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Mousty joins in, better late than never.


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It can be really socially isolating to be on maternity leave. I remember crawling out of my skin, dying to get back to work by the end of mine (only 6 months) Don't feel guilty about it. There is no reason to feel bad about wanting adult time and time to use your mind and skills in the adult world.


I think it is GREAT that you are actively taking steps, whether large or small, to become more healthy.


It is very normal to crave sugar and carbs when stressed out. When I am stressed, they are the first things I want to reach for.


Hang in there! I do think you will feel better once your double stroller arrives because at lease you can get outdoors with the little ones and walk for 30 minutes even if you can't manage to get any other exercise in for that day.


I'm glad you are scheduling workouts for yourself too.

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Thanks Bella. A lot of this has to do with mental health. I did eat really badly again yesterday - lotsa chips, pecan chocolate cake etc... I'm not sure why I feel the need to turn to these foods for comfort. It's a learned behavior I suppose.


I'm having a really hard time kicking the habit on my own. "Oh, well I already had some cake, might as well eat more." It's like i don't get satisfied out of normal portions.. nor out of the cake eating at all, so I just keep thinking that if I eat more it will fill some void. Yeah, bad idea.


I may need to approach this in a different context - I need to "reshape" my life... and not just the whole eating portion. I'm applying on a job contest today, and hopefully that will lift my spirits up a little bit =) The family life and the boyfriend life let me settle in a rut and let me forget about things that I do want to do with my life.


I think if I fix the above, the eating will come more naturally to me. I know how to eat properly and to exercise properly - i just have no motivation nor any "hope" of doing it right.

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No mousty don't focus on other things and let this one go hoping it will find its way. In fact someone once told me something that is very true. This is the ONE thing you CAN control. You may not be able to control other aspects of your life like what your boyfriend does or says, what your mom does or says, whether or not you find a decent job, and many more but you CAN control THIS. I promise. What you need to do is plan ahead of time, plan what you will eat. Plan also what you will eat in emergencies when you are on the run and your plan didn't work (grab a banana and 14 nuts and 4 dried plums.. eat them sparingly there's 3 servings of food there. In an emergency this should keep you going 9 hours at least until you reach real food.)


And after you eat stop thinking about food and do something productive, until its time for the next planned meal.


If you indulge, it's ok as long as it is NOT repeating behavior. So I had some cake now its time for chips is a WRONG idea. Also I had cake yesterday might as well have some today is wrong. There are books about changing this kind of behavior. For me WW has helped me change it some, as long as I keep tracking. Because once I use my bonus points, its ok. But I should not continue using them, and I should NEVER use all of them. It is under my control.

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You are totally right hike. I don't feel in control - and I think that's why I keep self-sabotaging myself. I'm pretty terrible.


If I am having fun and enjoying myself, I don't ever feel the need to indulge. I can pass anything chocolate, cake, chips etc.. I don't even feel tempted or want it.

When I feel lonely/out of control then it's like I automatically go reach for the serving of cake.. and then another one.. and then sometimes the whole cake without even thinking. It's almost like I can't live on without it... which is rather funny cause it always makes it worst after wards - lethargic, sleepy, lack of energy etc...


Do you feel you become obsessive with WW? That's a bit what I'm fearing... but I'm also pretty much destroying my health right now. So what's worst?

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You are totally right hike. I don't feel in control - and I think that's why I keep self-sabotaging myself. I'm pretty terrible.


If I am having fun and enjoying myself, I don't ever feel the need to indulge. I can pass anything chocolate, cake, chips etc.. I don't even feel tempted or want it.

When I feel lonely/out of control then it's like I automatically go reach for the serving of cake.. and then another one.. and then sometimes the whole cake without even thinking. It's almost like I can't live on without it... which is rather funny cause it always makes it worst after wards - lethargic, sleepy, lack of energy etc...


Do you feel you become obsessive with WW? That's a bit what I'm fearing... but I'm also pretty much destroying my health right now. So what's worst?


What do you mean by being obsessive about WW? Currently I am probably a little more careful and impatient than I should be, but it is ok, I don't think it is harming me. I don't see myself developing an eating disorder if this is what you mean.


I just want to be in control and get out of the unhealthy situation I am in and be comfortable in my own skin again. I want to be flexibly like I was, healthy like I was and not tired and achy like I am now.


It is one thing in my life that I have COMPLETE control over. And I am lucky for this, not everyone has this control over their bodies (there are sick people). I should take advantage of it and better myself.

