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Mousty joins in, better late than never.


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Sort of... the Dr. weighed me the day before I started.. but that was after a week full of sweets/fried foods/chips and pizza etc... as I failed pretty miserably before getting onto the Jackie program. I'll probably get something outrageous like a 5lbs loss. I'm assuming I will lose a lot of water weight and food weight as opposed to fat, so I'm not putting too much stock in it for this week.


If my jeans stop giving me a muffin top, then I'll be pretty happy!

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It's weird, this program isn't low-carb but it's definetly lower-carb than what I am used to. I know the 2-3 portions of fruits and 2-3 portions of whole grain is where it should be for me, but I'm having a want carb moment even though not hungry.


I'm actually craving a whole wheat tortilla.. how odd o_O I find that it's weird that this program has no rice or pasta yet breads and oatmeal. I don't get it.

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I like the idea that with WW I don't have to restrict myself with WHAT I eat. If I crave something I go and eat it. As long as I plan sensible meals around it, and eat a sensible size. I know it is only week 1, but I am really enjoying it.

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Yeah thats good that you are enjoying it. I turned it into a breakfast burrito since I craved a wrap - was supposed to have 2 boiled eggs but whatever


I find it works better when I have this stricter plan.. and I know I will cave in anyways so it makes it a bit less strict and I feel fulfilled.

What I fear with something like WW is that I'll just go back to eating only carbs. I don't really tend to choose fats or proteins at all.

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Yeah thats good that you are enjoying it. I turned it into a breakfast burrito since I craved a wrap - was supposed to have 2 boiled eggs but whatever


I find it works better when I have this stricter plan.. and I know I will cave in anyways so it makes it a bit less strict and I feel fulfilled.

What I fear with something like WW is that I'll just go back to eating only carbs. I don't really tend to choose fats or proteins at all.


What I fear with you and this plan is .. you seem to not be following it anyway At least with WW you can eat whatever you want (even if it is mostly carbs) and still TRACK how you are doing which is really the whole point.


But whatever rocks your boat!

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Oh, I never actually strictly follow anything. That's what my entire life is based on. I'll just end up going over the WW points / 35 extra points and all. I'll somehow find a way to "not follow it".


If I can get somewhat close to a normal eating pattern, I know I'll lose weight. Probably not as fast as if I would follow it strictly, but at some point I will. If I'm only going over by a tortilla and almonds and fruit, then that's fine with me.

I'm really looking to cut out the bag of chips and half a cake a night habit - and it's worked so far. (Go go heart attack too) The whole mostly carbs is what lead me to that pattern in the first place =\. Not eating a fruit and a few pieces of toasts extra.

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Oh, I never actually strictly follow anything. That's what my entire life is based on. I'll just end up going over the WW points / 35 extra points and all. I'll somehow find a way to "not follow it".


If I can get somewhat close to a normal eating pattern, I know I'll lose weight. Probably not as fast as if I would follow it strictly, but at some point I will. If I'm only going over by a tortilla and almonds and fruit, then that's fine with me.

I'm really looking to cut out the bag of chips and half a cake a night habit - and it's worked so far. (Go go heart attack too) The whole mostly carbs is what lead me to that pattern in the first place =\. Not eating a fruit and a few pieces of toasts extra.


I was thinking like this - - when I continually started GAINING instead of losing.

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Eugh, wonderful! Is there no justice to this world? *BAWAHWAWAH*


I suppose I can see how this works out for me after I'm done the week or two.

If I find I haven't lost weight or have even gained weight, then I'll change plans and try the WW way.


Is there a way I can lose weight without counting or feeling hungry? =)

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Eugh, wonderful! Is there no justice to this world? *BAWAHWAWAH*


I suppose I can see how this works out for me after I'm done the week or two.

If I find I haven't lost weight or have even gained weight, then I'll change plans and try the WW way.


Is there a way I can lose weight without counting or feeling hungry? =)


I think when you adjust portions to normal human size your body starts adjusting to it. Then in a week or two you are not as hungry as you started out. I have trouble with this myself, but truly once I adjust to normal portion sizes most of the time I am tempted to eat, it is NOT because I am hungry.

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Mousty, you sound like you have a pretty fast metabolism though. Don't know if it's because you work out a lot or what, but based on what you've said in the past, it sounds like you might. It's possible that you're just hungry because this is your first diet day, or you might not be getting enough food. But you'll figure that out over the next few days I'm sure!


I roughly did the "Monday" today. I couldn't follow it exactly, but I did my best. Not sure about Tuesday as I despise protein shakes, tuna and canned pineapple, but I can work around that. Thanks for sharing (and please keep sharing!)!

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I do have a fast metabolism/am somewhat fairly active, but not extremely.

Before I was pregnant there was this one day seminar that was held to was going to take at work that tells you exactly your BMR by breath-alyzer. When I found out I was pregnant, I opted out since I didn't want to lose weight..


Maybe they will have that again this year.

I have to learn to eat the right portions before my metabolism slows down considerably though. It's not a sluggish metabolism as I've never been on sustained 1200 calorie diets or anything like that (haha can't diet for anything really). I have a fairly muscular/athletic build which kind of helps I suppose.

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Here is the meal plan for the rest of the week. I don't like protein powders all that much either but I don't mind the chocolate ISO Femme one when mixed with a banana and oatmeal.





Mix 1 cup fresh berries into a whey protein shake. One cup of oatmeal will provide fiber and whole grains.



