hear a "bye bye" and usually see the phone go flying accross the room or accross the backseat of the car in the rearview mirror. I guess when she's done talking, she's DONE!


We also have Skype video calling on the computer so Grammies and Grampies can see her as they all live far away, when she hears someone calling in on Skype she will come at a dead run from anywhere in the house and yanks at me until I put her in my lap. She loves waving and talking to the faces on mommy's computer.


Last one, I promise! LOL Daddy and I play World of Warcraft and use Ventrillo voice chat program to chat with our guildies. When Daddy goes AFK and the other players are talking on Vent, she will crawl up in his chair and YELL at his computer like she is telling these other people off, cracks me up every time!


Little girls are sugar and spice and everything nice!

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My daughter has not shut up since she found her voicebox. Talk, talk, talk, all day long. When she was 3-6 it was the worst. I would literally have to leave the room sometimes because I would become so frazzled.


I've always loved talking to her on the phone though. She is too precious.

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Last one, I promise! LOL Daddy and I play World of Warcraft and use Ventrillo voice chat program to chat with our guildies. When Daddy goes AFK and the other players are talking on Vent, she will crawl up in his chair and YELL at his computer like she is telling these other people off, cracks me up every time!


Little girls are sugar and spice and everything nice!


lol I haven't heard the term Vent and afk in awhile...


Little girls are sugar and spice and everything that's NOT NICE! Part of me wishes she was a twin. My wife just rolls her eyes at me.

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Yeah, totally. I want a whole litter of them! A brood.


I believe the official term for ten or twelve offspring is 'a breakdown'.


I love these baby stories. Especially hearing from a mum who plays warcraft. I used to play, to the point it was my whole social life, and I can't imagine juggling a little bubby with that! Kudos to Shortpants

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I believe the official term for ten or twelve offspring is 'a breakdown'.


I love these baby stories. Especially hearing from a mum who plays warcraft. I used to play, to the point it was my whole social life, and I can't imagine juggling a little bubby with that! Kudos to Shortpants


I used to play too, and my friends/guildies just loved my daughter. She was about 3-6 at the time. She'd get on vent and just chat away.


She had a habit of sitting on mom or dad's lap while we played. She was very intrigued by it.

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I believe the official term for ten or twelve offspring is 'a breakdown'.


I love these baby stories. Especially hearing from a mum who plays warcraft. I used to play, to the point it was my whole social life, and I can't imagine juggling a little bubby with that! Kudos to Shortpants


Yeah, not too many kudos as I don't play like I used to. Littlepants is definitely top priority now! LOL I used to raid and was a very active GM of a raiding guild... I've dropped off now, I log on to level my professions and run around and pick herbs or fish, but that's about it these days. I co-GM the guild with hubby now, so he does all the raid leading now. I've only tried one 5-man run since I've had LP and it was HORRIBLE!!! She had a meltdown about halfway through the dungeon, and I was HEALING. Needless to say, people died and I was trying to juggle soothing her and keeping people alive... neither one terribly successfully! I really miss raiding and hope to be able to do it again someday (next xpac due out soon!! WOOT) For now I have to be content with picking weeds, fishin' and making pots.

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Ah at least you're still involved my boyfriend doesn't play at all, he's an xbox sorta guy so since he came along I've lost the motivation to play entirely. I miss it all the time though, keep thinking about starting over on a new server, I was a GM as well and there are far too many people who are ex-guildies on my old one now


Though come the xpac I may well be tempted back in


It's pretty cute that kids are so fascinated by it. Maybe there's a market out there for a mamas and papas guild, for people who may occasionally have to stop healing to change a nappy...

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