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I just wanted to say I completely understand how you feel. I'm not a stay at home mother or a mother, but I pretty much just stay at home most of the day these days, and I get really bored and lonely and eat out of boredom or sadness (from the loneliness) or anxiety. And I also have a really tough time moving on from bad food choices - it's like if I make just one the floodgates open and I stuff myself with whatever because I figure I've already ruined the day food-wise anyway.


I think I understand what you mean about getting too obsessive about food, but I also find it easier to make good choices when I've planned what I'm going to eat ahead of time, portioned it all out and just tell myself eating something else is NOT an option.


Can you at least get the junkfood out of the house? It's no guarantee (you can always order pizza!), and you can definitely overindulge on snackfoods as well, but I find it's harder to stuff myself with almonds and string cheese than cake. I get grossed out way earlier.

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What do you mean by being obsessive about WW? Currently I am probably a little more careful and impatient than I should be, but it is ok, I don't think it is harming me. I don't see myself developing an eating disorder if this is what you mean.


I just want to be in control and get out of the unhealthy situation I am in and be comfortable in my own skin again. I want to be flexibly like I was, healthy like I was and not tired and achy like I am now.


It is one thing in my life that I have COMPLETE control over. And I am lucky for this, not everyone has this control over their bodies (there are sick people). I should take advantage of it and better myself.


Like let's say you have two family meals during that day that cannot be "planned by you". Are you going to bring your own meal over? or are you just going to tell yourself you might bust all your 35 points and that it's ok.

Let's say there is a birthday cake every week.. are you going to be the only one not taking a piece?


I didn't mean it like an eating disorder, but just getting really caught up in counting points and wanting to know how many points there are in things ex: your aunt's lasagna and breadsticks and tiramisu for supper.

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Like let's say you have two family meals during that day that cannot be "planned by you". Are you going to bring your own meal over? or are you just going to tell yourself you might bust all your 35 points and that it's ok.

Let's say there is a birthday cake every week.. are you going to be the only one not taking a piece?


These things don't happen everyday for me. I don't have cake around me every day.


But for example this week, I was out on the weekend and I could not plan very ideally what I was eating (we were hungry, we ate where we found food). But I anticipated this and still planned around it before and after. Today, only a few days later I have a meeting in which I know delicious free food will be served. I have planned around it, and I will enjoy myself there. I can eat till I am satisfied but I refuse to eat until I am stuffed. I have tried to keep my day's eating in order so that I can afford to eat tonight. And it is OK if I dip into my bonus 35. I just refuse to use all of it up just to have used and abuse the system like that.

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Like let's say you have two family meals during that day that cannot be "planned by you". Are you going to bring your own meal over? or are you just going to tell yourself you might bust all your 35 points and that it's ok.

Let's say there is a birthday cake every week.. are you going to be the only one not taking a piece?


I didn't mean it like an eating disorder, but just getting really caught up in counting points and wanting to know how many points there are in things ex: your aunt's lasagna and breadsticks and tiramisu for supper.


I think it is good to estimate foods like this. I need to be conscious of what and how much I am eating. Obviously being oblivious and just enjoying isn't working. I will eat all that food, but with sensible portions. If need be I will over estimate the points for those foods so that I make sure that I plan around them to make sure that WHEN I enjoy them, they don't hinder my weight loss process or they don't destroy my motivation. So I have the best of both worlds. Remember also that after you eat a little bit of some food (say 1 portion) the rest of what you eat beyond that is not as enjoyable as the first portion of it you ate. So the rest of what you are eating is not worth it.

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I guess in those situations, it's doing a pick and choose. The 35 points are still not a lot when you think about it. Not even 750 extra calories if you count the whole fat grams in there. So basically with one generous piece of chocolate cake, you blow the whole amount.

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I guess in those situations, it's doing a pick and choose. The 35 points are still not a lot when you think about it. Not even 750 extra calories if you count the whole fat grams in there. So basically with one generous piece of chocolate cake, you blow the whole amount.


I thought a WW point was roughly equal to 50 calories?


I found a calculator online where 1600 calories with 35 g of fat was equal to 35 points. That's almost a whole extra day's worth of food in bonus points, so you can basically have one complete cheat day a week.

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Oh right, I miss calculated. That looks pretty good then, sorry!


I think I'm going to do the Jackie Warner meal plan for 7 days. See where that gets me, and compare how I am doing / feel. They promise you lose 12lbs in 4 weeks but I am not going to believe that.

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Oh right, I miss calculated. That looks pretty good then, sorry!


I think I'm going to do the Jackie Warner meal plan for 7 days. See where that gets me, and compare how I am doing / feel. They promise you lose 12lbs in 4 weeks but I am not going to believe that.