Two tbps almonds provide heart healthy omega 3's



Add a 4-oz grilled chicken breast to a dark leafy salad mixed with 1 tbps low-fat dressing. Don't forget a slice of whole grain bread.



A fiber-filled apple a day keeps the doctor away. Add a stick of low-fat mozzarella cheese for protein.



Have a 4oz grilled stirloin steak with 1 cup steamed broccoli and 1 baked sweet potato

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Eat two poached eggs and a slice of whole grain toast (with a pat of butter - yum!) and your choice of 1 orange, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 cup chopped mango or 2 kiwifruits.



Opt for 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese



Dress 2oz low-fat feta cheese, 1 cup alfalfa sprouts and 1 sliced tomato with 1 tbsp olive oil and vinegar dressing and put inside a whole grain pita.



Dig into an apple or other seasonal fruit.



Pair a 4oz grilled chicken breast and a two-bean salad made from 1/2 cup kidney beans and 1 cup yellow wax beans over lettuce drizzled with 2tbps olive oil and 2tbps balsamic vinegar.

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Try one cup low-fat cottage cheese, 1 slice whole grain toast with pat of butter and 1/2 grapefruit



A whey protein shake is super satisfying (hopefully, doesnt turn into "ice cream" again)



Start with a large bed of leafy greens and add a sliced tomato, 4oz boiled shrimp and 1tbps of olive oil and balsamic vin. dressing



A peach is a good source of potassium



Tastes just like chicken. Try 4oz Cornish hen (sans the skin) and 1 cup winter squash. (I wonder what the heck that is...)

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I think when you adjust portions to normal human size your body starts adjusting to it. Then in a week or two you are not as hungry as you started out. I have trouble with this myself, but truly once I adjust to normal portion sizes most of the time I am tempted to eat, it is NOT because I am hungry.


That's good then. I think the caffeine also wrecks havoc on my hunger levels. I get the impression that I am hungry when I am not...


Did you gradually reduce your portions or did you just do the full out approach and suffered the 2 weeks before it was fine?

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Greek yogurt is packed with protein. Opt for 1 cup followed by 1 cup of oatmeal.



A creamy whey protein shakes becomes a treat when you blend in a cup of strawberries.



Make a greek pocket sandwich with 1/4 cup of feta cheese, 1tbps vin. dressing, 1/2 cup chopped romaine lettuce and 2tbps each of minced onion, celery and grated carrot.



A banana will satisfy until dinner time.



Get perfect balance with 4oz pork tenderloin, 1 cup steamed veggies and 1 baked yam

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Start the day with 2 boiled eggs, 1 cup corn grit (?) with a pat of butter and 1 nectarine



Snack on 3 celery sticks dipped into 2 tbps of raw almond butter



Go for 4oz grilled chicken breasts, 3 new boiled potatoes (as opposed to rotten old potatoes o_O?) and 1 cup of steamed green beans



Nosh on 1/2 of an avocado sliced and 1 cup assorted veggies



Fill your plate with 4oz grilled salmon, 1 sweet potato and 1 cup steamed veggies

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Ah, the boyfriend.. walking in with those nice drumsticks (my favorite) and chips etc... Funnily enough though I had eaten some extra almonds so I didnt feel the need to eat it. The bad part is that he bought "spare" ones, so I know that tomorrow when I'll feel hungrier, I'll probably want to eat it.

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Thanks so much Mousty! I copied and pasted all of that into a word document on my computer. I'm going to try and do as best I can this week, but next week I'll be at home with a kitchen so I can actually do it do it (except for the things in there I don't eat, but I can definitely get some substitutes!).


The plan's not exactly ground-breaking, is it, I mean I see what balance she's going for, but I feel like when I've been in a cycle of eating unhealthy it's healthy to have something STRICT to follow, as I feel a bit like I can't trust my judgment. Plus it makes it easier for me to turn down pastries and sweets, because in my mind I'm on a one-week plan, and I can anything for one week. And then after that week I'm usually not craving a ginormous cake, although that still does happen on a regular basis, lol.


By the way, have you never had grits? They're like liquid polenta, but not as yellow. It's a Southern thing, but I LOVE them. They taste best when made as cheesy grits, ie when you dump a whole block of cheese into the grit pot, but that might defeat the whole diet purpose.

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Your welcome! What I like about the plan is that it uses some of the same ingredients over and over again which is definitely more affordable for a regular joe like me. You don't end up buying in bulk for it to rot in the fridge.


It's all stuff that doesn't require immense preparations. The snacks are really grab and go.

I microwave a lot of the veggies like the squash, and sweet potatoes.. and use my george foreman grill for anything meat wise.

Salads are all prewashed and ready to go. Great for a busy mom like me... I can't really say that my frozen pizza habit took less time.

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Ok, today I decided to try my best to follow the meal plan without adding anything else but bonus green veggies.

My parents are coming over for lunch so I won't follow the meal plan to a T but I'll try to get something close portion wise since my biggest goal right now is just to reduce them.


Is the easiest way 3 meals per day or 5 meals a day?

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It's balkan style yogurt - "natural plain" flavored (not vanilla), used for cooking. It has twice the protein as normal yogurt. You will probably have 1 or 2 brands that will carry it at your normal grocery store, but they may be a bit hidden.

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I figured I might as well resurface the journal even though I've not been doing anything concerning weight loss. At least it's going to keep it in the fore-front of my mind.


Except for today, I've had particularly bad eating days. Even my entire family has, so not too good.


I'm going to get my wisdom teeth removed; not sure how it will impact me. Going for sushi unlimited buffet tomorrow night - wish me luck

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