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This may sound like a rant, it may very well be. I'm hoping for some validation, maybe advice from someone who has been in the same situation.


The secretary I work with is hot. She's a flirt or she's a total witch, depending on how other men are treating her in her life (i.e. if she's getting enough attention, she's intolerable). She is EXTREMELY unprofessional and there is only a one year age gap between us.


She's low girl on the totem pole, she gives off the air that she's powerless. When I first started here, she talked to me incessantly about her terrible relationships, unfair treatment from bosses, gossiped about co-workers I did not even know yet.


When she came onto me and later rebuffed me when she got back together with her boyfriend, I decided I didn't want to deal with her anymore. I'm at work, not here to be someone's therapist/on-call flirting fix. It was interfering too much.


So I'm the bad guy. She gives me the silent treatment now and takes all her chances to be snotty. I suspect she's taking measures to exclude me from the "exclusive" group of young people at our small office. She's still extra hot... which is why I'm mad.


I can't walk by her to get coffee without getting shot a nasty glance


And if she wasn't so cute, I wouldn't care. Apparently I'm not immune to good looks. She has power over me and it makes me mad.


I want to equalize her

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it sounds like this hot girl is out to get him because after accepting his advances she 'dumped' him in favour of her ex, but still wants his attention. but he's decided he's going to stop flirting with her, which she obviously doesn't like, and she's decided to try and get him 'ousted' from their social group as revenge?


sounds extremely immature on her part, aren't you glad you're not dating her?

(poison may taste sweet, but it'll still kill you)

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Exactly. Since I stopped playing along she takes most opportunities to be nasty.

And yes, I am very glad. Thanks bro.



Tell me why lingerie is so popular. I don't care what she thinks about me so much, it's more or less not wanting to be made uncomfortable in the work environment. She has that advanced biological weaponry.

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She probably acts like that because she knows she's hot and because some guys are so smitten with said hot girl they don't care how she acts so she continues to do it.


Personally, I don't care how phyiscally hot she is, her looks will fade one day and she'll still be a witch on the inside.

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She probably acts like that because she knows she's hot and because some guys are so smitten with said hot girl they don't care how she acts so she continues to do it.


Personally, I don't care how phyiscally hot she is, her looks will fade one day and she'll still be a witch on the inside.


EXACTLY!!!! There are women out there who are just as beautiful on the inside as the outside. Wait for them!

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I would handle her by being overly nice - but not flirtatious... just courteous.


Kill her with kindness - if you're going for a coffee and she shoots you a "nasty glance" then smile back and ask if she wants one.

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