What kind of plan is that? I did a quick google but didn't find a straightforward explanation. I'd love to see it - I'm always looking for a healthy eating plan that I can stick to without lunging for the chocolate cake.

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I guess in those situations, it's doing a pick and choose. The 35 points are still not a lot when you think about it. Not even 750 extra calories if you count the whole fat grams in there. So basically with one generous piece of chocolate cake, you blow the whole amount.


Don't forget that you have another 20 points or so during the day also. So if you MUST eat a GENEROUS PIECE OF CHOCOLATE CAKE while you are trying to lose your excess weight (which is kinda ironic!) you just have to make sure you are extra careful with your points on that day and on that week.

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LOL I hope people eat other things than a giant piece of chocolate cake. That'd be scary.

Though that sounds like a rather good plan. I'd try to keep it to a small piece, if possible... but keeping it to one generous serving at this point would be an improvement for me lol.


I'll post the Jackie Warner meal plan with my modifications as we go on every day (some things i don't like such as steak).

I'm using the Monday as a Wednesday, and will go down from there just to simplify things.

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"Monday" (which is really Wednesday today)



2 low-fat whole wheat tortillas filled with 1 scrambled egg and 1tbps salsa

(Since I'm having the "not full" issue, I'm going to substitute one of the tortilla's calories for some egg whites. I also added some onions and spinach to the egg.)



One cup low-fat cottage cheese and a piece of fresh fruit



Mixed veggie salad topped with a chicken breast and 2tbps salad dressing.

Add a whole-grain brain.

(I actually forgot to buy some chicken yesterday, so I'll substitute by a can of tuna)



A banana is a sweet treat.



You'll be full after 4oz of grilled steak, 1 cup butternut squash and 1 cup steamed broccoli, green beans or cauliflower.

(I'm too poor to afford the beef, so I'm going to have to do another substitution)

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Ooh cool Mousty. Thanks for posting. I might try to follow that with a one-day delay for buying the stuff. I love the motivational stuff hidden in the food list like (a banana is a sweet treat, and you'll feel full after ...


Looks like a good balanced diet - food from every category. I like that.

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Haha, yeah it's full of motivational stuff behind the messages. It's cute.


If you are going to buy the foods, do you want me to post the whole week? I can do that too if you want. I'm not sure if you prefer the day by day groceries or not?

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Haha, yeah it's full of motivational stuff behind the messages. It's cute.


If you are going to buy the foods, do you want me to post the whole week? I can do that too if you want. I'm not sure if you prefer the day by day groceries or not?


I would love to see the week, but only if it's not too much trouble. Day by day works fine too. I don't have a grocery store or kitchen (college dorm) so I buy most meals as a one-off (luckily there's this great healthy deli/take-out place with healthy yummy food and pretty much everything you've listed so far, phew), but there are some things I could buy in bulk like the cottage cheese or some of the fruit.


Did you feel full today? I've been starving all day, couldn't tell if I really just hadn't eaten enough or if my body is just evil and hates me!

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I did do some extra snacking on almonds and veggies because I did feel hungry. I was pretty full in the morning but I was starving at night (after 7pm but I eat early). I had a bit too many almonds to curb my apetite that it did count calorie wise, so I'll just stick to veggies now.. and did use dressing for the salad.


I think I will space out my snacks as I was eating every 2 hours, so I was full but then by the night I was hungry,


If you feel hungry just snack on veggies (except potatoes) - it won't ruin your progress. I still use carrots even though most diet books don't but that's just me.


Yeah do buy the cottage cheese in bulk form and the fruits too. They always use berries, and always suggest some kind of fruit but I'm sure you can substitute if it doesnt work out... the ones they recommend in their plan at some point are: orange, grapefruit, mango, kiwi fruits, apple, peach. (These are usually an OR choice, so don't buy them all) I'll post the rest of the meal plan when the kids are asleep

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"Tuesday" (Thursday)



One cup of frozen mixed berries and a whey protein shake blended with fresh spinach will give you energy to start the day.


(This turned out like 5 cups of "ice cream", which is rather odd... I added like 1 cup or so of water... how many cups was I supposed to add?!)



One cup of oatmeal sprinkled with 2tbps walnuts or sunflower seeds with cinnamon and Truvia (i'm skipping the truvia personally)



Top a generous bed of greens with two cans (or 6oz.. my can is 6oz) of water-packed tuna mixed with 1tbps low-fat mayo.


You can't go wrong with two boiled eggs.



Serve up a 4-oz of grilled chicken breast and 1 cup asparagus or mixed veggies by one cup of chopped pineapple.

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