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belly fat help

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I was working out last night at the gym. Older gentleman training in the mma/boxing area of the gym noticed me working out and asked me if I wanted to lose my belly fat.Told me to put vaseline on my belly and wrap plastic around the belly area and it will help it go away. Told me I got nothing to lose. Anybody ever heard of this trick before?

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I use a product called Sweet Sweat. It's a thermogenic cream that promotes sweating in areas that are flabby.


There is another one that is cheaper and you can actually get it at Walgreen's. It's called Abolene. It's actually a moisturizer, makeup remover type of cream that does the same thing as the Sweet Sweat. This one is odor free and cheaper. I just like the Sweet Sweat because of the smell.


In my opinion, both equally effective.


I also put it on my problem areas right before I go into the steam room. The sweat literally runs down my body.

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Sorry to go OT, but is there a water weight LOSS pill out there??


To lose water weight? Drink more water. Your body is retaining water because you're not getting in enough (1 oz per two pounds of your body weight). The body will start to get rid of any excess water then.


As for the Vaseline trick I wouldn't bother.

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It so does work! I saw it on a TV show and plus there was an interview with the author/inventer in splice magazine.


Here's what you do. On a daily basis, put vaseline on your tum and wrap saran wrap around it for 5 minutes, then take it off. Right afterwards do one of two things. Either a very brisk 1 hour walk or a quick 1/2 hour or 3/4 hour jog. This needs to be done every day possible. In order for the vaseline to work effectively, you need to get your heart rate up and keep it sustained up.


The only down side to this is because of the vaseline you have to have certain dietary restrictions. I don't remember all of them but I do know that you have to limited the quanitity of French fries/gravy (actually just fried stuff in general) and pastries and soda pop and junk food. It think you are allowed to eat as many fruit and veg as you want though...for some reason that doesn't effect the vaseline.


So you peeps say that this doesn't work. Ha!!! You need more faith!!



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^^^ I put in one of those icony smiley face thingys...I thought that would help. Is is possible they are over used and therefore their power to denote irony/sarcasm/absurd humour etc is weakened?


Oh well, very few get my jokes in real life either

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^^^ I put in one of those icony smiley face thingys...I thought that would help. Is is possible they are over used and therefore their power to denote irony/sarcasm/absurd humour etc is weakened?


Oh well, very few get my jokes in real life either


It sounded serious lol!

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Rubbing vaseline on your belly doesn't sound like it would lessen belly fat. Strengthening your core muscles would help as well as eating less snacky cakes.


Besides, vaseline is made out of stuff they originally discarded. If you're looking for something to help moisturize your skin, coconut oil is great.

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"The only down side to this is because of the vaseline you have to have certain dietary restrictions. I don't remember all of them but I do know that you have to limited the quanitity of French fries/gravy (actually just fried stuff in general) and pastries and soda pop and junk food. It think you are allowed to eat as many fruit and veg as you want though...for some reason that doesn't effect the vaseline."


I think what you want to do is reduce your SALT, SUGAR, DAIRY PRODUCTS, WHITE FLOUR, OIL (greasy foods) intake, so that the fat cells can deflate and leave permenantly. Otherwise, the fat cells will simply go "flat" until they puff up again with salt and sugar etc. Drink a lot of water, exercise, and try to wash the deflated cells away BEFORE eating the junky foods again. BTY, Diet soda has tons of sodium...won't help you lose the cells/weight.


I learned this from a nutritionist. Good luck !

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Rubbing vaseline on your belly doesn't sound like it would lessen belly fat. Strengthening your core muscles would help as well as eating less snacky cakes.


Besides, vaseline is made out of stuff they originally discarded. If you're looking for something to help moisturize your skin, coconut oil is great.


Vaseline and plastic. I was thinking the plastic and vaseline together is going to help stomach sweat or tighten up more.. Kinda like how boxers wear sweaters and have hood on while running for that extra sweat.

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I say "first on, last off." Wherever you started gaining weight in the beginning is going the last place you lose it in the end. I know this area is certainly my belly and I suspect it is with a lot of people. I've lost an enormous amount of weight and I still hate hate hate my belly. I've accepted that it will be with me until I reach my end goal.

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